Zorro – 8wk old Jrt puppy *HOMED*

Zorro – 8wk old Jrt puppy *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Zorro – 8wk old Jrt puppy *HOMED*

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    This little man is gone into foster with Alice who will update soon ;)


    This little baby is the cutest little man ever :) He came to us yesterday afternoon (thanks to Anne for bringing him down from Dublin). He immediately fitted in so well. He gets on so well with our own dogs and loves to play, play play! He is also so affectionate and would snuggle in your arms for hours. He slept all night without a peep and was in great form this morning. He has been playing with the others all day and running in and out of the house and around the garden with them. He really is a little angel. I have a couple of pics of him but they don’t do him justice at all. He is absolutely tiny with the most beautiful little face and a really soft and silky coat :)
    He is a really brilliant little fella, very happy and confident – I am sure this is down the the great start that Kathy gave him


    Beautiful little Zorro enjoying the sunshine today :)
    Zorro 003.JPG
    Zorro 004.JPG
    Zorro 005.JPG


    OMG!!! Love him :P What a gorgeous little puppy. Cant wait to hear of his adventures ;) And seriously, if I had the space… He is exactly what I am dreaming of…


    Thanks skymoon, he is a beautiful little puppy alright. He is a dream to look after, no problems at all. Here are a couple of pics of him having a snooze :-)
    zorro 002.JPG
    zorro 029.JPG
    zorro 030.JPG


    You are really tempting me with those lovely photos!!! Me want Zorro… :oops:

    DID Rescue

    Great photos of the little man :)
    All piled on the couch is like Russell City , terriorists united :P
    Such a well behaved pup, what more could you ask for.


    Oh god I would love him look forward to your posts I am sure a great family will come forward.


    Hi! Would you know how much he weighs?
    Thank you for your fantastic job, he looks really safe and happy :D


    Hi everyone, Zorro here! Thanks everyone for saying nice things about me. I’m not sure what weight I am but my foster mammy thinks I might be about 4 pounds, she says I am really teeny. I am having a great time here and everyone loves me and I love everyone. My foster brothers and sisters are great fun and play with me lots. Here are some pics of me. The first one is of me and my foster daddy having a snooze, we were really tired after working in the garden. Daisy and Twinkle are in the pic too but they aren’t tired because they didn’t help us at all :)
    This next one is of me and some of my foster brothers and sisters. They are great fun. I was minding the remote control for my foster mammy :lol:
    And last of all this is a pic of me that my foster family say shows me giving my best puppy eyes. I don’t know what that is but I know they think it is really cute :)
    Zorro x 007.JPG
    Zorro x 031.JPG
    Zorro x 030.JPG


    It is good to be busy, especially in the garden. I think Twinkle was supervising the work and that is the most difficult thing to do ;)


    Here is another pic of me, this time I am with my foster brother Rocky. At first I was scared of him because he is big but now I love him, he lies down and lets me jump all over him – he is great fun
    zorro xx 002.JPG


    Zorro headed off yesterday to his forever home with his lovely new mam and dad Helen and Keith and his beautiful sister Luna. We were all a bit tearful here when he left but we are delighted that our gorgeous little man has such a good home and we know he will be loved very much. Good luck and best wishes to Zorro, Luna, Helen and Keith x


    Fantastic update from Zorro’s forever home :D :D :

    Here are some photo’s of Zorro some with Lou and some with me.

    Zorro has become one of our family and settled in without any problems at all. He is a very confident, self assured young chap and he and Lou (our ESS) get on famously, enjoying much of their time playing together. Lou has accepted Zorro without any problems and they enjoy their walks in the countryside together very much.

    Although he does currently defer to Lou he is very confident and plucky with other older dogs, much more so than she and they make a great team.

    Zorro has turned out to be all that I hoped he would be and more. Alice and Tim did a great job with him as he is a well balanced, well socialised dog who loves the company of both dogs and humans.


    Hi Helen,

    Thanks for the fantastic update and beautiful pics. It’s great to see Zorro looking so settled and happy with you. I’d say himself and Lou are great little playmates, they look very happy together! It’s plain to see that they are very much loved little dogs :-) Thanks again Helen, keep in touch xx

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