Carrie – Terrier – 2yrs old – ref 311 – HOMED

Carrie – Terrier – 2yrs old – ref 311 – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Carrie – Terrier – 2yrs old – ref 311 – HOMED

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    This little girl is gone into foster with Collette, who will update soon ;)

    She is a bubbly and energetic young girl. Playful and sweet. :D


    We collected this gentle quiet little lady from the pound at the weekend. When we first saw her there our hearts broke, she was shaking in her bed too terrified to even lift her head. After a lot of coaxing we eventually got her out of her "cell" and into the car. She is an absolutely gorgeous dog, very timid yet wants so much to please and be loved. As I write this post she is cuddled up beside me and won’t leave my side. She follows me everywhere just wanting reassurance. She cowers a lot when people approach yet is extremely friendly when she realises that they are friends. It is wonderful to see her growing in confidence each day. She is housetrained, great with other dogs, loves her walks, is very affectionate and justs wants to be part of the family. She is quite playful yet is also very happy to relax all day. We all love her already. Photos to follow.


    I met this little girl when I went to take pics in the pound and she was a gorgeous little girl. I can definitely attest to her being very friendly. It’s very sad to hear how afraid she was when you picked her up as she was not like that when I met her. She was very active and outgoing, wanting cuddles – the pound is a horrendously, heartbreakingly stressful place for any poor dog. I’m so glad you have rescued her and I’m looking forward to seeing her updates as she recovers from the experience and gets back to herself.


    This little lady is being adopted by her foster family :D


    Hello. My name is Ellie. I used t be Carrie. My foster family took me out of the Pound and then adopted me. I now live with Mika and Cherry and I love it here and am so happy to be part of a family again. I just want to wish everyone a happy Christmas and thank you all for making me and all the other dogs so happy. I especially want to thank Marie, Kathy, Claire and all the other people who have changed our lives so much and without whom we probably wouldn’t even be here this Christmas. If I had a wish it would be that there will be no dogs in the Pound this Christmas. Here’s a photo of me and my sister, Mika. Thanks again to everyone in Dogs in Distress and have a happy and safe Christmas and a brilliant new Year. Ellie XXX

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