Annie – 1yr old Terrier X *HOMED*

Annie – 1yr old Terrier X *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Annie – 1yr old Terrier X *HOMED*

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    This little lady is in foster with Yvonne, who will update soon ;)


    Hi There, we love the look of Annie and would like to find out more about her as we are looking to rescue a dog for a forever home. Thanks, Kelly.


    Annie has been with me for nearly a week. She is the most laid back little girl I’ve ever met – she acts much older than her years. She doesn’t seem to have played with toys and shows no interest in balls or soft toys. She is totally indifferent to food!!!! I think she may have been fed left-overs, as I’ve tried all types of tempting doggie dinners, but she likes tidbits from your hand. Her toilet training is not great – but I have a patio and she doesn’t seem to like it. I took her to my sister’s house and she was great in the grass garden. :?
    For a puppy, she doesn’t chew anything. Her whole life seems to revolve around her "owner" – she follows me everywhere (she’s now sleeping on the floor at my feet). When I leave a room, she leaves with me, she is happy just plodding around all day and snoozing. She has met plenty of people in the last few days and has greeted them all (males and females but no kids) with no issues. She does hate CATS :x Kathy had told me this, so my sister kept her cat upstairs when we visited, but she started growling at an ornament of a cat!!
    She is very quiet :D , even when my dogs bark, she doesn’t join in. The most noise she makes is snoring at night :oops: I have taken her out for walks and she is quite nervous of cars and noise, but otherwise she enjoys her strolls. As you can see from the photo, she is very happy in the company of dogs. I have 2 and she adores following and watching them (pity they don’t feel the same :lol: ).
    Hope that tells you something about Annie – if you have any more questions I’ll try and answer them. KellyFelton – if you are interested in adopting Annie you should look at the ‘Adopt a Dog’ section of this website and fill in an adoption application form. Yvonne


    Thanks Yvonne, we have no dogs in our house so Annie would get all our attention. We do have the odd baby visitor but she seems placid enough so that should be fine. We can continue to train regarding toilet and food and build her confidence. I will start with the form and take it from there. Are you based in Dublin?


    We took over fostering Annie today. Thank you Yvonne for bringing her over. She is sooo cute, and all those curls!!! As Yvonne said she wasn’t keen in the car but didn’t budge, probably because she was nervous. She had a little accident but that’s to be expected. She has the funniest way of lying on her back when getting a tummy rub, she sticks her legs straight up. Most dogs I’ve known bend their from legs but not Annie, it’s very funny to look at. She is very quiet and follows you around. Not too good on commands but she will learn. She’s enjoying a dental chew at the moment. I can’t post a photo (tech problems) but will try and sort that.


    Thanks for the update. And are you based in Dublin. Is she vet checked, vaccinated, neutered and microchipped? I look forward to hearing more about Annie and hopefully all going well possibly giving her a home.


    Audrey I’m so pleased that you and Annie are getting on so well (although devastated that she forgot ME so quickly :lol: ). She is such a sweetie – her whole day revolves around how many belly rubs and cuddles she can get – and you seem to be giving plenty!! Best of luck to Annie and her foster family. :D


    Annie has stolen her foster families heart and will not be changing address! They have been looking for a dog to complete their family and were so kind to open their home and foster for Dogs in Distress. . .as a result they have found they perfect match for them and Annie is delighted to be home :D


    Congratulations Audrey! I’m delighted that Annie has found her forever home so quickly. She is such a little dote, she would win anyones heart. Have a happy life together. If you have time it would be lovely to see photos in the future. I’m really happy that Annie doesn’t have to move house again. :D


    Great news for Annie – Have a happy life pretty lady :D


    We’re going to call her Buttons – as she’s as cute as a . . .
    She’s settling in well. She’s a little nervous and unsure but she will be fine in no time. She is so cute, soft and curly. She doesn’t seem to like the dark! She goes out the back to pee with no problem when it’s bright but when it’s dark she stands away from the door and runs away if you approach her. Her house training is coming along, couple of accidents so far. She loves her tummy rubs and I love obliging her. As Yvonne said she has no interest in toys or balls but hopefully we will encourage her. There is a playful streak in her and we will build on that.
    She is also so very gentle. When she takes a treat she holds it in her mouth, drops it then eats it. Very mannerly. Will keep you posted.


    Great to see Buttons (!) in her new home. Great name choice because you’re right – she is as cute as a …. She seems really happy. Great photos.
    It was meant to be….


    We all went to Maxi Zoo in Bray because of the Royal Canin promotion as we wanted some advice on the best variety to feed Buttons. We were so glad we did. It was like a DID convention! Buttons met some DID rescues and enjoyed the experience. By chance Claire was there, I was delighted to meet the person behind the phone calls and texts. She has been so helpful and kind in the past few weeks. The Royal Canin rep Marie ( so sorry if I have the name wrong, I’m terrible at names) was great, gave us some really helpful tips and we got the best choice of food for Buttons to help make all those curls look fantastic. We left happy and had a lovely walk in a nearby wood. This evening we had a visit from some little people… We know Buttons is a gentle soul and proved it in spades. The children have their own little dog so are used to them. I would never take it for granted that a dog would be OK around bouncy children but she wagged her tail and was a dream. She’s had a busy day and is sleeping beside me now.


    Buttons is a lovely little dog. She is very quiet. She knows her name now and we’re doing some basic training with her as best we can. We can’t take her to classes or doggie parks yet as she hasn’t had her shots yet. We are looking forward to bringing her meet lots of other dogs as she loves to say hello to them and whines when they walk by! She’s dying to run around with them and we can’t wait either. We hope she’ll learn HOW to play by watching them as she hasn’t a clue. She has no interest in any toy or ball we have. If she sees other dogs playing with a ball/toys she might get the idea. She’s a funny little thing and still won’t go to the loo in the back if she’s on her own! We’re trying to get her to be a bit more independant in her bathroom habits!

    DID Rescue

    I met this little girl today and it was so nice to see her so much more content and happy in herself and her enviornment.
    She is booked in for a trim on Tuesday so I am loking forward to seeing her new look.
    She is realising what it is like to be loved and wanted which is fantastic.
    And I had a major cuddle session with her today which was great just before she went off for her big walk.
    A great little girl finally in her forever home where she will learn to trust , love and be loved.

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