Polly – Ref 95 Collie x 4 months old.*HOMED*

Polly – Ref 95 Collie x 4 months old.*HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Polly – Ref 95 Collie x 4 months old.*HOMED*

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    She is approx 4 months old, friendly and inquisitive. Thanks a million to Suzanna for taking her at a moments notice ;)


    Stunning little puppy :D

    DID Rescue

    This poor baby has been in the vets on a drip.
    I collected her last night and she is petrified of everything.
    She still wont eat and we have tried everything :(
    It’s hard to imagine what has happened in her short life to leave her like this.
    She is wearing a Thunder shirt and I have given her some Homeopathic remedies for fear.
    I have just carried her in to sit on the sofa with Kealan so she gets used to activity and be with everyone as in five other dogs.
    Will keep you updated on how this little mite is doing and she is little.

    DID Rescue

    Good news today as this little girl seems to have turned the corner.
    She has had two small meals so far and has some life in her.
    Hopefully it will be upward from here. ;)

    DID Rescue

    We are making progress with Polly the Micro Collie.
    She is eating well and enjoying it. She finally started on some treats tonight.
    I put her in a Tellington Touch soft harness today and brought Lulu with us for support and we managed to walk down the road about 100mtrs and back. She was terrified of any loud noise and panicked but I picked her up and she was ok.
    I took her to bed last night just to boost her confidence and she was great, after 15mins of investigating everything she went to sleep and never moved until this morning.
    Today she was out checking out the garden and sniffing around…….all good :)




    She is a little dote, the image of my polly :)




    Poor Polly must have had such a rotten start to her life with humans. She is such a sweet little girl with so much love to give, we just had to glance at her and her tail would wag like mad. She loved getting attention, just sadly doesn’t seem to have been given the right attention before :(
    So glad to see she is starting to feel better and gaining confidence. She will be such a loving loyal dog to the family lucky enough to give her a forever home.
    PS Pretty Polly Hannah sends you big hugs x

    DID Rescue

    This little girl is improving everyday.
    What is great about her is that she builds on the progress she made the day before.
    Daisy is a great help to her and even when she was too scared to get involved Daisy just left her alone.
    She is so sweet and loving and loves cuddles.



    DID Rescue

    Well Polly my Micro Collie is coming on in leaps and bounds.
    This morning Daisy invited her to play and she jumped in and got involved.
    In seconds they were tumbling and playing tug I was amazed and delighted.

    Each day Polly is learning and she is then building on what happened yesterday, remembers nothing bad happened from that last time and then moves on.
    This is fantastic for her as she will learn to be a dog sooner and hopefully eliminate the fears.

    Polly is a great little girl, she is so loving and sweet, good with children as long as they are sensible and also she fits on your lap for a cuddle which she loves.
    She will need a home when they continue to walk her on a harness and make it a short but positive experience and in time she will learn.


    This little lady has adopted her foster family :D


    Brilliant! :D Wise decision Polly! ;)


    Wonderful news. :D
    Polly is making such progress with you, it is super news that she can continue living with you and hasn’t to experience the trauma of moving and starting all over.
    Congratulations and well done you for giving her such love. :D

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