Freddie – 5 mt Collie x pup ref 53 *HOMED*

Freddie – 5 mt Collie x pup ref 53 *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Freddie – 5 mt Collie x pup ref 53 *HOMED*

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    Ref 53 – Freddie – 5mt old Collie x.

    This little man is gone into foster with Caroline, thanks a million, who will update soon ;)

    These poor babies were left in a remote area with leads and a bowl of food and a blanket :( :x :( :evil:

    Visit our website for more information on how to rescue this dog from Dogs in Distress. [url:4d6wki7w][/url:4d6wki7w]


    I picked up poor little Freddie from the pound this morning. Despite feeling very nervous he travelled really well in the car. He was very reluctant to come into the house at first but with a bit of gentle persuasion he followed us in. He’s settling in very slowly, I think having another dog in the house is helping him, he’s getting on great with my own dog who is rather large. He had a few little accidents this afternoon but that’s to be expected & we’re working on that. He seems more nervous of men than women but loves kids. He’s seen our cat and whilst he is interested in him he doesn’t seem intent on chasing him. I can’t get over the fact that someone would abandon such a beautiful, gentle, calm little baby like Freddie, however, I think we are really going to enjoy having him to stay.


    Lovely photos. No doubt in a few days his confidence will be shining through! Adorable face! ;)


    :shock: What a little cutie. I am right behind you ;)


    Beautiful photos. Can’t believe some body would abandon him and Lucy. He will have no problem finding his forever home. Neither will Lucy . Two beauty’s :)


    Well Freddie is settling in well, continuing to get on great with my dog, he follows him around everywhere & is stuck to him like glue, especially when they’re out for their walks, so much so that he’s been pee’d on!! He’s had a bath now which I think he quite enjoyed & is feeling much fresher. He’s been getting lots of admiring looks when out & about, but no wonder, he’s such a little cutie & walks well on the lead. He’s getting on great with his toilet training, he goes out with my dog & copies what he does so it’s working out fine. He’s very smart & has learnt how to sit already. He’s very food orientated which will make further training easy. I’m guessing he has been treated badly in his past by a man as he’s quite frightened of men & startled by sudden movements. My husband is working on gaining his confidence with the help of some treats..The kids adore him & him them, he gets so excited to see them, it’s lovely. This morning the first thing my twins asked me was "is Freddie having another sleepover tonight?" Their faces lit up when I said yes! Freddie loves to have company so he would be best suited to a home where there is someone who will be around during the day.


    Freddie is currently being fostered by my sister and is a little sweetheart. He is not only beautiful looking but also a beautiful nature. He is very gentle with children and other dogs.

    Am very impressed with this little guy’s intelligence. He didn’t seem to know how to sit two days ago but has learnt this already.

    Am horrified by the fact that someone dumped Freddie and his sister but am really looking forward to when this little guy gets his happy ending. If anyone deserves it he does.


    An absolute sweetheart.


    Freddie is settling well with me now. He is a very quiet, gentle and affectionate little fella. :D
    He is a little nervous in certain situations and seems very cautious with men but only in enclosed areas. Outside he forgets everything and is quite a confident and happy little guy. He tends to pull a little on the lead which at the moment is more his desire to get to all the different doggy smells etc. :roll: His recall is improving and he had his first big walk off the lead which went extremely well. He didn’t wander too far and kept a close eye on us all the time. It was great to see him enjoying himself running around freely and playing with other dogs. :D
    He is very trainable and seems to catch on very quick. He is also a very observant little fella and is learning a lot at the moment this way especially in the doggy society. He jumps into the car by himself and is very quiet and well behaved but gets a little nervous on a longer journey. He should get used to this in no time if taken frequently on journeys to nice places. :)


    Freddie’s been having a great time since I can walk him off lead. His social skills are just great and he never get’s cross even if other dogs are cross with him. He just walks away and forgets all about it. :D
    This little fella doesn’t ask for much and is so well behaved. He seems to understand things so quickly and is one of the most gentle little dogs I’ve ever known.
    He doesn’t seem to be nervous of anything except men which is also improving daily. He loves getting his harness on, loves swimming, doesn’t object going back on the lead when were walking, doesn’t bark much, doesn’t bother people. This guy will make somebody a really good companion. :D


    Here’s another few pictures of Freddie enjoying himself. :D :D


    The lovely Freddie, looks like he’s having a great time in his foster home, such a gentle and loveable puppy, he really is one in a million.


    So happy to hear how Freddie is getting on. I have his sister Lucy and she’s exactly the same! Really placid, does what she’s told, super clever(she sits, stays and lies down which I taught her in three 5 minute sessions) and is just a joy to have around. She’s more like a cat, loves to be cuddled and just lie or sit beside you. Haven’t let her off the lead yet but will give it a go at the weekend. The pair of them will make such good companions and whoever gets to home them will be really lucky.


    Freddie is just a joy to have around. He has an amazing gentle and quiet personality. :D
    He is now slowly beginning to trust men and people a lot more than he did. After just 3 weeks now my 19 year old son can touch him, stroke him and he has actually started wagging his tail when he comes in. He is a lot less stressed now, much calmer and a lot more relaxed no matter what sort of situation props up. :D :D :D.
    Training Freddie is also an enjoyable experience as he is very motivated to work for his living. :lol: He loves our little training sessions and is making exceptionally good progress. He is now fully toilet trained and runs to the door when he needs to go out. His favourite time of the day at the moment is walking in the park freely and doing all the things that dogs like to do. :D


    Freddie loves the indoor life now and is not half as jumpy as he was when he first came :D :D
    It’s also so nice to see how he is getting on with my son now. Yesterday, he actually jumped up on the sofa beside him and gave him a kiss :D. This is such a happy sight and it just shows how dogs can forgive and can learn to trust again when they receive the respect they deserve. Freddie has exceptionally good manners in the house and is a pleasure to have around. His recall is great and the leash walking is also improving. In the car he is still a little nervous on long journeys but jumping in and out by himself when we do travel is no problem. :D
    I hope that someone will open their heart and give this guy what he deserves "A happy home with a great companion"

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