Re: Sam – Glen of Immal( HOMED)

Re: Sam – Glen of Immal( HOMED)

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Re: Sam – Glen of Immal( HOMED)

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    Well every one this sweet little guy arrived in our house this evening my husband ken collected him and he was very good on the drive home sitting on ryan who is 14 lap :D
    sam is nervous but is willing to cuddle he suffers at moment because he thinks we are going to leave him on his own poor baby :( .
    i will post pics soon when he settles a bit, his eyes are lovely he is a rare find, very soft coat he likes to play and is brilliant on the lead ken was very impressed as he was able to walk on a loose lead no pulling :D my 5 yr old says he is very handsome and she will cry when he finds his forever home.
    p.s he is not food aggressive and is willing to share :lol:


    sam is amazing :D we have nothing but great things to say about this little guy :D when he wants to go toilet he walks to door or runs frantically in front of you :lol: if he wants loving he does a cute little cry and lies on you :D he is very able to jump up and down the sofa. he is showing his puppy ways today but he is very laid back not hyper. small and stocky very heavy but adorable he cried for a hour last night then he settled for the night.
    he has no clue to what crate is so we put his bed outside last night but will gradually move it towards crate.
    if any one has questions about him i am very happy to help if i can but i do recommend to research his breed or some one with experience though he is so laid back and gentle he is not tipical of his breed. my two year old and sam get on fantastic :D


    how does he seem with other dogs?love this breed had one for ten years.


    he does not pay any attention to other dogs even when they bark and he completely ignores my 13 yr old cat he is a cuddle monster i will put new photo’s later. p.s he shares his love with every one we are so amazed by this placid little angel :D


    my two yr old sneaking up on sam, sam is so relaxed he could not care less :lol:


    sam our little boy is really coming out of his shell, he will jump onto sofa push my arm out of the way and sit on me and is very happy :lol: sam love putting his full body on you to go asleep even on my two yr old son which is very cute and funny because you barely see my son :lol:
    sam is teething which can hurt but if you yelp and ah ah he will stop and lick you, we have realised that his previous owner had started clicker training with him i have one attached to my jeans as soon as he hears it he stops and sits we now can say to him to stay walk away and say stay and he will until you call him for his treat.
    sams walking on lead is not as good as we originally thought he has to sniff every thing stops to watch dogs walking, no barking just looks, he get nervous if a car is in driveway and the engine is on but is ok with cars driving on the road, he will need some lead training unless my husband and i work a miracle in mean time :lol:


    well sam has settled very well and his latest trick is to pick up one of his toys sit at my feet and cry a little, then i take toy from him throw it up the hallway he waits for my command which is (go get it )off he goes and brings it back and drops it at my feet.
    sam can give amazing sad looks especially when you are eating :(
    sam has been wormed and thankfully clear :D
    he now lying on floor for a nap tired out from playing he looks fully grown but he is still only a baby :D


    my poor baby sam is teething very hard :( i have spent the morning putting tea tree oil on any thing made of wood which thank has work he is avoiding every thing :lol:
    he is so sweet lying at my feet at moment, sam needs company he would not cope being left on his own too long he loves playing and will tell you when he ready and when he wants to stop :D
    whoever adopts him will be very lucky


    hi every one sam came with us on the school run today and totally loves the car and looking out the window did not like his doggy seat belt but needs must :lol: when i collected cathal and matthew he went into the back with :D
    just to let people know sam is a lovely puppy. please do research on his breed i do not want people being disapointed.
    i love him very much and he will make some one a great companion :D


    Sam our little sweetheart met his new mammy today and loved her and Rita loved him too :D so he will leaving me next week sometime and I know he is going to love his new home and family :D


    Well my little sweet heart Sam is being neutered tomorrow so fingers crossed that he will be ok ;)
    He is lying at my feet as I type no idea what so ever that he will be a lamp shade tomorrow :?


    Wish Sam a very speedy and comfortable recovery from his impending surgery. You will be a much happier boy after tomorrow Sam. If you are a good dog you may not have to wear a lamp shade but if you do it won’t be for long. :)


    Sam is back home with me Paul the Vet said he is fine and just to keep my eye on him :) he is very tired and upset poor baby :)


    Hi Sue, yes he is a lot better today very little crying poor baby :) we brought him to school in the car this morning he loves looking out the window but cries when kids get out to go into school.
    Tomorrow he will be flying :lol:


    Sam is in flying form today :lol: He is getting higher and higher :lol:
    Such a little cutie we will miss him badly when he leaves on Sunday :(
    but he new mammy Rita is a lovely lady and she is really looking forward to bringing him home :D
    Sam had his vaccination last night and coped really well he enjoyed cuddling up to Sarah, my kids were adoring Sarah as well so there was competition :lol:
    Sam says thank you Jo for his new Wubba teething ring and he really does not mind it being pink :lol:

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