Zuri – 10 wk old collie/GSD *HOMED*

Zuri – 10 wk old collie/GSD *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Zuri – 10 wk old collie/GSD *HOMED*

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    We have a new baby!!! :D :D Zuri arrived in the last day or so and she is a STUNNER! Polar opposite of Penny – Penny is smooth haired, Zuri is a fluff ball, Penny is very quiet, Zuri has all the vocal attributes of the GSD, Penny is timid, Zuri is FULL of confidence!! :lol: :lol: They are best buddies however – eat together, sleep together and play ENDLESSLY! :lol: Zuri is eating well, sleeps all night without a peep, adores people and the other dogs here (clueless about the toilet training but we will get there.)
    Zuri will be wormed, microchipped and have at least her first vax before being rehomed. She must be neutered at 6 months old.
    A really gorgeous girlie! :D :D


    This absolute little treasure is growing by the day – in both stature and confidence. :D :D She is choc-full of attitude and she has a cheeky way of both looking at you AND answering you back that is totally endearing. The toilet training is coming on well (thanks to her foster sis, Penny, who took it upon herself to show Zuri the ropes) Now if Penny can only convince her that the vet bed in the sitting room is for LYING on and NOT p****ing on, we are laughing!!! :D Zuri LOVES the other dogs here and is always on the lookout for a game or a wrestle or a tug match (plenty of takers here!!!) She does, however, love to be picked up and never wriggles or struggles to get down – she will happily lick any piece of you she can find and sits in your arms quite contentedly.
    Zuri was vaxed and chipped the other day and there wasn’t a PEEP out of her – brave girl! She is waiting patiently for her forever home to come along – meanwhile we are enjoying her immensely!!! :D :D


    Zuri LOVES her grub! :D :D And everyone else’s. . . . . :lol: :lol:


    If you think I am going to share, well, think again. . . . . !! :lol: :lol:


    Well FINE!!!! If you insist. . . . . Now where’s that chewy ball???? :lol:


    Hi is zuri still available for adoption?


    Zuri is available for adoption…could you please go to the forms and downloads section of our website and fill in an adoption application form and myself or Claire will be in touch ;)


    Well our little sweetheart Zuri went off to her forever home this morning where she has a big sister, Jess, an adult GSD to keep her company and show her the ropes. :D :D Zuri was a wonderful little lady to have in foster and I know she will be really happy in her new home. :D :D
    As always, I am keeping the staff of Kleenex in employment so no pre-Christmas job losses there!!!! :lol: :lol: Sad for us :( :( but THRILLED for Zuri. :D :D
    Have a fantastic happy ever after, pet. :D


    Hello everyone,
    Just to let you know that Zuri (now Layla) has settled into our home with great ease. Jess our German Shepherd was delighted to have a new companion and playmate. Layla is a very clever pup and is learning quickly. She now knows to pee on the newspaper at the back door and not on the mat at the hall door :D Jess is showing her the ropes and Layla is copying everything that Jess does. Layla is very good at sharing things…food, beds and toys even though they both have their own bowls, beds and toys ;) Layla has some new toys which she is having great fun playing with, ropes, hard rubber balls, a kong, oh and a slipper…..I guess that means Santa will just have to bring me a new pair ;)
    Thank you for looking after Layla while she was in your foster home, I promise to keep yu updated on her progress x


    Oh Karen, thank you so much for sharing that update and photo. :D :D The house is SO quiet here today with our two babies gone ( not unpleasantly so, Kathy – enjoying being an adult canine house for a little while!!!!! ) :lol: :lol: :lol: Layla and Jess look so comfortable together and it is great to hear that they have become such fast friends. :D :D
    Keep the updates coming.
    Loads of love, Layla from all here. :D :D


    Thank you for the photos and update Karen. Good to see how quickly Layla has settled in. :D


    Sharing is caring…..


    Layla has Jess worn out with all the wrestling and running around :D Jess is teaching Layla the ropes and she is copying everything as you can see ;)


    Jess is only to happy to share with her new little sister :D :D


    Great to see Layla settling in so well and isn’t she lucky having Jess to show her the ropes! ;) Layla is a real beauty. :D

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