Jasper – 2yr old Cavachon*HOMED*

Jasper – 2yr old Cavachon*HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Jasper – 2yr old Cavachon*HOMED*

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    This little man is going into foster with Catherine, who will update soon ;)


    Picked up this little fella this afternoon he was in a terrible state and very smelly so brought him straight to the groomers as he had so many mats around his eyes and legs I just could not leave him in such a state. A big thank you to Jennifer and Karen in the Dog Salon in Bray who were on their way home when I called they too could not bear to leave him in such a bad state so very kindly said they would stay and groom him, I stayed with him for a little while while they started on him and his coat was so matted it came away like wool from a sheeps back in one big piece, they worked on him for 2.5 hours and he is like a new man now he was very nervous at first in the groomers but think after a few minutes he realised that it was for his own good, I am posting a before and after picture, he is running around the house here and getting used to Dexter and Bonnie as he has never lived with any dogs before, he is very thin and has just dived into a big bowl of food. Sorry for the long post I am looking forward to seeing him develop over the next few days as he settles in. I will try and post some more pictures over the next few days if I can get him to sit still long enough.
    Jasper before.jpg
    Jasper after.jpg


    He Looks great.. good work to all.. will keep checking in to see how he progresses..


    A big thank you to Catherine for taking this poor soul….he had spent his life on a balcony and was totally neglected…this is the difference that foster families make…it onwards and upwards for this little man :D


    How could anyone neglect such a lovely little chap, and the joy he must be feeling after being shorn of his fleece and brought in out of the cold. Love to see him run now, as light as air. Hope you can put up a few photos soon.


    Well done Catherine, he must think he is in heaven :) He is a lovely little fella. Love and home comforts make such a difference :D


    We we had a great day with Jasper yesterday he is starting to settle down and comes and sits on your knee the novelty of Dextor and Bonnie is wearing off and he is giving them their space. He is a great little fella, there was no hassle with him at night time and he slept all night, had my mum and dad down for dinner last night and he greeted them both nicely, I will bring my neice down at during the week and see how he interacts with children. All in all he is a lovely dog with a really happy and friendly disposition. I managed to get two more photos of him yesterday.
    Jasper 1.jpg
    Jasper 2.jpg


    Great to see the latest photos , it just made my Monday morning to see that the little fellow has got so settled -in looking. Let us know how things go when your little niece comes to meet him. Well done with the great work


    What a transformation, isn’t he just a lovely little boy :P


    He really is a great little fella. He has gone in for his little op today and when I left him at the vets he kept crying and trying to get back into my arms, funny after only 3 days he has come to trust us so much. There was a woman in the waiting room nearly in tears when she saw his reaction to me leaving. Just got a call to say that all has gone well for him and can’t wait to pick him up this evening. He is so much calmer now then when he arrived and loves just to sit on your knee. He has taken a real shine to Dexter and does not give him a minute. Last night he sat beside Dexter and licked him from head to toe, we were in stitches looking at the two of them. Dexter just lay there and enjoyed the pampering. Brought him on two walks last night to the park at the end of the road and did not use the lead. He was fine, he does wander a bit but always seem to come back, not by recall mind you so will start working on a bit of basic training at the weekend.


    Hoping little chap is well over his day of trauma now. It must be a such a change for him to be able to run off the lead after having been confined on a balcony for so long. You could see how he would want to go go go without limits after having being held in such a small area. A great sign thathe makes up his mind to come back . Good luck with his training

    DID Rescue

    Well done Catherine, Dexter and Bonnie for helping another orphan.
    I am sure Dex enjoyed the overall massage its must be part of being accepted into the clan.
    Bonnie I am sure is thinking I am above all that licking and loving carry on. ;)
    I met Bonnie recently and I think all the four sisters look so similar I think we need a thread with current photos of all four now, a bit like puppy and now all grown up :P


    What a brilliant idea.. start the thread and i’ll post some pic’s of cookie all grown up.. have to say Cookie is such a gentle soul and the most placid dog I have ever own or came across..


    Thats a great idea, would love to see what the sisters look like, I hope they are all as loving a Bonnie, she just steals everyones heart with her looks and personality.

    Jasper is doing great and his little character is really shining through, he is so settled now and getting better by the day, he was back at the vets on Saturday and is doing great, he is such a happy dog considering the state he was in, he also has a bad ear infection which we are treating at the moment that has also improved greatly, he gets on great with everybody, adults, kids and other dogs, hopefully he will be snapped up soon and he can settle into his new home before christmas so he has somewhere to hang his stocking.


    My mother has started to consider adopting a dog, having been dogless for many years – and I am wondering if Jasper might be the perfect dog for her. She stopped working last year, so he would have almost constant company. She basically needs a small, friendly dog that enjoys short walks, cuddles and lots of attention. The fact that Jasper likes other dogs and kids is great, as she visits her sister who has a 5 year old and a puppy – and of course, he’d be welcome too. Do you have any idea if he is ok travelling by car? She lives in a bungalow with a really big, secure back garden. We had a shih tzu for 13 years so she is used to small dogs and their needs. Does she potentially sound like a match for Jasper? Only thing is that she said she’d consider adopting next year, so I’ll need to start persuading her!!!

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