Our gorgeous George

Our gorgeous George

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    George is with us for a while.Lovely little gentle chap perfect companion in a variety of homes.


    I think he is a beaut. Did a bit of googling on his breed he definitely looks like a Cardigan Welsh Corgi cross. Bit of research on the breed, firstly they are very intelligent and biddable, really loyal, active and with virtually no hereditary conditions unlike almost all other breeds. They are super hardy, a big dog in a small dogs body. I would give my right arm for him but there is unfortunately no room at the inn!


    All above applies to George exactly.He is a gentle loving soul a beauty. His personality is exactly as described above. We really enjoy having him around. Just to let you all know there is six children in my house, a Great Dane a neo/bull mastiff cross and two cats and he gets on with all of them perfectly. Anybody who adopts him will not be sorry he is a special boy. ;)


    Can anybody help me by putting up photos of Georgie I have.
    If you can please pass on your email address so I can send you his photos.
    Thanks :D


    Hi just got the photo problem sorted they should be up very soon ;)
    Just to say George is an absolute sweetheart.
    He loves to play football, plays fetch, and just loves his toys so much.
    He is gentle and affectionate, he is the perfect family dog.
    Nothing bothers him at all. Yesterday we had him out and another dog gave him a bit of a nip but he gave no reaction whatsoever.
    He is fine around cats other dogs and from what I know horses too.
    I have six children here and he is best buddies with them all. Their ages range from fifteen down to five years.
    I had to leave him for a couple of hours today and he was fine.
    He is extremely intelligent and in my opinion would do well at obedience perhaps agility.He has a tough strong body but is so gentle and sweet.
    One thing I will mention now is that at night he sleeps upstairs with us.The only reason is I have two giant breeds and I would not be prepared to leave him alone with them.
    One of them might mistake him for a snack :twisted: As in Troy my neo mastiff cross.
    This dog has no faults at all he just is patiently waiting for his forever family to come bring him home :)
    He is only about 7 months now if even.
    His size is Corgi size with a bit of extra length ;) Those legs are so cute I just love watching him play football with them.



    Thank you Liz for putting up the photos for me ;)
    and to all who offered to help with them thank you too.


    George went to his forever home today.Just a lovely lovely couple very well matched I just know George will be very happy.


    George is sitting on the couch having a bit of a snooze as I type. He seems to be settling in well. It’s early days yet but last night went well. We brought him for a really long walk to tire him out and he slept well downstairs, only whining when he heard us stirring upstairs the following morning. He loves company! I think he just needs to be reassured that if we leave him, we’ll come back. So far so good. Hopefully all will continue along the same lines. Wish us luck!
    I’ll update in a few days. Thanks for taking such good care of him. We’re delighted.


    Hey Grainne,

    so glad you got George, I know you will be a fantastic home for him! Hope you both really enjoy him! He is only lucky fellow!



    Hi all,

    I was a little afraid to post too soon in case a major issue presented itself but so far, our little George is an absolute gem. He seems to have settled in really well. It’s really funny. He has toys, but he tends to hide them around the place and then plays with them in rotation. We’ve become accustomed to sitting on our couch and finding a chewy bone wedged between the cushions. We’re just making sure we start off on the right foot so we’re laying down the law a little bit but he is seriously so smart, if he does something he shouldn’t, he’s smart enough not to do it again. He just loves being around us, but he’s surprisingly good on his own too. He’s so loveable it’s completely impossible not to spoil him just a little bit. Sorry, I’m just completely gooey about him. He has such a sweet nature -really. I’m so delighted he’s with us.

    Anyway, I’ll post a couple of pics – how do you do that? Can you just paste them into a post?

    Rachel, thanks so much for that little note and approving us!! And Amirah, thanks for taking such good care of him. He’s grand at night actually. We’ve discovered the cunning trick of night time toys. He loves them, we leave them with him during the night and then take them back in the morning. They seem to distract him from our absence!
    Also, thanks Gwen. Steve was overawed by the whole giving up your saturday to go microchipping dogs thing – as am I.

    Anyhow, I’ll figure out the photo thing and post a couple. I’ll also hopefully be in touch again about another matter altogether!



    I am so happy GEORGE is so loved and settled in well. He really is so intelligent one smart boy. It was hard to let him go just loved him,
    the match was perfect as always the adoption team are so brilliant at that. Cant wait to see the photos.Give that little boy a kiss from Aunty Amirah ;)




    Eek! I didn’t mean them to be so big. Anyhow, you get the idea. We love George, very very much… :D

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