ELVIS – right at home…

ELVIS – right at home…

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings ELVIS – right at home…

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    Elvis is a 3 year old Terrier X.
    He is wormed, fully vaccinated, microchiped and neutered.

    Elvis is a great boy, he is fully house trained and in foster with kids.He gets on really well with dogs. He would love a house by himself so you can lavish all the attention on him!!

    If you would like to apply to adopt Elvis please go to the "adopt a dog" section in the tabs at the top of this page or click here https://dogsindistress.org/adopta-dog/
    There you will find all the information on the adoption procedure and the adoption application to be downloaded.


    Hi Elvis came to our house today to stay for a while. He is a quiet gentle fella who loves to watch everything that’s going on. He is getting on well with Juno our spaniel and even had a game of round and round the kitchen table with her…..great cos usually it’s me that has to play that game!! Elvis was great in the bath and didn’t soak the whole house racing around afterwards :D .


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    Elvis enjoyed his morning walk in the sun.


    Elvis is starting to relax and I have discovered that he likes rice and shreddies but only a little at a time :) . I think he must like Doritos too judging by the way he watched me while i was having some last night. :D . It was lashing rain again this morning but that didn’t stop him from heading happily out for a walk with my husband and Juno our spaniel. He was off the lead round by the river and was really good and never went too far away.

    Elvis loves to stand up on his back legs like a human and dance and has a really gentle touch when he jumps up on you. He is not a pushover though by any means and keeps an eye out the window to see who is coming up the drive.


    I am delighted to report that Elvis has finally got his appetite back and had a bowl of pasta and chicken this evening…..first proper meal in four days. He is sleeping at my feet with a full tummy and is making lovely contented sleepy noises :) I had to go out for a while today and neighbours report that Elvis and Juno sat up at the window together and watched the world go by quite happily. He truly is a lovely fella with a big heart.


    A lovely morning walk followed by breakfast and a snooze….heaven


    Forget the Blue Suede shoes…Elvis has Green ones after a long walk in the park through the freshly cut grass :D He is a gorgeous little dog and would be a great pet for a family or indeed an older person cos he is so gentle. He did tell me though that he is a bit worried that people might be put off by his crooked ear but I reassured him by saying it is only a little bit crooked and actually suits him very well..


    Elvis had a little trip to the vet this week cos he wasn’t eating or drinking. The put him on a drip overnight and I found it really hard to leave him behind… Thankfully a rehydrated and much happier chap came home with me the next day and I am glad to report that he is in brilliant form. His appetite is back, we discovered this when he pinched a chicken sandwich off my daughters plate while she was watching TV :lol: We will have to watch out for that now! Elvis has new pep in his step and loves going out for walks. He doesn’t chase balls or really play with toys, he just loves to snuffle about and checkout what’s going on around him. He would make a super pet for anyone, he has a great combination of cute whiskery looks, a placid gentle nature and a love of being out and about ( very easy to walk on and off the lead). When there is nothing going on he checks out if the armchair is free and hops up for a sleep or potters happily into his bed.


    I met Elvis at the DID Family Day in Tallaght this afternoon and had a chat about this guy with his foster dad. Elvis has beautiful white teeth and a soft coat. He was very calm and receptive and as I was talking to him a little girl ran up to him and put her hand out to rub him without him being phased one little bit. His foster dad says he’s a laid back chap and he’s had exposure to kids all the time. He was a surrender. There were plenty of dogs there and he was well able for all the excitement and could amuse himself which is a great coping strategy considering he is with his fosters only for a week and a half. I’m thinking Elvis reminds me a bit of my Brandon only a bit more like a sausage dog, he’s a small chap.

    I’d recommend anyone wanting an easygoing friendly dog to put meeting this guy on their bucket list. This guy is already a super fellow and I’d say would require very little training.


    Hi everyone here’s a pic of me exhausted after a long walk. It was great cos I get to run about off the lead when we get away from the noisy cars and into the fields :) Things are going well now and i am eating up all my dinner and doing my best to beg a bit of everyone elses though I am getting a bit fed up of that cos they just ignore me when I whine :| Anyway time to go and bark at the front door ..I think there is someone coming up the drive.
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    Elvis is doing really well and has really settled down. He is as hungry as a horse and loves to go out for walks. He has surprised me with his running abilities and is almost able to catch my spaniel when the are out playing chasing in the field. When the chase is over he always comes back and is happy to go back on the lead and potter home. :D


    Elvis has discovered the joy of chasing pigeons :lol:


    Out between the showers

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