Harvey – 12 wk spaniel x**HOMED*

Harvey – 12 wk spaniel x**HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Harvey – 12 wk spaniel x**HOMED*

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    If you would like to apply to adopt Harvey please go to the "adopt a dog" section in the tabs at the top of this page or click here https://dogsindistress.org/adopta-dog/
    There you will find all the information on the adoption procedure and the adoption application to be downloaded.

    Meet Harvey! Harvey is our latest house guest and it has been a rollercoaster for him since his arrival – with a mad weekend of visitors, both young and not-so-young, all of which he took in his stride! :D Harvey is a litter mate of Hope (we are keeping everything crossed for the poor little mite) but thankfully he seems to be o.k so far. He is a real sweetheart – a very calm and easy puppy who just loves his cuddles and any bit of attention. :D :D He is eating well, has settled down with the others at night and is seriously undemanding. :D :D Utterly CLUELESS as regards toilet training so my own lot will be kept very busy showing him the ropes. In the meantime, it is wall to wall piddling!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Harvey will be a medium-sized dog when fully grown. He will be wormed, microchipped and have at least his first vax before being rehomed. He must be neutered at 6 months old.


    This gorgeous little man has made the usual miraculous leap from Angel to Divil in what is one of the most fantastic things about fostering. :D :D Harvey arrived, scared, worried, wormy and hungry – he spent most of his time under a chair – and in the two days here, he has become a confident little fella who has found his voice and willingly engages the other mutts here in his games. :D :D He has discovered toys and would play for HOURS with them – chewing them, throwing them, chasing them. And he tries to get Sam and Casper involved by pawing at their faces. :D Toilet training is beginning to happen – never praised a dog for piddling so much in my life!!!! :lol: :lol: Harvey is an absolute smasher – I really hope he gets his own happy ever after very soon. :D :D


    Harvey continues to grow and thrive – getting bigger and boulder by the day!!! :lol: :lol: He is an absolute joy to have around as he is one of those perennially "happy chappies". :D He adores other dogs, he loves children, LOVES his grub and wants to play NON-STOP!!! :lol: :lol: To be fair to him, however, if there is no-one awake or interested in playing with him, he finds a toy of some sort and amuses himself quite happily. He is a consummate chewer and NOTHING is safe but we have established the word NO with him and he leaves it and bounces off to the next thrilling adventure! He is terrified of our cat :lol: :lol: (mind you, Kimba IS a bit scary!). He now sits with the gang of "beggars" here for his treats and leftovers and he has quickly discovered that everyone gets their turn so he is very patient for a little fella. Toilet training is a work in progress but there are signs that the penny is dropping (pardon the pun). A gorgeous little guy!!! :D :D :D


    Note the chewed bed . . . . . . . . :lol:


    Well our gorgeous little Harvey is coming on in leaps and bounds, I am delighted to report. :D :D This week is the first time that I have seen 100% puppy in him. Up to this, I always felt there was some little bit of him worried and wary. But now, he has really started to enjoy life! :D :D He plays NON-STOP (and I mean non-stop) and he has found a place in our little pack here where he is comfortable in his own skin. Only now will he forage out a bed when he wants to sleep – up to this he lay on the floor, always under a chair or a pair of legs as if he was worried about being exposed. :? :? The toilet training is beginning to happen – way hey!!! He loves his little walks and gets REALLY excited when he sees his lead. He greets everyone who comes in with a big smiley face and a waggy tail. :D :D He is going on his holliers on Friday cos we are going away for a week and can’t bring him cos he’s not vaxed. :( :( He will have a great time with Sarah, I am sure. :D :D


    Harvey LOVES kisses (french ones as you can see!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: )


    We are really looking forward to meeting him :D I have bought a giant size roll of kitchen paper just in case his change of address sets him back a bit :lol:


    Harvey has only been with us for two hours and the clever little fella did two ( enormous) piddles in the garden all by himself :D :D He is a big bundle of fur really soft and cuddly and very happy and friendly. Juno and himself are getting on well and have had a mad game of round and round the garden already :D Harvey is fast asleep now all the excitement has taken its toll :D


    Harvey is off to his forever home soon :D :D We will really miss him. He is a gorgeous pup full of love and fun and as soft and cuddly as a teddy bear. We wish Harvey and his new brothers and sister ( human ones :D ) and mom and dad all the best.


    Delighted to hear the great news that our beautiful Harvey has been homed. :D :D We watched the truly gorgeous little fella develop in the two weeks he was with us – from a scared and worried little man to a mischievous scamp well able to hold his own and give as good as he got!!! :lol: :lol:
    All the very best in your "happy ever after", Harvey – you deserve the best! :D :D


    From Harveys mammy :D

    This is Harvey, we kept his name it suits him. He’s a happy guy and settled in very very well. Loves the beach and the kids.


    Oh how beautiful. And how BIG you have got, Harvey! :D Much bigger than when we had you in foster in August but every bit as handsome!!! :lol: :lol: It is so wonderful to keep track of our foster babies. Thanks so much for the lovely update and STUNNING picture.
    Lots of love from all here, Harvey. Have the happiest "happy ever after". :D :D :D


    Wow Harvey aren’t you handsome. What a ball of fluff you were when you had a short stay with us and look at you now. It’s great to hear you are all getting on so well together.

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