Timara – 6wk old Spaniel X Lab**HOMED**

Timara – 6wk old Spaniel X Lab**HOMED**

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Timara – 6wk old Spaniel X Lab**HOMED**

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    Timara is a female black 6 week old lab/spaniel puppy with a white
    stripe down her chest. She will be wormed, microchiped and have at least her 1st vaccination before going to her new home. She will need to be neutered at 6 months.

    Timara is very energetic, confident and
    playful. She is bursting with personality when playing with her
    brothers. She is also absolutely gorgeous and very affectionate. She
    is very happy in her foster home but she would love nothing more than
    to find her loving forever home

    If you would like to apply to adopt Timara please go to the "adopt a dog" section in the tabs at the top of this page or click here https://dogsindistress.org/adopta-dog/
    There you will find all the information on the adoption procedure and the adoption application to be downloaded.
    Poppy 1.JPG
    Poppy 2.JPG


    :D :D
    Poppy 3.JPG
    Poppy 4.JPG


    :o My very own first dog, when I was 16, was a Lab x Springer. I have been waiting to see these puppies and am not disappointed. Timara looks exactly like my dog. She was mid-size, beautiful black glossy coat with a white flash on her chest. 8-) Lovely pups and thank goodness they did not land in the pound.

    DID Rescue

    Ok Indianna will we put a stamp on her bum and post her over :D


    :D Yes please, thanks Twist ;) – I am going to hold you to that :lol: :lol: ) PS: make it a first class stamp or even better – same day delivery :D


    Just to give you an update on how Timara is getting on in her foster home. Timara is the most outgoing, energetic out of the three pups (Toto and Turbo). She is very playful and tries to encourage her brothers to play for a little longer when they give up for a snooze. She’s a lady who is very confident and affectionate. She’s curious and found my other dogs real interesting. She really enjoys the company of other dogs/pups. She would make a family a wonderful pet, whether she was the centre of attention, but even more if she had the company of another dog(s).


    ;) Can’t be logged and not ask about this puppy dog. Must be growing like a weed 8-) You are very much on my list Timara :)


    This little girl is in foster with me since Saturday. Was very shy and timid for the first day or so. Not any more. She is well able to stand her ground and get the toy if she wants it. It is comical to see the tug of war beteen herself and Simba, who is her best friend. She is a very gentle and calm puppy who loves her food and especially her cuddles. Is quite happy to lie in your arms for hours. Great little sleeper too. Goes to bed about 11pm and not a peep till about 8 in the morning. Dry bed every morning too. Toilet training is going well. Timara loves playing in the garden and herself and Simba race around in and out of the shrubs. Adores children and even gets on with my cat. An all round little girl who would be a great addition to any family.
    If you are interested in adopting Timara please go to forms and downloads and complete an adoption application form.


    :D What a little stunner :D Starting to lose all her puppy chubbiness now and I KNOW she will grow into a beautiful adult dog 8-)


    Princess Timara continues to thrive. Her toilet training is going very well. Has the odd accident but she is still quite young. Is learning to sit and wait patiently for her food. She well understands the word no. She is such an outgoing and playful little girl but likes nothing more than to snuggle up on your lap in the evenings. She was vaccinated and microchipped on Monday and not a peep out of her. She is enjoying having Turbo for company. My two are quite happy to sit and watch the two of them play and play.


    :D I love the sleeping image and Timara is planning a change to that garden. :? Where will I start digging :P :lol: :lol: Those big paws will make short work of any digging 8-)


    How is Timara getting on? Wonderful little puppy so I hope she finds a good home :)


    Timara has patiently waited for her family and it was worth the wait!!
    She is heading off tomorrow to her lovely new home :D :D


    That’s wonderful news, she’s such a gorgeous pup.


    I would just like to give you an update on Timara.
    We decided to call her Jessie, which she is responding to. She has settled in very well and at this stage now has met all the family and pets. We have kept her on royal canin, which she love’s. Her training is coming along very well, only three accident’s in her first week, a great little girl.
    We registered her in the Vets and wormed her. The vet gave her a check up and thought she was a great little dog.
    Her first day out was down the park. She did not get much of a walk with all the attention from the other dog walker’s. She love’s the beach but best of all she really love’s running through the marshland’s
    Jessie has really become part of the family. I would like to thank you and the team for all your hard work in helping us adopt Jessie.
    timaras first day 084.JPG
    jessie 014.JPG

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