Turvey – 5mt old Terrier x puppy – Ref 229**HOMED*

Turvey – 5mt old Terrier x puppy – Ref 229**HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Turvey – 5mt old Terrier x puppy – Ref 229**HOMED*

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    This little baby is gone into foster with Jen, who will update soon ;)


    I picked this cutie up today and was so surprised that he is TEENY! The photos make him look huge, but he looks like a dashund mix to me. His back doesn’t even reach my knee (im only 5foot)! Turvey is a very sweet little boy. Is being really quiet so far but over the next few days he’ll come out of his shell more I’m sure.He seems to be very placid and affectionate. He’s such a lap dog and just wants to be rubbed constantly. He’s perfectly happy once he’s touching human! He was great In the car on the way back from the pound and hasn’t had an accident in the house yet! He had a bath (in the sink no less …Thats how small he is!) And he had no probs with it at all. I haven’t got any good pics yet cause when I bend down he just jumps in my lap! So sweet :) When he settles in i’ll take some good ones and update soon :)


    Turvey had a great first night! Slept like a log from 11 last night until 7.30 this morning! Still hasn’t had an accident in the house. He really dislikes the rain! He is such a lapdog, loves loves loves his comforts and cuddles right into his blankets and teddies :P he’s a very sweet, quiet pup and isn’t crazy excitable like other young dogs. A real cool customer :)


    Well this little boy continues to thrive!! He’s really come out of his shell now and loves other dogs. He is definitely toilet trained, loves his food and doesn’t seem to have anything to worry about!! He didn’t even mind the hoover!!!! He is happiest having a cuddle and it’s hard not to give in all the time. I’m sure if I had a baby sling he’d happily sit in it all day!!!!! In saying that he has no problems being left alone while I have to pop out for a few hours. He really is a great little dog and I hope he’ll be snapped up soon. He deserves it!!! (If he doesn’t I may have to dognap him ’cause I’m falling in love!! :roll: :lol: )


    Turvey is still doing fantastically! He’s so quiet I forget he’s here sometimes! He fit into our family like he’s always been there and I really hope he gets his forever home soon as I’ve no room to hold onto him here :cry: If I did I’d have him in a heartbeat!
    I heard him bark the other day and it was hilarious!!!! He sounded like a cockrel :lol: I was so shocked for a minute ’cause I was looking at him and this noise just came out and I was like… where is that coming from?! :lol: Turvey’s a real sweetheart, still a puppy so lots to learn in terms of manners and going out for walks and stuff, but he’s so eager to please that he’s picking it up in no time. He’s already sitting and knows what it means when you say no! He sits and waits patiently for his breakfast, dinner and any treats I give him. He sometimes forgets to go easy when you give him treats but when I remind him he’s very gentle! All round he’s a great little man. Just wants cuddles and attention :) His favourite thing to do is lie on the couch and wiggle!!! No joke… I’ve never seen a dog do this before!!! Myself and my boyfriend were sitting on either ends of the couch, Turvey was lying on his back in the crook of my arm and wormed allllll the way over to my boyfriend on the other side of it….completely on his back!!!!! :lol: He was like a reverse army man!!! If anyone has any questions please ask me ’cause this little man really deserves his forever home :) The photos make him look huge!! He’s tiny, look at the one of his head in a cup drinking the end of a milkshake! :)


    Sorry about the lack of updates, I have been painting my house so have been busy busy. This little man is still getting on great here! He’s very quiet but loves to play with my dogs. Has begun to absolutely love his food and gobbles up every morsel!! He’s getting more manners now and is turning into the perfect gentleman. We took a chance and brought him out off-lead on the green and he was fab!! Loved the new smells and running after my two poochies. What more can I say? He’s such a sweetie and I hope he gets his furever home soon ;) If you have any questions please ask :)


    This little man found his forever home :D
    This is down to the fact that these boys are just amazing family dogs and also down to the extra effort their foster families put in, so a huge thank you to Jen for this :D :D

    Turvey totally fell for his family and they instantly fell for him (who could blame them!)
    He will be heading off soon, i know there are some extremely excited adults and kids waiting to welcome Turvey home.


    Awh thanks Tara but I didn’t have to do much as Turvey is just an amazing little man! I’m so happy to say that yes it was love at first sight for Turvey and his new family and I cannot wait to drop him over to them. Don’t get me wrong… there will be tears!!!! But I’m just so happy that his new family deserve him and will spoil him rotten :)🙂 There will be some very excited little boys looking forward to his return as they didn’t want to let him go :)

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