Missy – 10wk old Jrt**HOMED**

Missy – 10wk old Jrt**HOMED**

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Missy – 10wk old Jrt**HOMED**

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    This little girl is going into foster with Suzanne who will update soon ;)


    :? I do wonder how a 10 week old JRT puppy has landed in rescue? Its great that she has landed with DID but its beyond me, it really is! Maybe someone with a brain realised that they were not in a position to care for her and handed her in. I hope she wasn’t wandering around on her own. Even if she was, she is safe now. What a smart (that covers clever and pretty) puppy she is ;)


    I had the pleasure of Missy’s company today while dropping her to Suzanne’s. Her cuteness levels are sky-high! She travelled really well in the car and had a good snuggle with Lucky – the deaf kitten….it was love at first sniff. :) :?

    Great little (tiny) dog…….she’s pocket-sized.


    Missy is with us just 3 days now. She is a tiny little female, probably the smallest we have fostered. She is 10 weeks old . She is very friendly, gets on well with our two dogs and also no problems with our cat, the cat is bigger than her but she pays no attention to Minnie. She has a lot of energy but has started to sleep during the day now after the initial excitement of arriving.When she first arrived she went straight to the paper at the back door so she must have had some training, she has also done this since.She is a happy little dog and enjoys meeting people. Will update soon when she has been here a little longer.


    Too cute…beautiful photos :D


    The photo of Missy in the basket is brilliant :)


    Love the photo beside the carton of milk, her "actual size" is teeny


    Missy is well and happy ! She is doing very well here . She has been very good for us but still is very much a pup and has to be watched carefully as she does the puppy things like running off with whatever is available ! She loves us talking to her and listens intently to whatever we say. She is very clingy but so young and its only to be expected . She is sleeping through the night now which is great . She has a lot of energy and often wears herself out trying to keep up with the dogs and then she will fight to stay awake rather than sleep Missy does not like being left at all and will be very vocal if I even go upstairs but she is very young . She has bags of personality and is a lot of fun but energy is needed to keep up with her. Maybe as she grows she will slow down a little . She has had very short walks, just outside here but we find she gets cold very easily, not much weight on her at all. Sunday we kitted her out with a legwarmer and she was warmer but she doesn’t go far yet . She is fairly ok on the lead but needs to be taken out regularly to get her used to walking, she does tend to dodge around but early days yet.A lovely little dog who just needs a safe loving home.




    :D All cosy toastie in that lovely bed. No surprise really, you ARE in 5-star accommodation with a great foster family ;)


    I just love this little lady. Her pics are saying more then 1000 words :)
    I could cuddle her all the time :D so adorable!




    :) Little puppy-dog out and about in the big, bad world – safe in the hands of your super foster mother 8-) . I hope you both enjoyed your outing, she is a cracking pup ;)


    Missy loves helping to unpack my shopping !


    Missy is doing very well here . She has not grown very much but I doubt she will. She is very lively and doing all the things pups do.I dont think we have a matching pair of slippers as she runs off with everything and anything ! She ran off with a whole pack of serviettes yesterday and she has done the andrex toilet roll run a few times too! I am getting fitter though as she runs like a mini greyhound. She seems to prefer John to me but he does not try and train her !She is sleeping loads with mad bursts of energy in between. She is still going right through the night too and this is good .Toilet training same as ever ,she goes on the paper.I am trying to keep her outside more as she was running in and using the paper but the rain has not helped . She loves meeting people and will still stand and watch them walk away . We have been walking her when the weather has been good but she is still not so good on the lead she darts around a lot but very young yet , we will keep trying with this anyway.She loves her toys, we bought some from the charity shop with no beans in and she spends a lot of time with them’ Her favourite one is a monkey that we didnt realise is a padded glove puppet so we too can play with her with this. She seems to be good with other dogs, we met a year old King Charles when we were out and all they did was play . As for ours, she may be a bit too lively at the moment so I have her with me while they sleep . She hasnt got the hang of ball chasing yet as she runs around the garden with the ball in her mouth and will not give it up,she is really fast on her feet to so hard to catch ! Keep you updated Missy’s progress .

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