Angel – adopted 2008

Angel – adopted 2008

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Angel – adopted 2008

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    I’ve not been on DID for quite a long time but wanted to pop in and share some photos of my beautiful girl. I was her foster mum to begin with, she then went to a home where it didn’t go well and so she came back to me. She had stolen my heart the first time around and so I wasn’t letting her go anywhere else. So in 2008 I proudly become a failed fosterer and become an adopted mum. Every day this little girl brings joy to our lives, we would be completely lost without her and I sincerely thank DID for bringing her to me. Thank you.


    What a happy looking little doggy………LOVE the raincoat :D :D :D


    One of my favourite photos

    DID Rescue

    Hi Niamh great to hear from you and Angel.
    She looks fantastic :) :)
    Don’t leave it so long the next time.


    No problems Marie, she’s my best pal and goes everywhere with me. The kids on the road knock into me just to see how she is. She has a huge fan base and even when walking people stop to admire her. She’s the best little thing ever and I’m so delighted we got to adopt her. Thanks to everyone at DID for rescuing her because I’d be lost without her.


    Oh dear, just realised it’s been over a year since I posted about Angel. She’s still doing great, a really confident little girl and seems very happy too. She still loves her walks which she gets daily, often twice daily. The minute I have my shower in the morning she knows it’s time for her walk. She also knows what time I get home from work and more times than not, she’s sitting in the window waiting for me. She loves her cuddles but on her terms but that’s ok. We are now considering getting her a little play mate and have seen a few. It will all depend on how well she gets on with another dog in the house. I’d love you to see her sometime Marie. I’m sure you remember the state she came to us in and so it would be great for you to see her as a different little lady.

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