Lucky – 6 mt old male kitten HOMED

Lucky – 6 mt old male kitten HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Lucky – 6 mt old male kitten HOMED

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    This poor little man is deaf and has only one eye :( He needs a forever home . Please, if you can help contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;) He is also neutered, vaccinated, mircochipped & wormed.
    Picture 676.jpg


    I collected this little man on Wednesday and he has already wormed his way into our hearts…….so affectionate and playful and also extremely gentle -his claws have stayed firmly under wraps even when he was in a tussle with the vet while being microchipped :roll: .

    He is totally deaf which means that he both miaows and purrs like a cat with a loudspeaker…priceless!! :D :D

    Lucky (I can’t believe he’s been called "Lucky"!) gets along famously with dogs and other cats from what I can see so far.

    Hope to post some photos soon to show how handsome he is but in the meantime he is waiting patiently for the kind, caring & understanding cat-lover who can offer him a secure, safe home – preferably with another feline companion.


    Hi lainey! Just wondering how Lucky is getting on? :)


    Hi ClaireT. Lucky is just back from the vet as his eye had reopened (weird, I know) and was infected. He is all sorted now but doesn’t look at his most handsome this week so has asked me to refrain from posting photos until he gets his movie-star looks back!

    The staff at the vets fell in love with him and said he was really hard to work with as they couldn’t resist playing with him. :) He is SUPER affectionate :D :D and spends his time trying to kiss my dogs, purring, attempting to engage my very grumpy male cat & snoozing in the sun.

    He is totally deaf so loves being hoovered! He does need to go to a home where he is an indoor only cat as his safety is quite compromised outdoors due to his deafness and only having one eye. He is the only cat I can "sneak up on" successfully and even when he is awake it’s possible to sneak up on his blind side and catch him out.

    Lucky is one chilled out dude and is not in the least put out by his latest bout of surgery. He would definitely be very suitable for a home with small children, cats, dogs……..what’s not to love about this guy???!!!!!!

    Photos to follow when his cone of shame is removed.


    Fantastic posts Lainey….thouroughly funny :D :D :D I too wondered how he was called Lucky but then he HAD found DID and YOU! :) He’s looks like such a cutey with his eye closed, I’m sure he will be even more handsome when its all healed up! :)


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: He loves the HOOVER??? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: That’s hilarious!!!! I totally agree with blueindigo, his name is finally fitting now that he has found DID and you! That’s such a pity about him getting an infection in his eye! :cry: Glad it’s cleared up now.

    Very funny updates, thank you!!!!! :)


    I can finally post some photos of Lucky. :) He has had ongoing problems with his missing eye in the form of a deep-seated infection which was difficult to clear up. Thanks, once again, to the dedication of Terenure Veterinary Hospital, Lucky is now ready for re-homing.

    Through sheer persistence he has finally made friends with my grumpy tomcat…’s impossible not to love this fella……..he’s just a big, fluffy lump of purr-ing gorgeousness!

    Lucky is inquisitive – so far I have found his tail sticking out whilst his body was in the washing machine, tumble dryer :o and the dishwasher. His favourite spot though is……….the fridge. On several occasions I have left the fridge door open and walked away only to see his little mush looking out at me when I return to close the door. :roll: :roll: :roll:

    I really, really, really love this puss. He is a true "once-off". Anybody who can offer this guy the love and care he deserves (I DARE you not to fall in love with him) and who can guarantee him the safe environment he needs should please contact the admin team.


    More photos :) :) :)


    :lol: :lol:


    I have decided to rename Lucky. His new moniker is "Lucky the not-so-lucky kitten". :o The poor little man is back with the vets as his "missing" eye is infected yet again. It’s basically the same, deep-seated infection so he is scheduled for surgery on Thursday to resolve it once and for all. :( :(

    As usual, he is charming the pants off everybody who meets him and I think the vet staff are secretly delighted he is back. ;)

    I’ll post some photos of him again next week as he is a quick healer and he should be back to his former gorgeousness in no time. A word to any potential adopters………your electrical appliances are now safe…….he has decided that they don’t have too much to offer so has now moved on to stalking the cat flap in the hope that it might open for him!!!

    The most wonderful, fantabulous kitten (if Carlsberg did kittens………) will be back to regale you with his exploits at the weekend. :lol:


    Just wondering how Lucky is doing after his operation ?.


    Hi Siobhan. He didn’t require surgery in the end…..just a long course of antibiotics which he will finish tomorrow. He has a check up with the vet in the morning and, hopefully, he will be 100%.

    He has been keeping us entertained with his antics….chasing reflections on the walls & ceilings (he twirls around like a prima ballerina trying to get to the ceiling from his vantage point on the sofa :D), attempting to catch the puff of air that emits occasionally from the vent at the bottom of the fridge, trying to catch birds that have landed on the conservatory roof (from his spot safely inside the conservatory) and stalking every dog/cat/human bowl or dish in the house in case we have something nicer to eat than him :roll:

    Placid, easy-going, entertaining, full of fun and play at times, affectionate, gentle & very chilled out – he’s the business!!!


    I am delighted that he is on the mend. He really is a beautiful cat. His personality seems a lot like that of my cat Daisy. She is a scream. She only has 3 legs but thinks she is Spiderman. She also has a thing for bags. Paper bags, plastic bags, schoolbags she just loves them. She crawls in and will stay there for hours. Well she is housebound so I suppose she has to amuse herself somehow.
    Hope all goes well for him with the Vet tomorrow.


    This special little man went off to his forever home today :D Thanks so much to Lorraine for all the tlc she gave him :D Looking forward to loads of updates ;)


    My little white bundle of gorgeousness went off to his forever home today and my house feels so, so empty without him (although there is more room in the fridge now without him constantly in it :lol: :lol: ). Although tears were shed, it’s such a wonderful feeling to have handed him over into the care of his amazing new family……and to see him snoozing happily away when I left made it all worthwhile.

    Have a wonderful life little fella – you SO deserve it :D. To Orlene & Sean and their little menagerie…..thanks for seeing what a true star Lucky is and for welcoming him to join Fizz and her doggy mates!!

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