Anti freeze / Salt and pets

Anti freeze / Salt and pets

New Home Forums DID Dogs Advice Anti freeze / Salt and pets

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  • #78954

    Hundreds of pets are becoming seriously ill and in some cases dying because of rock salt and anti freeze being used with such bad weather.Dogs lick their paws and cats groom themselves . Rock salt which has the same properties as kitchen salt, can cause dehydration, liver failure and pancreatitis, while anti freeze contains ethylene glycol which can be lethal if ingested . Cats can easily suffer kidney failure from this . Symptoms of ingesting anti – freeze include vomiting, seizures, sleepiness and rapid breathing. Symptoms of salt include burns to the mouth and throat, excessive salivating and drinking lots of water . The sooner an animal is taken to the vet the better for best chance of survival .Paw washes need to be done after every walk, cats need this too during this cold weather.


    Thank you so much for highlighting this to us all. I would be very aware of the danger of antifreeze, I hadnt given as much thought to salt! Hopefully your message will prevent lots of our pets from getting seriously ill, or worse. Although its fantastic and heart warming to read all the funny stories and happy ever afters (and god knows we need them!), its also vital to share the likes of this post to keep our loved ones safe! :lol: :lol:

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