Angel – 14 week old collie x pup -HOMED

Angel – 14 week old collie x pup -HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Angel – 14 week old collie x pup -HOMED

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    This is Angel who came into foster with me yesterday along with her sister, Asha.

    Angel by name and angel by nature, she is a real sweetheart and as good as gold. :D :D Just like her sister, she loves her grub, loves the car and slept all night. I think she has a bit of a crush on Thor!!! :lol: :lol:

    Angel will be medium in size when fully grown and she will be wormed, microchipped and have at least her first vax before being rehomed. She must be neutered at 6 months old. Sorry about the quality of the photo (and the one of Asha) – black puppy, brutal photographer, a bad combination! :lol:


    You know, I think you also should be named Angel, Susan. Angel the Fairy Godmother of so many dogs. You’re wonderful. And a great photographer too! Always love your pics.


    Ah, thank you so much, Barbara but the doggie angel is the REAL angel of the piece, I assure you! She is a pure joy to foster.

    She trots around here all day, following Asha or Thor or any human who appears on the horizon! :lol: :lol: Angel is madly jealous at the minute cos, not only is Asha being given special food (courtesy of a dicky tummy!) But being a little bigger, Asha has mastered the getting up on the sofa which Angel has failed to master yet!!! ;) ;) A place on the sofa is a real sign "you have arrived" in our house!! :lol: :lol: Won’t be long till Angel can make it though.

    Angel continues to be gentle and incredibly cuddly. She nuzzles into your neck so the humans here fight for the chance to hold her! :lol: :lol: She is making great strides with the toilet training. An all round fab little girl. :D


    Sisters, sisters, there was never such devoted sisters!! :lol:


    How we always manage to get sweet, gentle, angelic little puppies into foster and turn them into demons in 48 hours, I’ll never know! :lol: :lol: Just joking!

    Delighted to report that this little angel – along with her sister – has really come out of her shell and it is a pure joy to watch her playing like a mad yoke around the place. :lol: She has discovered her voice and uses it to great effect on them all here. She LOVES to play, loves her toys, loves her grub and ADORES her sister – it is so cute to see them together. :D :D :D Still a total cuddle monster – no lap is safe – and an all round GREAT girl.

    She is a pleasure to foster. Anyone who homes this little lady will be getting a real treasure. :lol: :lol:


    And one more . . . .


    :lol: :lol: :lol: Our posts are nearly identical, you’re right about their similarities. I’ve never had such a cheeky pup before, but they are so cute!!!!


    How is she. I am looking to adopt again.. company for TZAR who I adopted last year.


    Well a big day for Angel yesterday when she had a visit from Kim and Kathy and the vax and chip adventure! True to her name, she was angelic during the process – not a whimper, not a flinch, NOTHING!!!! :D A true star. This little lady continues to thrive and to grow in confidence by the day. She barks like crazy when she greets us in the morning, she continues to love her cuddles, she is eating really well, sleeping like a top! She is amazing in the car – lies down and sleeps for the whole journey. She loves the cat here and adores all the dogs – a fab little lady!! :D :D


    Great to hear that she is getting on so well with the other animals


    This little beauty and her sister were over for a sleepover last night :D I have to say they are the most gentle, affectionate and well behaved puppies we have ever met :D
    Picture 649.jpg
    Picture 648.jpg


    Our gorgeous little princess, Angel, went off to her very own happy ever after in Galway this morning. :D It was a wonderful start to 2012 for her particularly as she took her adored sister, Asha, with her! :D :D We are very lonely after them but SO, SO happy that they were homed together. :D :D Best of luck, my little stars!!! :D :D


    I was talking to "The Galways Girls" lovely family and the 2 have landed firmly on their little paws, they were snuggled on the sofa as i spoke to the family. They settled really well because they have eachother :D


    Awww, delighted for the "Galway Girls" – lucky family and lucky pups! :D They’ll form a really special bond, that will only grow with time. Look forward to updates! ;)


    These beautiful girls are enjoying life and adored by all :D

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