Vito – 8 week old terrier x *HOMED*

Vito – 8 week old terrier x *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Vito – 8 week old terrier x *HOMED*

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    Hi! My name is Vito and I arrived at my new foster pad yesterday. :D I am a happy go lucky little guy and I have settled in here really well. I LOVE all the company of the dogs here and Thor and I play chasing and wrestling all day long! :D :D I am eating and drinking well and I have found several comfy beds for when I feel tired. I am well on my way with toilet training and my new family are really proud of me. :D I am looking for my very own forever home. I will be wormed, microchipped and have at least my first vaccination before being rehomed. I must be neutered at 6 months old. Ciao for now!! :lol: :lol:


    All this playing has me worn out!!!! :lol:


    Well this little guy is with us nearly a week now and he is an absolute joy! :D He is the happiest, waggiest, most playful, most affectionate puppy ever and he has settled in here as if he has been here all his life! :D He bounces around the place the whole time, loves his toys, adores his foster siblings and – as the photos below show – absolutely LOVES his grub :lol: :lol: He settles down at night without a peep and I have never heard so much as a whimper out of him. He is coming along with the toilet training and he is quite an independent little man. He has the most adorable wrinkles on his forehead that make him look as if he is worried all the time – a fact TOTALLY belied by the constantly wagging tail!! :lol: :lol: A great little man. Hope he finds his forever family soon (but not too soon!!!!)


    He is just so so adorable!!!! I wish I could have a third dog… I’d snap him up double quick!! Can’t wait to see more updates on this cutie :)


    Well Vito had his first vax and was microchipped the other night. :( And in typical male, "cock-of-the-walk" fashion, he HOWLED!! :lol: :lol: and he hasn’t looked back since. He is the cockiest, most self assured little man imaginable – nothing fazes him. The big dogs, new people, noises, sweeping brushes – all the things that can worry a less confident dog don’t bother Vito in the SLIGHTEST!! He has got to know his name and he has learned (from my woefully disobedient and indulged pack!) that human food tastes really scrummy! So he begs – along with them all – every chance he gets!! :lol: :lol: A real little dote.


    Can I chew that sleeping bag you are lying on??? :lol:


    Mollie is just like my real mum!


    Well our stunning little divil met a lovely family on Saturday and they loved him on sight! :D No surprise there. :D He will be heading off to his "happy ever after" this week and I am thrilled for the little guy. He is going to a family with lots of time to give him and the bonus of a gorgeous big garden (I want to go myself!!!! :lol: :lol: ). We will really miss Vito – he is such a character – but the rear ends of the other dogs here will be safer when he goes :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Just had to post this pic of Vito squashed in between Casper and Mollie :lol:


    Hot Dog being so squashed what a lovely doggie sandwich!


    Well our fab little man went off to his new life this morning without so much as a backward glance at his snivelling foster mammy!!! :lol: The house is SO QUIET without him even with my own 5 and Willow to keep me occupied. I know Vito will have an amazing life with his new family and I wish them all the best of luck. Be happy, my gorgeous little guy. :D :D


    Got an update and photos from Vitos lovely family

    You will not believe how big Vito is gettin (neither can we!!) I reckon he has grown every morning when he wakes up. He is doing great – very good and very inquisitive and lively. We are all mad about him We have got to know his little personality and traits.

    He has been fab in the training dept – didn’t need to put newspapers down at all. I would say he had maybe four acidents in the house and thats all. Susans dogs had him well trained. He knows loads of commands can sit give the paw, lie down and get into bed. He comes on all the school runs as soon as he hears the keys rattle he is at the front door. He knows which coat I wear talking him for a walk and runs to get ready. He is just gorgeous and has a real little personality!!

    He loves to say hello to every human and every animal we meet on our walks so they can take some time. The kids on the road LOVE him and are always calling for Vito – I think it is hilarious – Can Vito come out to play?!!! The other Mums thanked us for getting the surrogate dog for th cul-de-sac!!
    We met a lovely dog called Harriet out walking the other night ( tho walking at night can be difficult as Vito is a bit scared of the dark!!) and it turned out she came from you guys too.. They had a great play together..

    So there you are all Vito’s news…
    vito 1.jpg
    vito 2.jpg
    vito 3.jpg


    And a few more, we just cant enough of him!
    vito 4.jpg
    vito 5.jpg
    vito 6.jpg


    Oh, Louise, he looks absolutely fab – and as gorgeous as ever!! :D :D Vito is a REAL little character alright and I can just see him doing all the things you mentioned. :lol: :lol: Thrilled for the little man and for all the family. Keep in touch!!! :D


    Couldn’t resist calling in to see this little man – well I was passing right by his door! :D :D He is still absolutely gorgeous with the same really handsome face and the softest fur. He was really excited to see me which is always lovely – I would hate to think that any of my fosters don’t remember me!!! We had loads of hugs and kisses and he showed me his big bone and all the beds he has around the house. A really happy chappie with an equally happy family. Louise has promised photo updates – I will be calling again if they don’t appear. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Great to see you my gorgeous guy. :D :D

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