Pickles – 2 yr old Saluki x Terrier*HOMED*

Pickles – 2 yr old Saluki x Terrier*HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Pickles – 2 yr old Saluki x Terrier*HOMED*

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    This fab guy is great with children & other dogs.


    :) Sweet little dog. You know, if someone offered me money I honestly could not pick a favourite dog from the entire page :roll: . I would have them all :o Pickles looks like he would be totally loyal, I suppose that is the Collie part. Seems to have a bit of a madly hairy tail – does it fit the rest of him? :?


    Looks like Evan with a fluffy tail. Adorable! :D If he is anything like Evan in personality he will be a fabulous pet!!


    :D You are right DaggFamily. I thought that when he first appeared on the site. Your Max (Evan) could be the son of my Cassie dog, hence my heart jumped somewhat when I saw Pickles. Tried to find Max on FB but failed. I will try again tomorrow, very keen to see him in action :D


    What a stunner! This guy would really complete any family portrait! Great with kids and just a happy go lucky chap!


    :D Any news on Pickles? I am sure he just ‘floats’ along, bothering no-one and soaking up all the kindness given to him :D


    Pickles is still looking for a good home! He is very loyal and is great with kids, his best friend is my 10 year old son! There seems to be perhaps a bit of a "Saluki" in him hence the hairy tail!!! He loves nothing better than to sprint around freely and when he goes up Killiney hill he is great with all other dogs! However give him a rug and he’ll quite happily stretch out for long naps too!
    Pick 1.jpg


    :D What a very exotic ‘cocktail’ you are Pickles. Collie for herding, Terrier for tenacity and a dash of the beautiful Saluki for just being beautiful. Now that I think about it, your face does have a slight Saluki look. What ever the mix, you have come together very well, handsome boy ;)


    Pickles on Killiney Hill. He has a Plate in his leg but this does not stop him running and having fun :)
    Pickles Oct 2011 001.jpg
    Pickles Oct 2011 002.jpg
    Pickles Oct 2011 003.jpg


    :shock: Wow, even I can see the Saluki within. Very smart looking boy. A photo of you running flat out would, I am sure win prizes. Bet you could cover miles :lol:


    Pickles you look so different in these latest pictures. They show what a really very handsome lad you are and how elegant!
    I really hope you find the forever home you deserve very soon.


    Well I picked up the oh so handsome Pickles today! Tempted to change his name to cucumber because he is just cool as!!

    Great in the car on the way home and is currently just sprawled on my rug having a snooze beside the heater! My two can be a bit ‘in your face’ but this chappie took it all in his stride! He is so chilled its a real testament to his character that he can have such a strange day and just take it all in and settle in so quickly!


    Thrilled to meet the ever laid back lad today and it was love at first sight on my part with Pickles….
    He came in and felt right at home immediately

    Meeting my four he just took it all in his stride

    I could take pictures of this guy all day he is just fabulous (are you talking about me!)

    He is delighted with his foster mum Clairef happy to chill with her.

    ‘s Visitors 004.JPG
    ‘s Visitors 007.JPG
    ‘s Visitors 008.JPG
    ‘s Visitors 011.JPG


    Well this man continues to be just about the most chilled out character I have ever met!! He is a real love bug, loves a cuddle and has a wonderful playful side! He is so well behaved in the house, 100% house trained and knows all his basic commands including bed and lie down!

    I came in from feeding turtle and this is what I found today…. Pickles maintains that Deelo told him it was ok and invited him up. . . and I’d well believe it!! My wonderful Deelo knows how to open doors so no where is off limits in my house! As I type Pickles is just lying on his bed having his hourly nap!

    Quite a few fireworks here tonight and in true Pickles style he hasn’t so much as batted an eyelid!! This guy would fit in just about any where and will make a fantastic addition to some very very lucky family.


    Well this fab boy continues to be one very laid back super cool doggie! He is great on the lead and loves his walks almost as much as his naps!!

    He has learned the rules of Oki Sky’s favourite game . . . collect the vet bedding fluffs!! They have been playing like this for the last half hour its so cute to watch them just had to share!

    I really cant understand how this amazing dog is still looking for his forever home. Honestly he is so loving and not demanding at all just a gentle happy go lucky fella.
    New friends!!!!.jpg

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