Re: Velvet – 8mth collie x -HOMED

Re: Velvet – 8mth collie x -HOMED

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    This little sweet heart is now in foster care with me and she is just a heart melter…charming everyone who has meet her so far.
    The sad thing is at the moment she is scared of most things but that said in little over a day she is making improvements already.

    She is only 12kg and thats after she has put on some weight staying with Jay and Aoife……but she is a great little grubber so in no time at all we will have her at her ideal weight.

    Sorry the noise of the camera powering up scares her so no photos at the moment but it means that when we do get a picture she will be looking much improved.

    All this little girl wants is to give you love and get petted in return.

    Velvet will have to go to a home where her forever family are home all the time and she won’t be left alone – this is because of her heart issues and uncertain treatment plan at the moment


    Night One…….bless her you can see the fear in her eyes.

    Next Day……a little more relaxed she follows me everywhere and is so gentle you just want to scoop her up and kiss and cuddle here but at the moment that would all be too much for her so its little steps.

    Toilet training is a working in process….but she is a clever girl and we had a break through today …. two accidents but they were my fault …no I didn’t have the accident but I didn’t have the door open when I should have… she is watching Rossi and Tess showing her how and where its done.

    This morning she had a little game with the belt of my dressing gown is was great to see her having fun…

    Tess tried teaching Velvet how to play this morning is was just incredible she came over to her and dropped a toy at her paw which made Velvet jump a bit then Tess picked it up and tried to get Velvet to take it in her mouth….but she watched from the safety of the couch as Rossi and Tess played toss and fetch while using my shoulder to ly on!

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    We had a very late night……you would think a little thing like Velvet would have a perfect coat only being 8mths old however that is rarely the case even with some of the pups we get in….

    Just under five hours last night to remove solid matted hair from the back of her ears….below is the picture of one of those matts that were so close to her skin….when the first one was gone she actually stayed quiet still for a puppy that is for the second one to come out

    She was so happy with herself

    Got Tiggs her toy and started playing all by herself

    Then got tired of that and wanted me to join in I wasn’t much good at 3am this morning but I sure did go to bed nearly as happy as Velvet.

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    What a lovely girl she is. It’s amazing the difference 2 days with you has made. I’m sure Rossi and Tess will bring her out of her shell in no time. She’ll make a beautiful pet for somebody soon.


    Velvet is making great progress and everyone who meets her is won over by her gentleness…..but I am delighted to say that she is returning to the bouncing puppy that she should be.

    We attended a doggy event the other day and she was just amazing taking her cue from Rossi and Tess she took it in her stride….the only thing that spooked her were young kids being boisterous. She would best suit older children in a family that have dog experience.

    She has been down to make a visit to Mark as she had an upset tummy but she is a great girl and is back to full health.

    Travelling in the jeep is a work in progress and but again she is making strides from when we started with her literally being scared stiff and not wanting to get out……to now she will walk out to the jeep without hitting the reverse button. When in the back with the others she now will sit up and look out of the window. Will keep you posted if we crack the getting in of her own accord.

    Her coat is certainly now living up to her name and she got lots of compliments from her admirers.


    I met the beautiful velvet over the weekend and must say she is a real sweety! Loves to be rubbed and will sit down head in lap waiting for a cuddle! Such a gentle little thing was great to see her playful puppy side coming through!!


    Velvet had an eventful week – it started off with plenty of off lead training and galloping around her favourite places and she is doing fantastic so quick to learn….she has now mastered getting in and out of the jeep with no fear which is amazing to how she started. Plus she now gives kisses so gentle and I am overwhelmed how much this baby has come in such a short time.

    Wednesday she made her weight at 14.2kg to be spayed and was dropped down to the vets her breathing was very shallow and after a full examination I was called with the bad news that she wasn’t going to be spayed as she had a serious heart condition and wouldn’t survive the operation…So we are now waiting on a call in order for her to have a heart scan to determine how bad the condition is…..I was told to prepare for the worst but can’t help hoping for the best… This scan is very expensive and from previous D.i.D. experience with another foster dog as many as 6 scans plus ground breaking surgery were needed and thankfully were successful which gave the lucky boy back his life to live to the full.

    So if any of you can spare some of your hard earned cash to make a donation towards the costs that are going to be through the roof every euro would be so gratefully received……it seems so unfair that the poor mite had such a bad start to her short life that now she gets dealt an uncertain future.

    But to see our beautiful bundle of bounciness that brightens up my every day its hard to fathom she has such serious health problems….
    Her excercise regime has gone from 90mins of off lead galloping to a 10min on lead stroll… you can imagine the retained energy levels that need burning off we have become very inventive making up some games but the funniest is that Velvet herself has decided that she is now my interior designer….I come into the cushions on the couches having been rearranged and I really mean properly….taken from one and replaced perfectly onto another….I thought I was going ga-ga and I don’t mean Lady! But as Collie owners know the rule give a Collie a job otherwise it will find one for itself to do.

    We will keep everyone updated of the news and we have everything here crossed all fingers,toes and paws for a positive and fixable outcome.


    Don’t Tell Rossi I have his Big Red Bone!

    I Love My Toys

    She surveys her Queendom from an elevated position

    I am soooooooo cute and now have the most beautiful coat EVER!

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    She is absolutely beautiful, Audrey. :D What a terrible pity she has had this health setback as she was obviously making great strides with you. Please God she will be alright. :D :D Got a small donation for Dogs In Distress yesterday from a visitor to the neighbourhood who is MAD about dogs. I will forward it towards the treatment for this gorgeous little lady. Best of luck, princess. :D


    Thanks for the kind thought Susan and please pass on Velvets thanks too….her heart scan is tomorrow so fingers and paws crossed for my special little girl.



    Keeping all fingers & paws crossed for Velvet today. Really hope it is good news for her.


    Well Velvet was a great little patient yesterday but that’s the only good news :cry:

    Now for the technical bit: her condition is called Patent Puctus Arteriosus….and how I understood Mark’s explanation.
    The heart scan found a ligament in the middle of the heart that is present in the early stages of the growth of the heart but as the heart develops to adult size this ligament should seal itself off and wither and die off ….this hasn’t happen in Velvets case and the ligament is pressing into the pulmonary vein and reducing the flow of blood into her heart making it work so much harder than it should have to.

    Velvet is going to need open heart surgery in order to stay alive….but time isn’t on our little girls side if she doesn’t have this operation she has only a couple of months to live as her little heart is going further and further into heart failure.

    The search for a vet to do this operation has begun and more than likely we have to go outside of Ireland to find one… at the moment we don’t have a definite cost for her life saving operation but it is going to be expensive….if anyone the time to do any fund raisers please PM me.

    Life can be cruel sometimes this little one hadn’t the best of start in life then she came into D.I.D.’s care and she has thrived beyond our expectations and now she is diagnosed with this heart condition, I hope that people can make any sort of donation to keep this little girl alive.


    Been reading about this condition on the Internet :( . At least Velvet is in a safe environment where she is being well fed and cared for. The up-side from her point of view is that she will not have any sort of clue how poorly she is :) . OBVIOUSLY, serious surgery is required. Any sort of surgery carries risk but what she has certainly cannot be ignored – but equally it is fixible (is there such a word?). I will be heading to the bank tomorrow to get a small donation sorted out for Velvet. I have no doubt that the many good people who follow the DID site will dip into their pockets/purses/handbags and find even a few pence (euros) to help this little dog. The money will soon build up and will, hopefully, cover her treatment. Lets look forward to seeing a fit, healthy Velvet in full health. Get everything crossed now ;)


    Thanks Indianna for your post and your donation – as you correctlty said Velvet has no idea how poorly she is all she wants to do is get lots of love and snuggles and play tug with her toys.

    She was a great help in the garden at the weekend….the clever girl was watching me struggle with a stubborn root of a plant needing to come up which wasn’t budging and she joined in and dug it out…..I only wish someone else witnessed it as collies are in a league of their own with regard intelligence.

    Velvet has come on more and more with her learning from my pair and she is now becoming brave enough to try the odd game of tug with Tess.
    Our happy little pack

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    Beautiful photos :D

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