Skylar 10wk Golden Retriever x Terrier *HOMED*

Skylar 10wk Golden Retriever x Terrier *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Skylar 10wk Golden Retriever x Terrier *HOMED*

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    Skylar arrived today and he is the smallest of his brothers…..weighed in at 1.9kg.

    His little sis says he is the best snuggler….

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    Here is a picture of me when my mummy made a puppy pouch to carry me.

    We have had super duper play dates with Mindy, Mitzy and Marley we played, ran races and were truly pooped tired after it all….

    I love to snuggle…..when my foster mum’s lap or neck isn’t free I will snuggle with whoever is warm and free.

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    Skylar met his new mum and dad this morning and it was a love-fest…..and the even more exciting news is that his little sister Star gets to go live with him too……


    Also collected this fab boy he is sooo cute , like his sis he was fine with effy and everyone here :D , LOVES the garden so much even when it was raining a little he wouldn’t come in just kept throwing bits of grass and twigs around ,, He slept all night as well with his sis and now they are both fast asleep again ! :lol:


    Skylar wanted to phone his new mum and dad to say a Big Thank You and he can’t wait to come live with them….

    Skylar was fast asleep when Star decided to creep up and give him a jump on wake up call….

    Skylar wasn’t amused and threw her out

    Skylar….sleepy head on him

    I’m awake now and your not getting back in Star!

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    Well Skylar is coming along great he is so playful :lol:
    loves to play with Effy and running around the garden with his sis is his favourite thing to do! thank goodness today the weather is much better the poor dogs were going mad having to stay in the house :( . This little dude is going to be soo happy with his sis ,,,


    Well Skylar now known as (Riley) went off with his new mam and dad just now :D , and of course his sis too now known as ( Callie) . I know that Fiona and john will have so much fun with these two Babs and they will be spoiled rotten , "They deserve to be spoiled "


    Sooo happy!!!!


    Skylar, now Riley, has settled in so well here. He’s a bundle of energy and his favourite thing to do is torment his sister! He had his first walk on his lead today- 30 mins to get to the top of the road and back!! He’s snuggled up with Callie now after a very exciting day. Will update again next week.
    Callie & Riley 1st Aug 2011 (22).JPG


    Playtime, naptime and feeding time….so many favourite times of the day!!
    Callie & Riley 1st Aug 2011 (16).JPG
    Callie & Riley 1st Aug 2011 (24).JPG
    Callie & Riley 1st Aug 2011 (6).JPG


    Love the bed if i was them i wouldn’t get out of my bed at all ,, its great to see them settling in with you love getting updates " always worry that they don’t settle " . Thanks


    Riley is doing really well and having great fun with his little sister Callie. They’ve been down to the beach a few times and absolutely love it- although the sight of a few men flying kites was a bit of a shock to them! Riley is getting bigger every day and loves his grub. He’s a little more nervous of new situations than Callie but soon comes around. Loving having these two little bundles around the house.


    Wow Riley are your forever folks feeding you miracle grow…..or are you just trying to get as big as Rossi…..lets hope not. You also are thriving your one lucky pup and its great to see how you are doing.

    Keep the updates coming they mean so much to us fosterers.


    Riley might be getting bigger every day but he’s still a cuddle monster! He loves company and is happiest when he can chill out on his cushion in the sitting room with us. Walks with these two take forever because they want to say hello to absolutely everybody they meet! He’s a little shyer than Callie when he meets new dogs so he tends to follow her lead but he always ends up having a little play with them. He loves the beach and digging for shells but isn’t too fond of the car journey to get there…it’s one of the few times he’s completely silent! He’s having his Sunday nap now in the sitting room after their adventures on the beach this morning!
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    Delighted he is doing so well … could say he is a gentleman lettnig the lady go first into everything but we all know its just because he can be a little bit chicken some times!

    They are getting so big!

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