Ruby – Springer Spaniel X

Ruby – Springer Spaniel X

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs In Loving Memory Ruby – Springer Spaniel X

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    This lovely lady is Ruby, she is a 6 year old Springer Spaniel x. She is spayed, wormed, vaccinated and microchipped. She is a gentle and kind soul, causes no trouble. She loves other dogs, kids…. you name it she loves it! She loves her long walks in the woods with her foster family and then will happily snooze when she gets home. She’s an absolute treasure and is only small in size.


    My lovely Ruby sailed off into the sunset this evening to her new family in the UK. We are so sad to see her go and are sending every good wish we have with her. She will stay in our hearts forever, her teethmarks will stay on our tv remote and my mobile also :lol: Ruby felt that if anything ended up on the floor it was fair play! She was the easiest foster I have had and the only difficult part with Ruby was letting her go. Jodie is missing her too and is so quiet since she left. I am sure her new family will fall in love with her instantly. Good luck Ruby – you are truely one in a million!


    It is with a heavy heart and great sadness that I have to tell you that my friend lost her beloved Ruby last week after nearly two and a half years. She had a serious stroke and her heart was failing and the kindest thing was to let her go peacefully. We will never know exactly how old she was but our vets felt she was probably older than we first anticipated.

    She was a one in a million….our heartfelt thanks to "Tigger" for saving her from the pound and fostering until she came to the UK. She was a one in a million who is missed terribly.

    Run free Ruby…..we love you.


    So sorry for your loss…run free little girl :(


    I’m so sorry for your friend’s loss. Ruby was lucky to get a home all the way over in the UK. It’s good that your friend cared.


    R.I.P my darling Ruby, I’m heartbroken at the news. I know Liz loved you dearly and I never worried about you. You were the most easy going little dog to foster and our longest foster. You will always be in our hearts.

    DID Rescue

    So Sad to hear about Ruby but thank you for loving her and making her part of your family.
    At least she knew what it was to be loved and cared for.


    I`m so sorry for your loss x

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