Melanie – Spaniel X 18 mts old*HOMED*

Melanie – Spaniel X 18 mts old*HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Melanie – Spaniel X 18 mts old*HOMED*

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    This poor little girl was in the pound and was totally terrified. Thanks so much to Angela for transporting her and Anne for taking her into foster :D


    Hi this is Melanie’s foster mum. Thanks to Angela and her daughter for bringing Melanie to meet me. Melanie is a beautiful girl, very thin and a bit nervous. However, she has had a bath, a brush, eaten her dinner and had a little walk. She met the neighbours and had a waggy tail for both men and women. She is very friendly and has decided my husband is wonderful and smothered him in kisses. She is a lovely gentle girl but has a keen interest in my cats. We have separated them by means of a baby gate so everyone is safe for the moment. Melanie is, at last, having a lie down (in the cat’s bed!), she must have been exhausted but kept going all day. I will try and upload some pictures and will update soon.
    Mel beauty.jpg
    Mel 1.jpg
    mel sleeping.jpg


    Thank you so much…its amazing…she looks like a different dog…when we were in the pound she was frozen in her hard plastic bed and wouldn’t come over to say hello…most of the time all it takes it a bit of love, a warm bed and food to bring these pour souls out of their shell…again, thank you :D


    Dropped this stunning girl up to Anne yesterday and knew straight away she was in for some serious TLC! :D
    A really sweet dog with lovely kind eyes ;)


    Hi Anne here again. Melanie was in great form this morning despite having coughed a lot during the night. She appears to be house trained and there were no accidents last night. we went out in the car today and Mel was prefectly behaved, she lay down in the back seat as soon as we set off. We went for a small walk and she is used to being on the lead, and only pulls if she gets a scent. We found out today that Mel likes tummy rubs! I will put up some photos. Please forgive my attire, just look at Miss Mel – she is gorgeous!! Anne
    Sunday morning.jpg
    Mel in bed.jpg
    Mel in the sunshine.jpg


    Hi, Anne here again. Mel continues to do well. She is so good natured and just loves praise and cuddles. We brought her on a walk to the local shops this evening and she was very nervous and frightened by the parked cars and tried to run away when she saw an umbrella, so she has a bit of a way to go to regain her confidence, but its amazing after what she must have gone through that she is willing to trust us. She is very energetic despite being so undernourished and loves to run around the garden and is learning to come when called. She will sit on command and get into bed when asked. She is a wonderful girl.
    Beautiful girl.jpg
    something smells interesting.jpg


    Melanie is back in good form again today. She had a visit to the vet on Thursday as she refused to eat or drink and seemed a bit lethargic. Vet checked her out and nothing wrong apart from the kennel cough which seemed to be getting her down. Got some more antibiotics and finally today she appears to be getting over it with only a couple of coughs this morning. She continues to be a fabulous girl – very affectionate and she really wants to please. Her appetite has returned and she has put on a little weight. Vet said she has about 2kgs to go to ideal weight so its early days yet. Anne


    :D Thanks Linda for delivering Mel’s food yesterday. Big kiss from Melanie!


    Well Melanie. You’re not a page 2 girl so getting you right back up on top of page 1 :lol: So pretty..Anne you are doing a wonderful job. Just comparing the first picture to the latest ones there is an incredible improvement. All that fear is fizzling out. What a fabulous pet :!: Some very lucky family are going to get this lovely lady very soon :D Fianna


    I meet the sublime Melanie today and you’re right, Fianna, a page 2 girl this is not! Her photos do not do her justice, she’s a stunningly lovely dog, in both looks and temperament. She’s unrecognisable from the terrified creature in the first picture. Her coat is jet black, shiny, shiny, and she has the most lovely head, a real stunner. But she’s gentle, sweet and incredibly obedient. Anne has done wonders with her, she’s so mannerly … waits in the kitchen to be invited farther, stands back to allow Anne into the house first, she’s just amazing. She just loves being petted, rolls onto her back for tummy rubs, she’d be a wonderful companion for absolutely anyone.


    Mel is continuing to improve and gain weight. She enjoyed meeting Barbara during week and met my old dog minder yesterday . she galloped around with 5 other dogs of various sizes – all female- and had a great time. she gets on well with everyone she meets. she is still nervous around shops and cars but otherwise getting more confident. she really is a wonderful girl and very gentle.


    8-) 8-)


    Poor Mel has had ongoing problems with her tummy, thanks to her foster Mum for looking after her so well. She was back at the vet this morning and has been kept in for Xrays…please say a prayer that she is home and well soon.


    Mel came home from vet today.
    She is on meds but in good form. Hopefully she will continue to improve.

    Even when she was unwell she managed a tail wag, she’s a brave little girl.


    Glad you’re home now you can get better all the quicker.

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