Roxy – 8 wk old terrier x puppy*HOMED*

Roxy – 8 wk old terrier x puppy*HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Roxy – 8 wk old terrier x puppy*HOMED*

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    This little girl is going into foster with Sandy, who will update soon ;) This little girl was ""bought" by 6th year students for their teacher :evil: :evil:


    :( Oh dear, a handful of stunned puppy. Very much looking forward to images of a happy, playful, puppy dog enjoying a puppyhood that should always have been in place but I suspect not, until now. I hope this little soul has managed to escape all the nasty bugs that swamp puppies.


    Collected this tiny little girl and my god she is so sweet ,, thanks Joanna for meeting me i know it was so hard for you to part with her :( , but she is doing great with the other pups and she will be spoiled rotten here too ,,, :D . Roxy fitted in just perfect and there wasn’t a bother on her with all the dogs , loves playing with pearl :lol: her new buddy . Slept all night in her crate not a peep ;) .


    Pictures of this tiny girl :D , she is really having fun with all the dogs and is not afraid to stand up for herself :lol: :lol: . Had to put the picture of the bowl up its sooo tiny , that other bowl is ordinary size :o .
    Roxy so tiny ,,.JPG
    roxys little bowl on right.JPG


    Roxy is such a lovely "Tiny" girl she is having so much fun here with pearl , its play play all day for these too they snuggle up together during the day but at night they love their own space,, :lol: . I am bringing her up to Maxi zoo today to get her weighed any excuse to bring her out ,, ;) . I had her up in my sisters on Saturday with all the family she loved it all the attention she got especially from my nephew Daniel ,, he absolutely loved her ;) . There were 2 big dogs there and she didn’t mind even when Holly was obsessing , licking her she took it all in her stride and when she had enough she let them know :lol: .
    roxy 1.JPG


    She is just the best little girl and loves the kids here keeps trying to get up the slide to play with them :lol: :lol: the kids think it really funny . Toilet training is great so far if its raining and she cant go out if there’s newspaper down then she will go there but she likes to go outside ! She would make a great pet for anyone who is willing to give her a lot of love..


    Poor Roxy is sooo lonely since Pearl went :( , she loves playing with Effy but it not the same … poor little baby she snuggled in beside effy last night as you can see from the picture she really looks like effy !!! . She is a great little girl and would make anyone who adopts her sooo happy .
    roxy and effy.JPG


    Roxy met her new family and they cant wait to take her tomoro :D , she will be part of a big family of 4 dogs 2 cats and chickens ,, ow and of course 2 great little boys ….


    Well Roxy went off with her new family today :( , she couldn’t wait to go and was sooo excited to meet all the family today , and there is 3 boys not 2 sorry , Happy endings for this little girl. So happy all my foster babies are homed and happy before i head off on hols on Wednesday !!!! 8-)


    Roxy had a packed first day in her forever home she met them all one by one and slept the whole night through with one of the older doggies and two of her new feline friends…..
    Today she played football with the boys and was with all the doggies and she was racing with her new lurcher brother who she tried very hard to keep up with.

    Roxy’s family will send on pictures soon.


    Just a quick photo showing how well she has settled in

    Plus a little video to show how here and Banksy has become her best friend out of big family pack she now live very happily with. … VQpg%3d%3d


    Look who Marie (Twist) met on her travels today :D 8-) :D


    Ah…..she looks great and still a little dot!


    Ah she looks great all grown up now :D , she was such a little dote ,,, used to say she was Effys little baby !!


    From her forever family :D

    "Poo happy watching telly with her new pal sugar the kitten. Poo is part of the gang of 4 dogs , 3 cats and 5 hens. Sadly one of her pals our eldest dog rascal died after Christmas so we were all devastated. Poo is such a pet and doesn’t realise her size thinks she is a great Dane !

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