Meg – 10 month old Jack Russell *HOMED*

Meg – 10 month old Jack Russell *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Meg – 10 month old Jack Russell *HOMED*

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    This little girl is approx 10 months old and was surrendered by her owner. She is approx 7 weeks pregnant and is expecting her puppies in the coming weeks. Once her puppies are old enough to be rehomed Meg will be looking for her own forever home.

    Meg is a small JRT, loves people, good with other dogs, great in the car, loves her walks and is great on the lead. She is a really sweet social girl and is still just a puppy herself.

    Meg will be vaccinated, microchipped and spayed before being homed.


    Oh my God, that’s so sad. Turning your back on your pet when she needs you the most, when she needs warmth and comfort and a safe place to have her puppies, and she needs to trust. :cry:
    Well all I can say is thank God she has ended up with DID, she will be given 5 star treatment, she will have her pups in a warm and loving environment and she and her pups will be rehomed with the best possible families when they are old enough. See Meg, its not all bad! ;)


    :) Couldn’t agree more CFeely. Meg is safe, her puppies will be safe and most importantly, Meg will have her first and LAST litter of puppies. ;)


    Mammy has just had her pups :D Will update asap ;)


    yay! can’t wait to see the photos!


    Well I’m very happy to say that Meg has had 5 lovely little babies :D :D , There were 4 girls and 1 boy (sadly one of the little girls didn’t make it :( Meg cleaned them and fed them and they are all tucked up with mammy now having a sleep. Meg was great through it all even though she’s so young, she and pups are doing really well. I will get a photo up ASAP :D


    :D :D


    Well done Meg :) :) :) :) Your little babies look very beautiful. Have a good sleep and conserve all your energy for the next round of feeding.


    I am happy the birth of your puppies has come and gone, at least you are all safe and being cared for ;) . I was just about getting over the DID Six Meg and now you have dragged me into your little life :o . I will be ‘watching’ you and your babies from afar – several times a day!!! Be good now and soak up all the good care you are getting, good girl :D


    Even though original owners turned their back on Meg when she needed them most at least now she is in great care and her babies will get to best possible new homes when they grow old enough :) Can`t wait to see pictures of puppies :D


    Oh Meg, what a beautiful picture of you protecting your pups :D . Can’t wait to follow them and you over the coming weeks.


    :o Meg, quick – HIDE, all the mad people are starting to gather about you and your puppies. :lol: :lol: :lol: and yes, I AM the maddest of them all :oops: (especially for small terriers and terrier crosses. Evan, you must know that you are high on my list too and have been for some time now :roll: ) Its the madness that makes the world go round you know. ;)



    Just a quick update on mammy and pup’s, mammy is doing a really great job of keeping her babies well fed and really clean :D :D , and im delighted to say the 4 babies are coming on great u can see them getting bigger already :D , and my god they really like there grub :o
    I’ll get more pictures up of them really soon


    More pictures of Janes little angels :D
    Picture 225.jpg
    Picture 226.jpg


    AHHHHH…..they are just sooooo cute :D . Beautiful markings on the darker pups and the one ‘foxy’ pup looks just like her mum. So very sweet. ;)

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