Lucy – 11mt old Pugalier ( Pug x Cavalier) – HOMED

Lucy – 11mt old Pugalier ( Pug x Cavalier) – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Lucy – 11mt old Pugalier ( Pug x Cavalier) – HOMED

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    This little girl is 11mts old, she is small in size and fully grown. She is great with other dogs and loves traveling in the car :)


    Lucy is in fostercare with me and she has been a complete dream sorry for lack of photos I’ve no laptop access at the moment. There are a few pics of her on the Dogs in Distress Facebook page.
    She is being neutered this morning.
    Honestly she has been an amazing foster dog, friendly, great on/off lead, gets on well with other dogs and is HILARIOUS. Absolutely great personality. Loves company. If your looking for a best friend here she is.


    :D :D


    Lucy is recovering well from her spaying & is being a sweetheart. She is such a lovely girl! I brought her to the beach the other day and she tried drinking sea water!!!! Great personality and soul.


    she looks great and so chilled :D


    She is great. Loves a lil walk. My JRT Max is in love with her.


    Just a quick update, Lucy is getting on great, she is a pleasure to have in my home!


    Too cute :) :)
    Picture 268.jpg
    Picture 269.jpg


    Lucy gets on really well with everyone she meets, when you feed her a treat she twirls around like a ballerina! She is everyones best friend and loves new people, she has a playful personality she would be great with a family that already has a dog or has kids, or even someone on their own looking for a doggie best friend- she’s so easy going that she kinda fits in everywhere!! She is so unique looking and everyone comments on her looks! Everyone has a different opinion on what type of mix of dogs she is, regardless of what mix she is she has definitely got the best traits of whatever dogs they are. Absolute gem.

    DID Rescue

    I have to say I am amazed and surprised that this little girl has not been snapped up. :o
    Such fab photos and updates of her from her foster Mum.
    I really wonder sometimes what some people want from a dog/family pet.

    Well I am sure after past experience that here forever home still has not found her yet ;)
    Thank you for the lovely photos esp the one on her back and the updates.


    Brought this little girl home last night and she is an absolute sweetheart. I love her!! It was like she has lived with us her whole life she made herself comfy and had a snooze with her new boyfriend Gizmo! She’s a great addition to our family!


    That’s great news!! Glad to hear Lucy has settled in so well with was lovely meeting Gizmo and family on the home visit!! :)


    Thanks!! Starting to see the real her now. She’s crazy about food!!! No matter what it is shes over to try get her share!! Her and Gizmo still kinda keep their distance but they’re defo getting closer, she licked his face earlier so I think that’s a good sign :lol: I just love her cheeky little face! She’s great on & off the lead,very obedient & seems to be easy to train which is great! Really enjoying her company :)


    Lucy is doing great and her and Gizmo are fine together. She went to the beach on Sunday and was a bit scared of the waves. She is so good and goes straight to bed when she’s told. She’s so smart!! Here’s a few pics of her


    Hey! Here’s a few pics of Lucy! She’s such a smart dog & loves the camera!!
    002 (2).JPG

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