Kiki – 18mt old Shih tzu – HOMED

Kiki – 18mt old Shih tzu – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Kiki – 18mt old Shih tzu – HOMED

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    This little girl is fantastic and loves other dogs. She is small in size and fully grown. She is in foster with Laura, who will update soon :D
    Picture 113.jpg


    I took this little girl into foster on Thursday and she is so sweet. She was quiet nervous of the other dogs and just wanted to hide, she will come around after a bit of time, there’s no doubt that she is good with other dogs though not once did she bark or growl at them she is just quiet nervous at the moment.

    She is a very gentle dog who loves to be petted and loves sitting on your lap. She is so gentle when taking food from your hand. She hasn’t had any accidents in the house either :) She is quiet fussy on were she goes to the toilet she won’t go on concrete it has to be grass :lol:
    She sleeps well at night and there isn’t a sound out of her. Her hair is quiet matted so she will be going to get groomed on Wednesday, I can’t wait to see hows she looks when shes all cleaned up :)

    I washed her yesterday as she was quiet dirty she didn’t mind being washed at all and she even let me dry her she was happy to just sit there. She got so excited when she was all clean running around thinking she was great :lol: She is just adorable I’m falling in love with her. I will post pics soon :)



    This little girl is doing great, she has made great friends with my lot :D She is great on the lead and loves going for walks. She is very well behaved and is house trained. She sleeps soundly at night there doesnt be a peep out of her.


    More pics :)


    she looks so much happier – whata a cutie! :)


    Yeah she is such a little dote, and so gentle. She’s getting on great :D She is going to get groomed tomorrow, cant wait to see her afterwards :D
    I dont think the postman was too impressed this morning as she started barking at him when he came into the garden this morning :lol:


    This little girl is one of the sweetest shih tzu’s I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. She was in quite a bad state coat wise, but took the grooming like a real lady would ;) .
    That cant be all off me….jpg
    2011-02-02 09-54-29 – 02022011237.jpg


    Ooh, I groom Ollie (formerly PJ) who we adopted from DID a year and a half ago and I though a lot of hair came off him. But that is a LOT of hair.

    I would assume that anyone thinking of adopting a shih-tzu would realise that they are long haired breeds and that they will need a lot of brushing and grooming. Just something for potential adoptive parents to think about. For the most part Ollie is patient when I brush him, but hates when I do the top of his paws the most.


    Thanks so much for grooming her Jetta she looks even more beautiful without all of that hair, id say she feels a lot better to :D

    Jenbear I agree anyone thinking about adopting a shih tzu should do some research on the breed before getting one and have the time to brush and groom them on a regular basis.


    What a transformation! :D
    She looks so much happier. That was a LOT of hair to be carrying around on such a small dog! :roll:


    This little girl is doing great, she was in the vets yesterday to get spayed and all went well :D She was still quiet sleepy when I picked her up and she slept right through the night until about 11 this morning. There isnt a bother on her today shes just like her normal self. This little girl is so laid back and so quiet you wouldnt even know shes here half of the time. She is so gentle natured she would make a great addition to any home :D

    DID Rescue

    I love the picture of the three Amigos on the chair… cute. :)
    Well settled in or what?????
    I am sure she feels happier with the hair loss.
    Well done Jetta and thanks for helping again we really appreciate it.
    You have made a little girl much happier and more comfortable.


    Yeah twist this little girl is well settled in, shes just like part of the family even my 15yr old collie loves her he has started acting like a puppy again trying to play with her normally he wouldnt even bother with any of the dogs & just does his own thing. Its so cute to see :)


    This little girl is doing great she was back at the vets today for a check up after her opp, the vet was very pleased with her. I think she got a bit cold last nite, i woke up at 4am with her trying to get under the duvet :lol: Funny little girl.


    Aw did she try to get under the covers cone and all? When we got Mia (aka Fizz) spayed a few weeks ago she kept bashing the cone off my head in the middle of the night because she couldn’t figure out how to curl up in her usual spot with the cone on. It was not so funny at 2am, so I feel your pain.

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