Jinky – Basset hound puppy *HOMED*

Jinky – Basset hound puppy *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Jinky – Basset hound puppy *HOMED*

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    This beautiful puppy was going to be put to sleep as his owners no longer wanted him :evil: Thankfully a kind person stepped in and took him in but cant keep him. He now needs urgent foster. Please, if you can help, contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;) He is 8mts old


    More Jinky Photos!

    Winston Ashley 1.jpg
    Winston Classic Basset.jpg
    Winston Profile.jpg


    Great and very short little YouTube video from Animal Planet about Basset Hounds.


    Jinky was in vet today to have his stiches removed and it went very well.

    Having play date with Trinity on wednesday – that`s if forever home wont be found by then :)
    Here is picture of this gorgeus fella I took today


    Only back from doggy play date :) It went very well. Jinky (Winston) doesn`t mind other dogs all he wants is play,play play and more play :lol: there was no food aggression as Trinity "helped" him finish his food :oops: and they played tug of wars with rawhide :D
    Here is some pictures and I can`t believe that he hasn`t been snapped up yet

    DID Rescue

    Well done Trinity for doing your bit for DID.
    They both seemed to have a great play date :)
    It’s great to see the dogs just being dogs and having fun.

    Just for general information there are always lots of homes in for particular dogs but while they might like the look of the dog or the particular breed that does not mean that it a good home for that dog.
    We in DID pride ourselves at matching the right family to the dog and the right dog to the family….. and nothing ever alters that.
    The dogs happiness is our priority.

    Always remember these animals ended up with us because they were not wanted, we need to ensure that this never happens again.
    That is a promise I have always made to any dog that comes into our care and we will do our best to uphold it and not let them down again.


    Newest photos!

    Winston loves to eat apples. They are reserved as special treats for when he’s REALLY bored or when he responds very well to training lessons.


    Winston Apple.jpg
    Winston Ears.jpg


    Well, we’re on day three of the great "no jumping, nipping, or bin diving" experiment, and we are so stinkin’ proud of this dog. Jinky is one smart boy.

    We have even made tremendous progress on "drop it" compliance with scavenged items (i.e. food or dirty paper items stolen from the garbage bin).

    My husband, especially, is impressed. Jinky has gone in only two full days from jumping constantly and stealing items constantly (and I DO mean constantly) from people, counters, furniture, etcetera, to a sweet boy who only makes these mistakes infrequently through the day.

    Two days. That’s all it took.

    The time-out method, which works for just about anything, works like this: Whenever Jinky exhibits a bad behavior (such as jumping on a counter or sticking his nose in the garbage bin), we mark that behavior with "no" or "ah-ah." The second time he does the same bad behavior, we say, "Too bad!" and then escort him on lead out of the room and tether him for about 30 seconds or until he stops crying/scratching at door to be let back in. Wash, rinse, repeat.

    The first day, this was an every 2 minutes kind of thing…literally. Today, we have maybe one time-out per hour. That is SERIOUS progress. Jinky is so very smart that he has already figured out the program. You can actually see him weighing his options and making calculated choices.

    The nipping is already very manageable. He only forgets when he is very excited and in the midst of active play. There have been very, very few nips in calm interaction with him both yesterday and today. It’s miraculous.

    I think that given another week or two of consistency, he will stop falling on his old habits to get his way. Little Jinky is being a very good boy!


    Hi Mrs Nix. I’m delighted that you have been making such terrific progress with young Jinky since my visit.
    He is such a sweet dog and you are right , he is bright as a button.The rate at which he was able to grasp the concept of ‘drop it’ on request was remarkable and he truly seemed to enjoy the training game.
    Great to hear that you are so dedicated to training this smart fella to prepare him for the forever home he so deserves.
    Keep up the good work.


    With Jinky’s birthday just around the corner, I wanted to stop in and make a birthday wish for his forever family to find him soon. Little Jinky has been so patient and learned so much waiting for his new home. This sweet boy really deserves a forever family for his birthday. He is an amazing creature with a lot of love and loyalty. He melts your heart.


    Couldn`t resist when was dropping over some food for Jinky to take few snaps :)
    He is much better at playing with other dogs :D


    Meet the indomitable Jinky! This beautiful young man came to us in January after his original owner decided they didn’t want him anymore. He was about to be put down when a kind neighbor intervened and brought him to Dogs in Distress. Our family has been lucky to be his foster home.

    When Jinky first arrived two short months ago, he was terrified of his collar and leash, unable to walk up and down stairs, un-housetrained, and completely without training or manners of any sort. The poor guy didn’t even know his own name.

    Today, Jinky is reliably housetrained, a pro at using the stairs, a gentleman on lead, and trained with basic obedience commands like "sit, wait, stay, lie down, and drop it." He learns VERY quickly…more quickly than any dog I’ve ever met. As he outgrows puppyhood, he will continue to get better and better at these tasks, and we feel confident saying that, for a bit of cheese or a piece of popcorn, he will learn anything you want to teach him!

    Jinky is a perfect Basset Hound. He even has a pedigree to prove it if his looks and loving, stubborn, playful personality weren’t enough to demonstrate his "Basset-ness." This gorgeous dog is affectionate and wants cuddles ALL the time. He loves people and new dogs to be friends with (he loves other dogs so much that he gladly shares his food and even his chew bones with them). His loyalty to his family in particular is impressive. He hates to see any one of us go, and he waits diligently by the door when he knows it is time for someone to be coming home from school or work. He craves attention and will nose your hand or put his head in your lap to remind you that he needs petting.

    If you are a family who loves the hound personality, then you know what a joy it is to see one of these independent, lively, and intelligent dogs choose to love and be loyal to you. Jinky is a fine hound and a good boy who wants to love and be loved in a forever family of his own.



    This is a video taken yesterday of Jinky in our kitchen.


    Oh Mrs Nix i’m sitting here in work with a big smile on my face watching that video : :lol: . He looks wonderful and they way he is looking up at you is just magical :D. Thanks for posting that, it has made my day! ;)


    Aw…isn’t he gorgeous!!! That is a lovely video :)

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