Hooch Lab – HOMED

Hooch Lab – HOMED

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    This is hooch he is a 16mth old fox red lab. He is wormed, microchipped, vaccinated & neutered. He is great with other dogs and could do with losing a few pounds (but hey couldnt we all!!! :lol: ). This beautiful boy came to us this evening and we have fallen head over heels in love with him already!!! :shock: This beautiful boy has spent most of the evening curled up beside me on the couch having lots and lots of cuddles. I have no doubt he will be snapped up in a heart beat as he is extremely lovable. I will update again tomorrow :D
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    Emma he is an absolute dote :)the sit on him in d pic is brill. :lol:


    Andrea he is a sweet heart, he is the most cuddly slob I’ve ever met he just loves his cuddles.

    Well everyone this big beautiful lad has had an eventful morning already we kept him seperate from our two last nite as he seemed a little nervous of his new surroundings so we wanted to give him a chance to settle in. We bedded him down last nite at about ten and he slept the whole nite through until half eight this morning. He is fully house trained which is always a bonus :D

    We then went for a walk in the curragh with the three dogs and when we came home we let them get to know one another out the back. They are now chilling out on the sitting room floor after their walk and a bit of grub so they are happy out. He is a total dream to walk, no pulling on the lead even though he is a large labrador he is content to walk along by your side He wil sit, stay, give the paw, lie down all on command.

    This dog is a complete gentle giant and will be an asset to any family lucky enough to adopt him. I will try get some more pics of him later ;)


    heres a pic of this fab boy from earlier today shortly after we got home from our walk, he is the beauty on the right of the pic :D

    we’ve had a fab evening here the three of them have been flat out all evening only getting up to go to the loo or for a drink and then straight back onto the couch to flake out!

    its a dogs life in our house!!! :lol:
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    well hooch is a dream, he has two speeds when walking around the house…. slow and slower!!! he just loves to potter around having a sniff. :D

    he has a great little personality on him and if he comes over for a rub and your not quick enough he keeps flipping your hand into the air with his nose!!! :lol:

    he loves his walks and is a star on the lead, he travels great in the car and hoovers up his grub. he truly is a gentle giant, all this great boy craves is cuddles and someone to call his own….if you think this fab lad is the one for you then please fill out an adoption form ;)


    Hey Emma
    Delighted you have this guy in foster……hope Jack and Lucy are looking after Hooch well……another colour variety of Lab for you to love and by the sounds of it you love him already and why wouldn’t you he looks a really handsome chap.


    Hi Emma,
    Just spotted this gorgeous boy and then saw it was you that has him. :)
    Well lucky lad to have your family to mind him. What a beauty.
    I didn’t know that was what the dark gold was called as our Paddy was the same colour.
    Good old Lucy looks like she’s taken a shine to him already and why wouldn’t she? :lol:
    If only we had house room!
    He is an absolute beauty and I hope that he finds his forever family soon. Good luck Hooch!!! XXXXXX


    hey ladies
    thanks a mil for all the kind words :D this boy is totally fab in everyway, he has a brill little personality on him and we are head over heels about him. when he first came lucy wasnt sure what to do cause he is a big ol lad but she has taken it on herself to keep him in line if he gets too big for his boots!!! :lol: he is a dream to have around the house.

    he must weigh bout ten stone but he seems to think he is a light little jack russell as when he jumps up on the couch if your ignoring him he moves until his laying on his back across your lap which is amusing but he is slowly learning that he needs to be patient and then he gets his cuddles ;) when feeding him from hand he can be very eager but in two days with the use of the command "easy" he has become as gentle as anything.

    maglou when we got this big lad all i thought of was you and paddy! der even said i bet if they hadnt already a second dog they’d want this one!!! :lol:

    this guy is waiting to meet his forever mam and dad……so come meet him and fall in love ;)


    Emma you are a mind reader! Not that it’s too difficult on this one! :lol:
    He is so like Paddy and yes I Ireckon there would have been a fair chance we would have snapped him up if we hadn’t had Hallie.
    Little Hallie is doing great though, I just wish we had more room for just one more little one??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
    Hooch is a real beauty and sounds like he has a real lab personality.XXX


    margaret your spot on he is a typical lab personality, he is a complete dote :D your nearly as bad as us for the ol labs!!! :lol: theres something about them you cant help but love.

    hooch the pooch as we have taken to calling him has settled in here perfectly, he is a very clean dog and has never had an accident in the house. he is a large lab but thankfully is not a dog that jumps up on you. he has the sweetest nature and knows how to get cuddles by doing sad eyes if he thinks your not paying him enough attention!!! :shock:

    this big guy is a total gem, he is so big but yet gentle and has that puppy streak that at times makes him clumsy (perfect example is earlier tonight when he was lying on the couch next to me and wanted to have a tummy rub…..which ended with him turning over where there was no couch and falling onto the floor!!! :lol: he caught himself in the nick of time with a little help ;) )

    this guy will be the perfect edition to any home…. ;)


    Oh Emma, he is so adorable. I wish……..!
    He looks so like Paddy.
    Bax does the same thing and rolls over onto his back without checking he is on solid ground. He did it this morning and fell off the bed!! :lol:
    Labs are just such brilliant dogs.
    They are great cuddling dogs, especially when they’re all warm and sleepy. :)
    This boy deserves a very special family.X


    I agree Margaret he deserves a really special family and I deserve a bigger couch!!!! :lol:

    Hooch is still the star attraction in our house, Lucy, Jack and Hooch are now spending all their time together and getting on like a house on fire.

    Hooch is a real funny dog and he is always up for a bit of devilment, he loves cuddles and he has just fitted into the routine in our house without a bother, if we could just teach him his not a lap dog we’d be flying it :lol:
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    Emma you are lucky that Derm doesn’t want to sit beside you on the couch ….and even if he did he has too much competition to deal with.

    Its great to see this lad getting on so well and how he settle so quickly.


    Poor Der doesn’t get a look in any more Audrey as this big bundle of fur loves his cuddles!!! I just need a bigger couch and an extra pair of hands!!! :lol:

    Hooch settled in here in record time in fairness to him there hasn’t been a bother on him, he is a real fast learner and has taken our manic routine in his stride, he is a real happy chappy.
    Grub cuddles and a walk and this big lad is in his element. He really looks for so little in return for all he gives us :D He is brilliant with our two dogs there’s no bother when they’re all together and they have even taken to cuddling up together at night on the couch.

    This big lad is filled with nature and is so gentle, every house needs a Hooch!!! :lol:


    Emma, you need a couch exclusively for yourself and Dermot by the looks of things.
    The one you’ve got is just about right for the three hairy hounds! :lol: :lol: :lol:
    So glad that Hooch has settled in well but not surprised as you offer an impeccable boarding establishment! :D
    Looks like you will have your hearts broken all over again when this fab boy finds his forever home. :( :)

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