Casper – Bichon Frise – HOMED

Casper – Bichon Frise – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Casper – Bichon Frise – HOMED

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    He is 2 yrs old and is wormed, vaccinated, microchipped & neutered.
    oct pups 705.jpg


    This little man is gone into foster with Joan – thanks to everyone else who offered ;)


    How old is this little man? He is so cute.

    Joan Kirwan

    Hi Folks , Picked Casper up today from Belinda ,,, thank so much for holding him .

    He very nervous of people and very confussed to what was going on
    He is nutered , will be vax’ed, wormed and is already chipped .
    He has just been groomed so if you are interested in Casper you need to know that he will require grooming every 8 weeks at least to ensure his coat is kept in good shape.

    I would suggest his new home has older or no children as he’s not keen on them.

    will take some photos when he settles in and keep you posted


    Glad to see casper is in safe hands. I have Lucy ( sherri) Bichon for the last year. Bichons are lovely dogs but need to be groomed daily as well as going to the groomers. Their hair can matt so easily . I hate to think why he is nervous of humans. They are amazing dogs and so intelligent. Looking forward to a happy ending :) :)


    I know the family who originally had Casper, and it broke their heart to have to get him re-homed, but for personal reasons they had to, but one thing I do know is this dog was really well looked after, he came from a loving home who loved him dearly. Casper is a nervous dog but I’m sure with help from Joan and her gang he will be fine in no time.

    Joan Kirwan

    Morning all .

    Well Casper had a good night sleep but was still nervous of me this morning . Took a while for him to come out of his bed . Hopefully he’ll be a bit better today . He just needs to find his way round .

    He took no notice of my 3 here so he is use to other dogs and hasn’t even bothered with the chickens ..

    Will keep you posted .


    Joan Kirwan

    Hi all , Bit of a hard day … trying to get Casper to trust us was hard and long but this evening he’s sittin beside me on the chair … every now and again he go off and we need to reasure him again but is all part the process . little by little … hes a bit wary of men but I put that down to him not knowing us and just needs to get use to everything .. he’s currently staring at Im a celebrity get me out lol lol lol maybe he feels like his in the jungle :-)

    Joan Kirwan

    Well were making good progress with this little man .. he is house trained and if you don’t see him at the door to go out he’ll give one bark to you to let you know . he’s soo good. He is now eating as we couldn’t get him to eat for the first few days. As we have snow they love some soup over there food to keep them nice and warm .

    He sleeps very well at night and we have no accidents.

    He’s still a bit nervous of men but today he sat up beside my son who is over 6 foot so you could call him a man :-) and was quite happy to be sitting there .
    He loves all my daughters friends as they make such a fuss over him . All teenage girls love fluffy white dogs . He’s lucky they haven’t covered him in hair accessories and stuck him in a handbag

    He sits when asked and gives the paw so he’s already had basic training before coming here. He also know to go to bed when he’s been asked.

    As its been snowing hard we really haven’t gotten out for a good walk but he love running around in the garden …

    He’s started to play with his toys and my boxer which is great . He was so out of sorts he jsut wouldn’t play with anyone one or any toys
    thankfully this is now changing .

    He’s really starting to come out of him self and his little personallity is starting to shine ..

    will keep you posted and take some photos later

    Joan Kirwan

    Some photos of Casper
    Casper 002.jpg
    Casper 006.jpg
    Casper 010.jpg
    Casper 009.jpg
    Casper 013.jpg


    He really is a beauty. iv lost the run of myself checking every so often to see updates on casper :roll: Those pics are brill, Thanks :D

    Joan Kirwan

    Some more photos
    Casper 004.jpg
    Casper 014.jpg


    Hi Joan, Casper is lovely! Do you know what he is like around babies? My own little dog is the image of him apart from being black :lol:

    Joan Kirwan

    Hi , Casper is 2 yrs old and timid … he’s is quite stand offish . I wouldn’t recommend him for small children , but he is good with older children (teenagers).
    He’s great with other dogs and is starting to come out of himself.
    If he deciede’s not to come in then he won’t so he’s a bit cheeky … if he wants to play he will talk to you believe me its so funny .. it’s not a bark but he mouths sound at you. He’s house trained , will sit , will give the paw.


    I have a 2.5 year old bichon, don’t worry to much about the eating I think bichon maybe just slow eaters, I have to leave my fella bowl down all the time as he doesn’t and never has gulped is food in one sitting he is more inclined to eat at night time, I said it to the vet and he told me that some breeds of dogs are not fussed about food, he told me to try to leave the bowl down for 10 mins in the morning and 10 mins in the evening to teach him that this is the time to eat but it never worked with my dog, as he was eating nothing, so as I said I just leave the bowl down all day and he eats when he wants which seems to be little and often, this is good in away because I have noticed that because food is not a big thing with him, there is no food agression with other dogs, I am fostering Fargo at the moment a little pup and the two of them are happy to eat out of the one bowl. So really what I am saying his eating may not be a behavoural problem it may just be his breed.

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