Grace – boxer – HOMED

Grace – boxer – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Grace – boxer – HOMED

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    This lovely girl is approx. 6 yrs. old. She is wormed, vaccinated, microchipped & neutered.


    We collected Grace from Mark in Terenure over the weekend.
    She managed to survive the welcome bombardment from Buddy and settled in straight away!
    She is such an affectionate girl. Lots of Boxer licks and kisses on the couch straight away. :D

    There was no problems sleeping that night. She slept in the kitchen on her bed beside Buddy. Not a bother on her.
    She didn’t even bat an eyelid at the thunder and lightening…and on her first night…resilient lady!

    She has been very quiet and sleeping alot. I think the operation took alot out of her but she is getting livlier each day.
    She had a great play on the green with Buddy this evening!

    Her a couple of pics of the two pals on the couch together.


    Ahh…they look great together :D


    Grace is the smallest friendliest kiss smoothering boxer x I have ever seen …if you meet her you can’t help falling for her!


    She is such a friendly dog alright. I got an amazing welcome when I got home yesterday! Big wags and tons of kisses :)


    Grace is doing great with us. She is loving her walks up Killiney Hill. She is brilliant on the lead. She just trots alongside you as you walk. You would hardly know she was there.
    We have let her off the lead up Killiney Hill too, and she has loved it! Her recall is very strong. She responds well to whistles and comes running back. Grace had a great play with another boxer yesterday. Alot of people commented that she was bouncing around like a puppy and they couldn’t believe her age.
    We are starting to see her playful side now that she is getting over her operation :)
    Grace is a really small boxer.We could really see this yesterday when she was playing with her new friend Katie (the boxer).
    If we meet up again we’ll try to get a pic to show the size difference!

    Grace has been great in the house. She loves company but has been fine when we have left her and Buddy alone while we were out.
    She has brilliant manners – no table surfing, chewing or anything bold!

    Here are another couple of pics of the two new pals falling asleep after yesterdays walk : :D
    Grace Asleep After Walk.jpg
    Best Pals.jpg


    Grace met up with her new friend Katie(red collar) on Sunday. She really is so small compared to Katie. Hopefully these pics show the size difference!
    2010-12-05 15.25.20.jpg
    2010-12-05 15.24.17.jpg


    We are still having a great time with Grace!

    I can’t stress enough just how lovely a dog she is. So gentle and affectionate. She loves curling up beside us on the couch and falling asleep. She is a loud snorer though, but it’s cute really!

    She is very good with other dogs. When she has been off lead she loves saying hello to other dogs. Some kids were getting some unexpected kisses too! :lol:

    She will make such a nice addition to somebody’s family. She is such a loving dog. Very eager to please. We even mastered giving the paw today – clever and gorgeous, what a combination! :D


    awhhh she looks so cute..hopefully she wont be much longer looking for her forever hope…hopefully the new year is a good one for her :)


    We are delighted to be having Grace’s company for Christmas.
    We are both looking forward to spoiling her loads!

    Grace has really come out of herself. She has become much more playful and has great fun wrestling with our fella Buddy.

    Hopefully 2011 will be a great year for this gorgeous girl.
    She definitely deserves tons of happiness.

    In the meantime we are loving having this lady here with us! :D


    I’ll bet the beautiful Buddy doesn’t want gorgeous Grace to leave your house at all…..they look very happy together on your sofa. Have a great Christmas and here’s hoping Santa brings Grace her forever family very soon in the New Year.

    Lorraine :D


    Hi Lorraine,

    Poor Buddy is going to be heart broken when Grace finds her forever home. They have been getting on great together.
    There is now daily wrestling in the kitchen/hall/sitting room…. :lol:

    It has been amazing to see Grace bounce back from her rough times and operation to become a happy playful dog. She is putting on weight too and is getting prettier by the day!

    PS – wrestling over their favourite squeaky penguin toy has just started!


    This beautiful little girl has gone off to her new home :D He family said she is settling in well and will update soon ;)


    Grace its fantastic the life you have ahead of yourself now…..and you are certainly deserving nothing but the best.


    Garreth, Emma and the kids passed on these lovely pics.

    It is great to see Grace looking so happy and beautiful :)
    Grace and Zoe.JPG
    All the Gang.JPG

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