Faye JRT – 3 months old – HOMED

Faye JRT – 3 months old – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Faye JRT – 3 months old – HOMED

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    This little girl will be wormed, microchipped and have at least her 1st vaccination before being rehomed. She must be neutered at 6mts. old.

    Hi. Meet Faye. I collected her from Martina this morning and she is just beautiful. She is stunning looking, tan and white – very independent and confident. Not easy to face my brood for the first time but she is running around here quite happily with them all!! She has a magnificent soft, silky coat and it is obvious she has been well cared for. She is bigger than Erin and Errol but still fits very comfortably on my lap where she is sitting right now. Here are the first photos of this little lady.


    One more for good luck


    Look at that little face – she’s beautiful!


    Faye packs a punch in the personality stakes…..you should see her come into an established pack of older dogs and completely confident ….even tease them when they are not playing the game she wanted to play ….which of course is "Chase Me"! she is so beautiful the camera doesn’t do her justice.


    Just a little update on this lady. Faye is continuing to thrive – she loves her cuddles, loves her grub and has developed a passion for a ball!! She is a tiny bit put out with the arrival of Gizmo but they are beginning to play and enjoy each other. She is WONDERFUL in the car. We went to visit her foster Grandma yesterday and she curled up on the back seat and slept the whole way there and back!!! Will get some more pics tomprrow. In the meantime . . .


    A few more photos of this little angel. She loves cuddling on your lap – even more so now since Gizmo arrived and wants to play NON-STOP!!! :lol: Making teeny progress on the toilet training. Most of the poops done outside now which helps a little. The wees are a work in progress, shall we say??? :lol: A beautiful little princess, Faye will brighten up the life of whoever is lucky enough to adopt her. :D


    I got the stick, na na na na na!!!!


    Me and my new foster bro, Gizmo.


    Hi, just wondering if Faye is still available? she would be a perfect companion for my terrier cross Charlie.


    Faye certainly is still available and she would be the perfect companion for ANY dog – or indeed any person!!! Just go to the Forms and Downloads section on the website, fill in an adoption form and email it off. Someone from DID will be in touch with you. Good luck :D


    Well Faye had a lovely visit yesterday from Aedamar who has decided she wants to give Faye her forever home :D Faye will have a new big sister, Coco and a new big brother, Rocky in her new home so she is a lucky lady! The dogs met yesterday too and got on great so :D :D :D Faye will be heading off at the end of the week.


    Good Luck in your new home little lady :D


    Well Faye was vaxed and microchipped today and will be on her way on Saturday, please God. :D We will really miss her here cos she is a total sweetheart who loves nothing more than curling up on a lap in the warm sitting room :P I know she will have a great "happy ever after" with Aedamar and Nick – and Coco and Rocky! All the best, my little angel :D


    Good luck Faye… she is just gorgeous and so sweet! A great little pup who i’m sure will settle right in :)


    Our darling little Faye left for her new life this morning without a backward glance at her tearful foster mammy!!! :) She trotted out through the snow with Aedamar sporting a gorgeous new pink collar and matching lead. She is going to have a great life with Aedamar, Nick, Rocky and Coco and we are all so happy for her (even though we will miss her like crazy). Best of luck, my little angel and be happy :D :D

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