Kit – 10wk old jrt puppy – HOMED

Kit – 10wk old jrt puppy – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Kit – 10wk old jrt puppy – HOMED

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    This little man is fantastic. He is great with other dogs :D He is gone into foster with Suzanne who will update soon :D
    Picture 138.jpg








    Kit is doing great. Doing all the usual puppy things. Running off with anything he can ! Even my washing that just came out of the machine. Having said that he is generally as good as gold, he puts our two to shame. He is a quiet little dog and when I get him up on my lap he normally falls asleep and it does not take too long before he nods off .I talk to him a lot and he seems to listen to every word but maybe some subjects send him to sleep ! I know the elections have him nodding off . He loves the tv and often sits and watch’s , his little head turns from side to side as he is trying to figure out what’s going on .So cute ! He is very good with the dogs , they don’t always want to play but the last few days he has been having a lie in when we first get up so this is good for our two as they always take their time getting up. Will take more photo’s soon .

    DID Rescue

    This is one cute little man…………why has he no home?
    Jack Russell’s are not all nippy and difficult.
    This little boy is a happy little chap and well adjusted.
    All dogs or puppies need to be considered as individuals and not as a block description.
    If you are looking for a small dog with personality have a look at this little man ;)


    Kit is a beauty! I fully agree with ‘Twist’ … 5 years ago we adopted a leggy jack russell x – he’s fun, bouncy, intelligent and so loving. He can be high on energy and loves charging around in the woods, fields, beach or garden, yet he is also content to lie by the fire or snuggle on a lap!

    If you’re looking for a ‘big dog’ in a small body you won’t go wrong with a Jack Russell!!


    Well said ladies. You can have the best of both worlds with JRT’s. They are full of personality, great fun, up for anything but at the same time are happy to snuggle up with you. There are a number of little gems on this site. ;)


    kit feb2011 006.JPG


    Kit is very well , sleeps a lot though, growing a bit too, certainly heavier to carry than he was when he arrived but he loves his food ! No problems with him, he is very good for us and likes to sit on our laps when he can .He can run very fast up and down the garden and is able to bring the ball back now.Not much of a bark on him yet but he tries ! Its more like a little yelp ! He smiles when he sleeps too :D


    Finally….. we have a wee bark ! I was making cakes and bread this morning and all dogs sleeping. Kit was the first to wake. On tv was the Midday prog, panel of women talking , Ruth Madoc from Hi De Hi was laughing her head off and up he got and barked ! Its not really a strong bark, sounds a bit sort of muffled ! Couldn’t stop laughing at him, the portable tv is very high up on the wall too but he kept turning in circles and barking at this person laughing, maybe it woke him up because he was fast asleep.


    This little baby is being adopted by her foster mammy Jane who also adopted Dora (1 of the D.I.D. 6) :D


    Yes im delighted to say were adopting Kit :D :D , he just fits in perfect with us we all love him so much already , and Bella (Dora) love’s him so much they are the best of friends and just get on so well with each other its great to look at them , so we will put photo’s up soon :D :D :D


    :D :D
    Picture 192.jpg


    Two peas in a pod. They are a perfect match – a lovely story :D . Happy days.

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