Chloe – JRT – HOMED

Chloe – JRT – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Chloe – JRT – HOMED

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    Meet the lovely Chloe. She is what you might call a "vintage" doggy :) She is definitely a "golden oldie".

    Chloe has the sweetest temperament…..potters along at her own pace……ignores cats and co-exists very happily with 4 dogs at the moment. From what we know of her history, she hasn’t always been treated very well although the young man who has taken good care of her for the past year was heartbroken that he wasn’t in a position to keep her.
    Chloe was a little shell-shocked on arrival. A very gentle little lady, she doesn’t seem to expect affection and seems unsure of how to react when she receives it….although we have progressed to lots of tail wagging over the past few days. She eats well (needs to lose weight actually), seems to have trouble with her hearing and her back leg is a bit stiff. HOWEVER!…..she is a little diamond waiting to shine and just needs someone who will love her for the rest of her life.

    Chloe really needs a forever home where there is no chance she will have to move again….she just needs to settle into a routine and provide the love, companionship and devotion to whoever her lucky new owner is. Could it be you?
    Chloe 043.JPG
    Chloe 044.JPG
    Chloe 050.JPG


    Chloe I bet you are at the top of Santa’s Christmas list coz you look like a very special girl…..Im sure the man of the moment will sprinkle some magic sparkly stuff and you will find a forever home….sure he gave you to one of his best elves who is known to the rest of us as Lainey.

    Have a very happy and settled Christmas Chloe


    Well Miss Chloe, happy retirement for you :D . Its not just puppy dogs I follow, I will be keeping a very close eye on you ;) . You will be a wise old girl 8-) . No doubt in your life you have met the bad :evil: , not so bad :x , good :) (well done to the person who cared for you before you landed with DID) and now the very VERY good :D :D . Enjoy things, you are safe.


    Chloe is a very sensitive little soul. Her friend Cody has just had surgery and looks very bedraggled. I slept on the sofa with Cody’s bed beside mine and Chloe insisted on snuggling right up to Cody all night. She refused to budge – it was as if she felt she needed to reassure Cody that everything would be ok. Such a gorgeous girl ;)

    She has enjoyed frolicking in the snow all day today and is becoming surer in herself. She feels comfortable now trotting over to request a tickle behind the ears or a belly rub – it’s heartwarming to see.

    Chloe has her stocking hanging on our fireplace for Santa but I’m pretty sure her wish is that he brings her forever home to her in the new year. All she wants for Christmas is YOU.


    :D Dear Chloe, Its so nice of your foster person to keep us up-dated on your progress. As for running around in the snow, good on you Chloe, you are obviously settling in with your people – nice, isn’t it? Keep up the progress, enjoy yourself and I am sure Santa will bring you something of your very own. Have a lovely Christmas and please pass on my regards to your people.


    Well folks – Santa came to our house and, as I was strategically positioned under the Christmas tree, I think I may have caught a glimpse of him. He’s even chubbier than I am. ;)

    We have had a veritable feast over the past few days and Mum gave us all a huge plate of turkey to finish off last night so I think I am turkeyed-out until 2011. Mind you, I have a sneaking suspicion that my portions were rationed somewhat compared to the others. Must be something to do with the fact that my new red coat "just about" fits me around the belly. I think my New Year’s diet has already started somehow……..

    Santa did stop and whisper into my ear on Christmas Eve…….he promised me that my new forever home was just around the corner and that I would have a long and happy life with people to love me, tickle my ears and appreciate me for the gorgeous little girl that I am. He said that he had whispered the same into my new people’s ears too but that they just haven’t found me yet. He also said that I would have turkey every Christmas from now on – happy days. :D :D :D

    Love from Chloe
    Chloe at Christmas 034.JPG
    Chloe at Christmas 030.JPG
    Chloe at Christmas 021.JPG


    :D Good morning Chloe, you dear little thing, how are you. Did Santa bring you something nice?


    :o A new tartan coat from Santa! Nice and cosy and you will be spotted from miles away ;). Now, as far as I know, tartan coats have to be ‘tight fitting’ to get the full affect of the pattern :lol: :lol: :lol: .


    Hi Indianna. Thank God someone is on my side. :P :P :P

    I probably don’t really need the coat at all as I have a beautiful, thick, furry coat with velvet ears. Lovely combination……so I am told. Very strokeable ears I have (i’m beginning to sound like Yoda!). I look more like a cuddly teddy bear than a JRT and, if I may say so myself, I have a VERY cute face.

    I’m off to stand guard over (or under?) the Christmas tree. Have a lovely day. :D


    I haven’t posted on Chloe as I can’t upload photos (lack of disk space – job for the very computer-literate 14 year old son methinks ;).

    She is really settling so well and has gotten over the shock of being uprooted at her age. She had her first bath tonight…..I won’t tell you what she rolled in :shock: ….and she was extremely content to sit in the sink and be shampooed and hosed down. Her favourite part was the good brush afterwards and she is now snoring in her bed with fresh blankies beside the radiator in my bedroom. I think the chicken she was given as a reward for being so good might have helped so, hopefully she will enjoy her baths from now on.

    A real "old codger", she potters along at her own pace, goes out the cat flap when she needs to go the loo, alerts us to the fact that she has done her business and would prefer to be back in her snuggly bed. If she were a person I think she would be a benevolent little old granny chilling out beside the fire with a nice mug of tea……given half a chance I’d say she would murder a packet of biccies too…..she loves her food!

    Chloe is still patiently waiting for her forever home….and I can honestly say that she has to be one of the most undemanding, happy go lucky doggies I have had the pleasure to meet. :)


    This little angel is going to her new home next week to a very special family who adopted another D.I.D. doggie 3 years ago;) Great news on such a bad week :D


    Great news for Chloe, a new family :D


    I’m so thrilled for Chloe – I knew Santa was on the case!! :) She met her forever family today and took a real shine to Gail and Jimmy who were so kind and gentle to this little old lady.

    She will have both doggy and moggy friends which will suit her down to the ground and a beautiful rural garden to potter in with hens to admire and lots of interesting places for her to sniff her way through her retirement.

    Be happy Chloe.


    This little angel went off to her new home today :D Looking forward to updates ;)


    Chloe pottered off today to spend the rest of her days in happy retirement with Gail, Jimmy, Willow & Asha. It breaks my heart to uproot her again but she is going to such a great forever home that the upheaval is well worth it for her.

    The great news is that she will be coming back to visit us here for a few days when her new forever family are busy with a family wedding later in the year. Really looking forward to seeing her then.

    Be happy gorgeous girl….we’ll miss you lots.

    :D :D :D

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