Apollo – Terrier X 7 wks old – HOMED

Apollo – Terrier X 7 wks old – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Apollo – Terrier X 7 wks old – HOMED

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    This little man will be wormed, microchipped and have at least his 1st vaccination before being rehomed. He must be neutered at 6 mts old.

    I have landed….on all four paws here in Puppy Power Palace…My twin bro is Alfonso and we do lots together..including Wrestling I am always winning but who is counting …and if he says he wins don’t listen to him….he is a big fibber. I love to go exploring and will venture into the unknown thats how I got my name…Oh nearly forgot I am called APOLLO.

    This is me with the biggest ever rope knot I swear!

    TV thing isn’t as entertaining as my Puppy Pack!

    Apollo Checking out the TV.JPG


    This little man will be wormed, microchipped and have at least his 1st vaccination before being rehomed. He must be neutered at 6mts. old.

    Apollo had another great night ……up early all the wees were on the paper then I was followed in the back door and they all did their poos outside where they should have ….very clever little puppies.
    Apollo is the best at managing the steps in and out to the back yard! He is a little adventurer and is the first to be nosey about new stuff.

    Favourite Toy….

    Apollo gives Rossi a manicure ….or sees his nails as a chew toy!

    Apollo (2).JPG
    Apollo giving Rossi a Manicure.JPG


    This adventure in Puppy Power Palace is nearly over and as we get ready to start a new one in our permanent foster families home….Apollo lives up to his name and is the first to do many things …eh like put the heart cross ways in me by trying to do death defying leaps way beyond his little legs….he imitates Rossi most of the time which is so funny to watch but its just for a second so never get to the camera in time ….he was just rolling on his back there now like Rossi and they were rubbing noses…so cute. Hope his little mans next adventure is as great as he is!

    One small step for Audrey on giant leap for puppykind

    We are going to hide out in here when its time to leave

    2010-08 The A-Team Episode 2 001.JPG
    2010-08 The A-Team Episode 2 004.JPG


    these little guys are all beautiful!! :D


    Hi were back what can i say about about Apollo ,, he is very playful and he seems to think he is bigger than what he is :lol: " poor thing " . Effy is so big looking compared to him but that doesn’t stop this guy from running around playing rough ,, he loves it. Toilet training is great ( thanks Audrey ) .


    Don’t thank me I only supplied them with steps in and out of the yard ….Rossi and Tess did all the demonstrations and training…


    This little man is very cool he is doing great with everything , he loves to play and run about he really loves his toys and will fight to hold on to just about anything !! very determined pup ;) . No problems around kids he loves the attention and being picked up and cuddled :) , but who could resist this little squidgy guy .
    apollo looking innocent !.JPG


    Apollo my little explorer I can imagine the fun you are having with the rest of the gang in Sandy’s ….Keep up the great adventure and I will be up to hear all about it soon.


    Yes Apollo is ready to go to his new family all he needs now is someone to fall in love with this little man,, when Alfonso got stuck in the shed he was with Apollo i didn’t hear a peep out off this one , he loves climbing into things , over things and then he always finds his own way out 8-) , ( not like his brother) . He also likes his play time to and getting cuddles off anyone who is around,,
    apollo sitting waiting for his treat,.JPG


    I do love his Zorro markings! :D


    Hi all, myself and my gf are actively looking to adopt a rescue dog/pup. Apollo or his little bro Alfonso are so cute and we are very interested in giving him his forever home. We were both wondering if you know what terrier x he is? Will they be small med or large terriers when fully grown? Its just that my gf only really wants a small to med sized dog. We would be greatful if you could answer our queries so we can then get on with filling out the adoption forms etc…. :D


    oooohh,you are on to a winner with either of these boys :D
    typical with any mixes its hard to tell exactly how big they will get.
    but these boys are tiny with lil legs and longer bodies,very very cute.
    so my guess is smaller medium . great little lap dogs with big dog personalities :lol: :lol:
    so good luck ;)


    fill in your applications parents2b there is already interest in these boys


    Application sent. Fingers crossed :D


    Hi had a great weekend with this little man ,, one thing you can always say about him is he is very entertaining. When (Trixie ) my cat comes in Apollo always follows her and every time she makes a swipe for him :twisted: , he keeps trying to play with her ,,, But he is determined to make friends . :)
    Apollo wants his blanket.JPG

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