Yasmine – German Shepherd *HOMED*

Yasmine – German Shepherd *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Yasmine – German Shepherd *HOMED*

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    If anyone can offer foster please contact Kathy.



    This little girl is gone into foster with Ciara :) Thanks a million ;)


    This big baby was one of the first to smell the sweet air of freedom yesterday …..sweet the smell was the furthest thing from sweet …more swine as there were even pigs in the pound….baffeling!
    Anyway she was fitted with a new collar and lead and got into her crate not knowing what was ahead of her ….she took it all in her puppy stride and was a great girl on the drive that for a poundie dog only dreams are made of …


    :) You know, I am sure these dogs know they are being helped out of a horrible situation and are heading towards safety. A massive thank you to all the great people who help these dogs. When Nellabi arrived someone had put a blue and silver (reflective) collar on her. I have not taken that collar off her, it carries her ID tag and chip disc and I will treasure that little collar for ever because someone who helped her bought her that collar and that was the only thing in the world she had when she arrived.


    Called to see this dog yesterday evening. She is small for the breed but I would say she still has a little growing to do. She has a very sweet nature loves cuddles and is great with kids. She has really lovely markings but she could do with putting on some weight. Not much evidence of any training.


    Picture of this beautiful little girl :D What a difference a few days make – well done ;)
    oct pups 539.jpg


    Oh my god she doesn’t even resemble what I took out of the pound on friday…..well done Ciara!


    This girl is truly gorgeous and is currently being cuddled and walked by two nine year old children who have no difficulty managing her.She would fit into any family and is friendly to anyone she meets. Her foster brother is a little bit put out at the attention she gets that was formerly his.
    I met someone yesterday that had a dog just like Yazzie who said it was a Belgian Shepherd. Smaller in size, longer nose and a tendency to be skinny. Not sure about this assessment, but I am sure she is a gem.


    she looks beautiful….do u know how old she is?


    she is about nine months old we were told she still has some teeth that have not fully grown, she is gentle on the mouth and was not hand fed before she did not know what to do when a treat was offered, she took enticing but was so gentle throughout.


    We took the beauty Yasmine in last night with great pleasure! She is as small in size as has been mentioned and very thin but has an appetite of a gannet so the lean little pet will hopefully fill out soon enough! Shes asleep in Mel’s bed her after two long walks today. The first I brought her to a very secure large area for her to roam free and it seems she actually doesn’t respond to her name, but straight back to you on a whistle! 2nd walk was on the lead which was slack for the majority and when we met some kids who ran up to pet her she was a perfect angel! Seems to be housetrained, very playful but unfortunately Mel’s nose is out of joint coz Odie is only gone two days and not too pushed yet! Let me brush her but still nips as gsd pups do! Or as one of her new :lol: friends today said shes only teething!


    I am thrilled to hear that you have her. She is in the right hands, she really is a beauty. I look forward to watching this girls progress.


    Got to see this lovely little lady again today and what a different girl she was….. interested in what was going on and wagging her tail…..delighted she is greatly improved for the silent shell shocked girl we took from the pound ….it was also lovely to meet her foster sis Melody and foster mum and dad too!


    Awh thanks Audrey, lovely too meet you too! Thanks to all the girls yesterday who gave my little pals treats and the boosters for Yaz!
    Yaz is coming on great, she slept all night at the end of the bedroom in her bed while queen Mel watched from above at the end of our bed! Not usually allowed but while we assert a pack leader we are letting her, and it seems to be working , they are great buds now! Think they were peeved when I had them out by seven for their first walk, they were way too comfortable today! Yaz stays by you for most of walk even off lead, her tummy has settled down and my god does this girl eat! All I need now is a Kim and I’ve got my own 80’s supergroup :lol:


    Yaz is starting to fill out a bit thank god, such a pretty dog! Shes a bit nippy but we are trying to put a halt to that, shes a clever dog so should be easy enough! Don’t know if its a GSD thing but I’ve another klutz on my hands! Her and Mel falling down the last two stairs on a regular basis in the morning rush to get out the back! Tried her today with a toddler and she was great, straight up and licked his face! Shes a bit of a mystery one, we keep hearing crashes and when we go out shes just sitting there looking at us, we think shes trying to make a fort out of our old bathroom we’ve just pulled out! Cute as a button this one, wise beyond her 9 short months!

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