Ayla – deerhound collie cross

Ayla – deerhound collie cross

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Ayla – deerhound collie cross

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    Ayla is a five and a half year old deerhound collie cross. Her current owners can’t keep her any more as they are moving to an apartment. Ayla is a gentle quiet girl – very affectionate , typical of the deerhound breed. She is fully housetrained. She has a slightly nervous disposition and is a little frightened by loud boisterous children – she retreats under the table if they are around! Therefore a home with adults or older children is what she is looking for. Ayla has spent the past number of years living with a small terrier. The two dogs got on well together however her owner feels Ayla would be equally happy as the only dog in a home – as she loves human attention she wouldn’t have to share it.

    Ayla’s favourite passtime is to go to the park to play fetch – which she does every day. She loves to get a good run and is reliable off the lead in the park. Once she gets home she’s very happy to relax.


    She’s absolutely gorgeous. Has she ever lived with any small animals (we have an aging pet rat)? I’m guessing as a hound she might not be so good around small furries? We’d be very interested in offering her a home if there was a chance that she wouldn’t be too interested in our Lenny.


    She is beautiful and she looks so gentle, I love the whiskers


    I have met Ayla and can definately confirm that she is particularly gentle. Re the query on small animals let me find out if she has been tested with them. I will post an answer ASAP.


    Re Ayla’s whiskers, if there was such a thing as a canine folk group Ayla would be a member – all she needs is a banjo and an aran jumper to totally look the part. ;)


    Ayla is our dog and we have loved having her as a pet over the last 5 yrs. She loves attention and can’t get and give enough love!! We hope she’ll go to a good home. Her nature is as already mentioned very gentle. Once excerised she’ll curl up in a ball and be very contented.


    Tanya, she really does look like an absolute dote. As I mentioned above, her picture has completely won the hearts of myself and my partner, and we’d be very keen to try and adopt her. Has she ever been around small animals, or does she tend to chase squirrels or birds if she sees them? We have a very elderly, rescued pet rat, and I wouldn’t want either of them to be driven mad for the time he has left.
    We had a very gentle terrier who never paid any attention to our pet hamster – so I know that personality can definitely overcome breed tendencies, and even in her picture Ayla looks exceptionally gentle.

    I really do hope she finds a good home soon (hopefully with us! :))


    Hi there. Yes she does chase small animals. When we’re out in the woods she goes sniffing about and if she sees a rabbit she will chase it. I’ve also seen her chase birds in the garden. She’s never manages to catch anything but I somehow think she’ be quite interested in your pet rat. Really sorry about that. Deerhound dogs do make lovely pets but as you say being hounds they have a bit of a hunter in them. I wouldn’t chance it. Thanks for the interest anyway.Tanya


    Ah no, that’s such a shame. I’ve no doubt that she’ll make an amazing pet for whoever can offer her a home. She seems like such a gentle little one. I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed that she finds her forever home very soon. Thanks for getting back to me.


    How is this whiskery woman doing these days?


    how is she getting on now ? she does look like a real gentle type from the pictures hopefully she wont be long looking for her forever home :)


    How are things with Ayla? I hope she’s keeping those whiskers waxed and groomed! ;)


    Hello all – apologies, but I thought Ayla’s thread had been moved to happy endings about 6 weeks ago – my mistake. Ayla found a lovely home in Sligo – in the country side by the beach. :D


    Oh Great news delighted that this bearded girlie has been adopted , she looks so gentle .

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