Toddy – Border Collie *HOMED*

Toddy – Border Collie *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Toddy – Border Collie *HOMED*

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    This little boy needs urgent foster. Please if you can help contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)
    Toddy is 2 years old.
    oct pups 526.jpg


    He will be wormed, microchipped, neutered and have at least his 1st vaccination before being rehomed. Im collecting this little man today … looking forward to meeting him!


    Dying to know how you get on he looks lovely…im just full at the min but he looks like dote :)


    OMG what a heart melter……he cried the whole way home but that was just nerves. He did well meeting my pair. He pulls strongly on the lead but thats workable……Lovely nature but needs neutering …..has marked every where inside and out so after cleaning it up …I looked it up and thankfully neutering helps and cleaning the area afterwards with half vinegar and half water kills the marking odour. I have followed him every where and distracted him when he was about to do it …think it is already working …..after play wrestling and attempting to mount Tess I took her in and let Rossi have one on one time with him ….he attempted to mount Rossi which was funny…he was even silly enough to try and mount Rossi’s head when he was lying down …..Both my pair took as much as they were willing to take and tried putting a stop to that behaviour….but Todd kept going back for more….roll on the neutering. His coat isn’t in good condition it comes out in clumps when I pet him but that can be sorted too. He has the gentlest friendliest nature…..extremely skinny and underweight so Im sure he will be thriving in no time at all. I gave him a little brushing and he was falling asleep on my lap while i was doing it …till he had enough and move away. So think he will sleep well tonight….Photo update soon BTW he isn’t a Shelti but a full size collie…..Medium Size Dog.


    Woke this morning to Todd having a clean crate and lots of kisses…he went to mark and i distracted him and he went outside and did a wee…..he is such a sweetheart…and both Rossi and Tess are both showing him interest which is quick for both of them ….Went down to the vet and he reckons that he is 2-3yrs old in good health….one of his side teeth has grown at a 90degree angle but it doesn’t bother or impact him at all……Very thin and underweight I am able to lift him up with only one arm….did a bit more grooming this morning before we went down to the vets…..he is getting neutered so hope it all goes well……hope to have him home by late afternoon where he will be spoiled rotten even getting the couch ready for him as the collar in the crate will be a bit difficult for him to get around. So everyone keep your fingers and paws crossed for him.


    I’m sure this fella is going to get the 5 star treatment when he arrives home this evening.

    Good luck!


    Well this skinny little silken smoocher has come on in leaps and bounds literally…..he was very shakey after having his operation when I got him home friday evening he was still swaying….my heart went out to him as he didn’t really know where he was ….I lifted him in and out to the yard but it was like as if he didn’t know how to wee….he ate a little and drank but no wees….I phoned the vet the next day and he said that wasn’t anything to worry about as he just hadn’t taken enough fluids to empty his bladder….and sure enough as soon as i got off the phone he drank for irleand and then pee’d in the yard….his confidence is growing and he is loving the attention….only went to mark a couple of times and discouraged it and he only managed to get one sly one in yesterday today he hasn’t even tried …he is eating drinking pee’ing and poo’ing well(and in all the right places)….he bounced out of the crate this morning and the only things he doesn’t like so far is the hairdryer and prawns….he coat is starting to look good we did tonnes of grooming but still along way to go…..he is such a sweetheart and if not up on the couch beside me when there is room he is lying down over my feet….and he gives kisses too the all round perfect pooch!

    Foster 3 Todd 001.JPG
    Foster 3 Todd 003.JPG


    Back from the vets for a quick checkup on his stitches and Todd was so well behaved even though he was very scared. All looking well and seeing that I have had him with me 24/7 there has been no need for the Victorian Collar…he knows not to go near his stitches and only needed to be told the twice……while we were there he stood up on the scales and delighted to say that he has put on .5kg since thursday….eating and drinking well. He is an absolute little dote….loves to be groomed and wants to give lots of kisses after each meal like he is saying thanks….Can’t wait to bring him out for our usual outings to the forrest, mountains and the beach but restricting him to just on the lead walks till the stitches come out! Poor fella I imagine he has some speed in those little skinny legs of his which are wrapped around my feet as i type this he is having a snooze he is so quiet doesn’t snore unlike my own pair who sometimes shake the foundations of the apartment and I haven’t heard his voice yet….


    Forgot to mention that the indoor marking has stopped and that he only marks outside when Rossi has pee’d….he is such a quick learner!


    Delighted to say that Toddy is now neutered, wormed, vacinated and microchipped….he was such a fantastic guy getting all this done in 5 days and still showing me that he loved me ……after each meal he comes over straight away to give his thank you kisses……Bless him he doesn’t really get the concept of treats….holds in his mouth but doesn’t eat it……I love this little gentle guy!


    Yesterday we went to Marlay Park for a little bit of excercise as Toddy really needed to get out ….he was strong on the lead at first and sniffed every inch from the carpark to the doggy enclosure….he was super off of the lead say hello to all the dogs….in particular Layla (formerally Flash on the forum) it was lust at first sight……the rain didn’t bother my three at all and when I got back and got their dinners ready they all had to be woken up to eat…..very relaxing evening I had not a peep out of any of them.
    He has decided to sleep out on the beds with my pair as has not taken to the crate and there has been no mess and no distrubance at all when they settle down for the evening thats it till I let them out in the morning ….he is a pleasure to foster and loves being right beside you all of the time….he coat is coming along nicely too!


    its great to hear hes doing so well :D he looks like a lovely dog and i just love his markings on his coat :)
    Another cutie looking for a fab home hope he gets i soon!


    Well Toddy got his stitches out Monday and again was as good as gold and he is now weighing in at 17.1kg which is a nice improvement….the goal is 18kg and then reassess with the vet!
    In the week since the last update its been a busy week for Toddy…When he came back from the vets he went to mark as I hadn’t got my other two dogs with me and think he was just a bit nervous after being apart from them and they were so excited to see him and me that it was a bit overwhelming for Toddy.
    I have nicknamed him "The Magpie" as he steals stuff from behind your back ….think its just to keep me on my toes…I thought I had lost my mind one of the days was tidying in the bedroom and the doorbell went and I answered it …then came back to finish the tidying and spent over a half hour looking for one shoe…retraced my steps and gave up thinking I must have stupidly given it to who was at the door….only to walk out to the yard and see the missing shoe…in tack no damage and Toddy circling it tail wagging as if to say ….it was out here all the time! Another steal was the other morning when he trots around the corner into the kitchen with bright Pink Paws…..then I discovered he had taken a large popouri ball out of the dish and had licked it …after cleaning him up there was still dye on him and even today after being to the beach he still has paler pink paws…..tonight I found another big popouri flower stashed in a piece of furniture not damaged at all just hid you can’t help but laugh!!!!!
    He is so gentle on the mouth when taking treats, strong at first on the lead but has been on restricted excercise till yesterday…excellent off of the lead….(did go missing up the mountains but that was as more my fault than his thankfully his disc saved me and we were reunited after 3mins of being lost). And in that time he managed to find fox poo and cover himself from head to toe… that meant bath time all round when we got home and his coat came up fab…..he loves being groomed and he is already getting compliments.
    Toddy is standing taller already and is coming out of his shell each day….he gets over excited when his lead comes out but still sits for his collar to go on without any fuss.
    We went to the beach today….(no thats not a typo I know the weather was rubbish) he liked the water had a ball running after Rossi and did really well to keep up …he has plenty of speed in his skinny little legs.
    He still comes to find me after he has eaten to give me his thank you kisses and now knows the sit command….
    He is scared of anything with a pole attached ….like a sweeping brush, mop etc….so he must have a bad history with that sort of thing….terrified of the hairdryer too…and the strangest one of all is that as soon as he hears the camera being turned on he runs away…..I’ve hear of camera shy but thats a bit extreme… a couple of shots after alot of trying will post them up soon!
    Everyone who meets him has commented that he is very calm canine – I think that would suit an active family preferably with another dog ….but thats my wish list for him….so if you are interested in meeting Toddy the silky smooth stealer…..just have your home visit done and let the admin team know….you won’t be disappointed

    Im the Doggie Park DonWan…with a bit of Canine Cassanova

    Im camera shy ….but have to admit I do look good!

    Im loving the beach….see I even smiled for the camera!

    2010-07 Toddy 003.JPG
    2010-07 Toddy 001.JPG
    2010-07 Toddy 010.JPG


    very funny story he sounds like a character alright. Very intelligent dog


    He’s a beautiful looking dog, hopefully a great family will come along for him soon :)

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