Ralph – 18 mt old gsd *HOMED*

Ralph – 18 mt old gsd *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Ralph – 18 mt old gsd *HOMED*

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    Urgent foster needed for this little man – he is currently living on a balcony :( Please if you can help contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)
    oct pups 506.jpg


    This little man needs a lift from Finglas area to Clondalkin tomorrow afternoon or early evening. If you can help please contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)


    This is sorted thanks to June and Jane for doing transport and thanks to Alan for taking him into foster ;)
    This beauty will be wormed, microchipped, neutered and have at least his 1st vaccination before being rehomed.


    Another pic ;)
    oct pups 513.jpg


    What a beauty! I was so worried, thinking about him on that cramped balcony, especially in this heat.


    Ralph (Toby) is a very handsome chap, Thanks to Kathy and Jane for their hard work in getting this boy,and let me say he was a very well looked after. He is a little over weight, we only picked him up last night and we are only getting to know him, we can say he is a big fluffy teddy bear his coat is as soft as his personality. Niamh brought him to collect Jess from school with a buggy, and had no probs walking there. When getting there all the young school kids wanted to pet him this was no problem as he lay down and loved the attention. He has been great at home with our kids and has let Rosie our staffie bully him all day ( she was on the bold step several times), one Bad thing about him is God bless he doesn’t know how to pee, no cocking of leg and this can result in him widdling on his front legs :-)All he wants at the mo is company and would sit onyou all day.



    He is one handsom boy! Love to hear that he is bossed around by your girly! Same as my two at home! Big giant baby boy bein bossed around by his much smaller sister!! He is an eye catcher hope he finds his forever family soon!!


    ah its great to see he’s settling in okay , he looks so happy


    He looks such a cuddle canine……can imagine snuggling up to that lovely soft coat……So glad he has plenty of space and hope his confidence just grows daily.


    Just a couple of more pics of this Fella,

    As you can see he is great with kids and other dogs. more pics later.


    I am in LOVE with Ralph – he is just gorgeous. :)


    Well poor Ralph got the jobby done :? yesterday I can still feel the pain never mind him :oops: :cry:
    He has been very good about it, he is feeling a little sorry for himself and he will have the cone on for ten days, but all in all he is in good form. He is going stir crazy in the crate and doesn’t seem to like being locked up, I don’t know how he lived on a balcony for so long?

    DID Rescue

    What a fantastic looking Teddy Bear.
    He really seems to love the children which is great.
    The peeing problem is most probably caused by the confinment on the balcony and no choice when he needed to go as he was in this situation from a puppy.
    I love the naughty step idea for dogs except here with all my lot I would need the whole stairs :D
    Its fantastic that your wife could walk him with a buggy that just shows how good and happy he is.
    I know he was well looked after but I find it so hard to imagine a boy of his size living in such a confined space. I would be so terrified a dog would try to jump out of a balcony.
    Well done with the Bear.


    This guy really is GORGEOUS! He is stunning; I’d say you get stopped by a lot of admirers. Such a beautiful smile on him, he looks so happy with you. ;)

    DID Rescue

    Alan I have one of those blow up collars and they are really soft and much easier. I bought it for Bethanie the collie I had in foster and I gave Kim a loan of it for Hailey and she found it fantastic.
    It is like a swim ring but tightened with velcro.
    If you are up in Dublin I will give you a loan of it, it makes a hugh difference to the dog.

    When you are there I would take the collar off ,after the first day they are usually very good about going near the stitches.
    I don’t use the usual collars much as I have seen the bruising that they can cause,I would always be more worried about the females rather than the males as it would be a much bigger surgery and a lot of internal work.
    Whereas the boys it is a lot easier.
    Also if you feel he is a bit uncomfortable at night I give them 5ml of Calpol and it helps. A vet in Newbridge told me that years ago.
    Let me know if you need the collar and I can meet you.
    Anything to make a handsome guy comfortable :)

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