Hallie – terrier x – HOMED

Hallie – terrier x – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs In Loving Memory Hallie – terrier x – HOMED

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    This lovely little girl is approx. 2yrs old. She will be wormed, microchipped, neutered & have at least her 1st vaccination before being rehomed. She is in foster with Sadbh (thank you) who will update soon :D
    Picture 005.jpg


    What a beauty of a biscuit coloured babe she is a real movie star


    Transported this little cutie to her foster home. Very sweet and loves the affection.


    Hallie is doing good, considering the day the poor girl has had. Shes Now safe and warm and all loved up!
    She has no problem with people at all, wagging her tail when anyone comes over to give her a cuddle.
    She is in bad state and depressed but her wounds will heal in time.
    Her coat is quite badly matted and in bad condition.

    shes all snuggled up in a fleece blanket and was even snoring for a little while :D :lol:
    A very very gentle little girl, with a heart of gold.
    Trying to take pictures of her ,but she feels intimidated by the camera atm.

    Will upload and update as soon as she feels comfortable and content to have her photo taken
    Shes a stunning,brave and alluring girl.
    A gentle beauty :)

    Heres a picture or two just to let everyone know that shes safe and okay now :)


    Well Sabbh I hope you enjoyed your couple of hours off …. :lol: :lol:
    Bet you didn’t think that you would have a new fur kid that quick. And what a beauty Hallie is…..glad she is snoring just shows how much she feels at home with you already.

    But thats the sad realilty of life at the moment…..but for those lucky four legged friends to fall into the care of D.I.D they are guaranteed a happy christmas.


    Bet you didn’t think that you would have a new fur kid that quick. And what a beauty Hallie is…..glad she is snoring just shows how much she feels at home with you already.

    But thats the sad realilty of life at the moment…..but for those lucky four legged friends to fall into the care of D.I.D they are guaranteed a happy christmas.

    I don’t mind at all! I love fostering animals, it’s so rewarding something every fosterer would agree with I’m sure :)
    So happy that I got the opportunity to take her in, Shes
    such a beautiful girl inside and out.

    She just left the room wagging her tail, still lowered but wagging
    following my partner outside to go to the toilet :lol:
    It’s upsetting seeing her in bad shape… once she gets groomed she’ll feel and look Like a princess!
    :D :)


    Enjoy Hallie,you got better life already:) Looking forward to see updates how you get on with your progress. I`m still highly impressed how she followed me when I went to toilet and how she raced to the door when I was leaving. With littleTLC she will be like brand new :)


    She is the absolute image of Taffy (was Scruffy)! I wonder could they be siblings? They are about the same age.


    :o She really does look like Taffy, wouldn’t that be great if they were related.


    Hallie was brought to the groomers today (thanks again Linda!)

    I was told she was being admired by everyone in the place.
    She looks so glamorous now and hopefully feels better after having to carry such a matted coat on her for god knows how long.

    Shes always in a great mood, shes a positive little dote.
    She is still showing signs of anguish though and still curls up in a ball like shape whenever she sits/lies down…
    It’s assumed she had to be in this position out in the cold to try keep herself warm.
    Hopefully she’ll realize theres more room for her and sprawl out comfortably :)

    Here are Some pics of the "new" hallie.


    I hadn’t seen the previous two posts on this little girl but the first thing I thought was that she looked like Taffy.What an absolute dote, she will not be around for long before she is spotted by her forever family


    Hallie was brought on her first official adventure around the area today :)
    she thoroughly enjoyed her walk.
    She took her time taking in all the new sights and smells!
    She behaved very well on the lead, shes a absolute pleasure to bring out on a walk.
    She met another handsome dog on her travels and didn’t snap bark or go to attack him, she appreciated his acknowledgement in her :)

    She didn’t take much notice in passers by- she was too distracted by her new environment.

    She doesn’t pull on the lead and walks graciously. She does stroll A little bit in the distance but she stays close by and hurries on when called.
    Shes a very brave girl and has no issues introducing herself to any new comer in the house, She doesn’t nip or bite. Shes extremely warmhearted and mellow :) :D :P

    Shes very lively and is always seen moving her tail in continuous motion! She also adores playing with two teddy’s I gave her. She delights in fun yet in a gentle fashion.

    More pictures to follow soon.


    I had the pleasure of grooming this lovely little woman the other day and she was so cute! She was constantly wagging her tail at everyone and was so well behaved, it was good to get those big mats off her coat and tidy up her cute little face so you could see her eyes. She’d a lot of admirers so I’m sure someone will fall madly in love with her and give her a great home!


    Brought hallie on a walk with a friends dog today.
    She didn’t mind at all. She didn’t interact with him much but allowed him to sniff her and vice versa! I’d say she’d get along with any type of dog , big or small!

    She was looking for attention off most people who passed by her and let an elderly lady give her a pat, while of course-wagging her tail.

    Anyone who’d come and meet her would fall in love instantaneously .

    Shes loving towards everyone and Is always content!
    Shes an amazing girl inside and out :D :D

    She is still curling up in a scrunched up ball when lying down… I’m not sure if that will change, maybe she finds it comfy?

    Heres some pics taken of her today


    Hallie looks nothing like dog I transported :D Delighted she is making progress – slowly but surely

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