Bosco – Terrier X (Briannas Puppy) *HOMED*

Bosco – Terrier X (Briannas Puppy) *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Bosco – Terrier X (Briannas Puppy) *HOMED*

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    Bosco is a super little fella who is always at the centre of things.
    He has a great personality and gets along with every dog and human he meets. :D
    He is full of life and always getting up to mischief, hiding and playing. He has the courage of a Lion and is afraid of nothing. :lol:
    He loves to be pampered and enjoys lots of hugs and kisses. He will make some lucky person a lovely companion.


    Bosco is now just eleven weeks old and he has turned into a super little pup. He has a wonderful temperament and gets along with everyone. He is very affectionate and loves to give lots of kisses. We could have called him shadow because he loves to follow you around like one and wants to take part in everything you do. :D
    We introduced him to two four week old pups this afternoon and they are tiny. Bosco took it all in his stride and he surprised us all with the calm and gentle way he interacted with them. He is super with our three year old Yorkies , running and playing with them yet he was so quiet and gentle dealing with the young pups. It was amazing to see.

    He is going to make some lucky person a great companion. :D


    Bosco finished all of his vaccinations this week so today for a treat we took him out to Ardgillan Park. :)
    He was the centre of attention there and he made loads of new friends. He was great with all the other dogs, children and adults we met. He was on the leash for the first time and it did not bother him at all, he walked really well and behaved himself like the little gentleman he truly is.
    It was great to give him a good run and see him play in the open like a puppy. He was introduced to the rain as it bucketed down during our walk but Bosco didn’t even seem to notice (he was too busy having a good time).
    When we got back to the car he was all excited and then, like a light he went out cold sleeping like a baby all the way home. :lol:

    Click on the link to see a slide show of his first big adventure :D … m=text_url


    :D Superb up-date and photos. Lovely puppy dog and doesn’t he look huge against little (teeny tiny little) Pax, but he is not huge when you see him tucked into his foster mum’s coat. What a great home these puppies are in. Hope their permanent families can live up to their foster family, they set the bar pretty high I think. That is a very good thing.

    DID Rescue

    Love your photos, updates and best of all the captions.
    Fantastic effort from foster parents the little mites could not ask for more.
    I have seen small but little Pax must be micro size :)


    I cant believe this little man hasnt been snapped up yet.
    He is very intelligent and would be a super addition to any home.

    Please complete an adoption application if you wish to adopt this special little boy – he’s the last one left – all of his brothers and sisters have now gone to their forever homes.


    Bosco continues to be a super pup.
    He loves going for his walks and playing with all his new friends. He has a super temperament and loves our other little fosters Pax and Parker. :D
    Bosco is very affectionate and loves to give big kisses and hugs. He is about the same size as our Yorkies and I don’t think he will get much bigger. He is a good sturdy pup and there is a lot of dog packed into that little body.:lol:
    He would be a SUPER addition to any lucky family.


    Click the link to see Bosco out with the Yorkies :D … m=text_url


    I can’t believe Bosco still has not found his forever home. I have one of his sisters and they are fab little dogs. She has such a sweet nature and is fantastic with the kids. She loves her walks and her cuddles on the couch.She is also great with other dogs and has lots of doggie friends already. It is hard to believe she is only 12 weeks old she is so settled and calm. Good luck Bosco. We hope you find your forever home really soon. Your sister says ‘woof woof’. :D


    :D Just watched Bosco’s film, what a clever little puppy dog he is. I laughed when he zoomed in and grabbed the paper then spat it out when the little Yorkie didn’t show much interest in it. Oh, he is so happy with you and the rest of the pack. What a great start he has with his foster family, it could have been so very different for him but he only knows happiness and kindness.


    Fantastic photos and video of Bosco – heart-warming to see the love and attention this little fellow is getting.


    Bosco just loves to be out and about.
    He is the centre of attention wherever he goes and people are constantly stopping and wanting to make friends with him. :)
    He is great on the leash and is coming on really well with his recall. Our Bosco is one in a million you just got to love this little fella. :D

    Click the link to see how Bosco spent his first Fathers Day … m=text_url


    Bosco’s Fathers Day Outing :D


    :D The first image of the most recent photos is a beauty. What a handsome boy Bosco is. His foster parents must be very proud of him. Three super puppy-dogs living under your care and what a great job you are doing.


    Bosco and his BEST FRIENDS, he is just great with other dogs :D

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