Kingston CKC x JRT ( Now known as Daniel)

Kingston CKC x JRT ( Now known as Daniel)

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Kingston CKC x JRT ( Now known as Daniel)

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    This little man is with Linda :D She will post pics asap. Thanks to Mona for driving all the way from Galway with this baby and thanks to Linda for picking him up ;)


    I got this little fella home today thanks to Mona who brought him up from Galway and what a welcome little bundle of joy he is…..
    At first he was tired after his journey but now he is wide awake and curious about all thats going on around him. I left him in the kitchen for a few minutes on his own and when I came back in I couldn’t see him anywhere. He had managed to get himself inside the arm of my cardigan that was hanging on the back of the kitchen chair.. All I could see was his little head popping out of the sleeve :lol: :lol:
    Your heart just melts when you look into his puppydog eyes….


    ah she is a beauty…so so cute ! And so tiny!


    Just a few more pics of little Kingston


    Well, little Kingston has been with us for a week today and he is doing great. He was weary about going out the back garden at first but he now potters in and out as he pleases. He even tends to do most of his business out the back already…. My little yorkie has finally given in and started to play with him, although he wants to play a lot more than she does .They had great fun on the trampoline yesterday. We have doves nesting in our back garden tree and when the dogs bark at the birds Kingston takes his place sitting proudly at the back door and has his say. The kids love having him around and he loves all the attention he gets. He is a clever little fella, who loves his grub and has even figured out which press his food is in and goes over to it to let you know he is hungry. Will post a few photos of him soon.



    Nap times


    What a little cutie. I love the photos…..well done!


    Hi will this dog be small do u reckon?


    We can never be 100% sure but we think he will be small/medium when fully grown ;)


    Just a few words on little Kingston and a few photos.. He is doing great, a real little character and the kids are having a ball with him. He has such a lovely shiny coat and has lots of kisses and cuddles to give. He goes out the back garden all brave and tall and then he comes scampering back in if the gsd next door starts barking. He loves to take part when you are sweeping and mopping the floor and when the washing machine goes on, he’s over to keep an eye on it. Kingston is a blast of free daily entertainment….

    He has lots of kisses to give…..


    awww, linda you are doing a great job with him. He looks happy. I really hope he gets a forever home soon. All i can say about him, is he is just gorgeous. I had him for the night before taking him to Dublin, and he was so sweet, he tolerated playing humpty dumpty with my niece who is 4, she had him on her lap, playing humpty dumpty, she carried him around for the whole day, she wanted him to sleep in her bed, she was besotted with him, of all the fosters i ever had, she really loved him, wanted to keep him, and call him Bambi because he didn’t have his mother anymore!!! :roll: He slept in a small box beside our bed, and slept all night.
    I am the kinda person who thinks a dog should be Massive, I just love massive dogs, the bigger the better for me, but i fell for this guy so bad, I even asked john could we keep him. I don’t normally fall for small dogs even as puppies, but Kingston is truly special… a gem. whoever gets this little lad is gonna be so lucky!


    hey guys .. just checking for someone if kingston is still looking for a home???


    Well, Kingston is going to his forever home tomorrow. Lucky him!!! We are all going to miss him here but are happy in the knowledge that he is going to such a loving family. I’m sure he will bring your family lots of happiness Valerie, as he has mine in the short space of time we were lucky enough to have him stay with us. (just leave the floor cleaning till he is having a nap, as he so loves to take part) :D :D


    The little cutie came to live with us last night, after much deliberation, the puppy formerly known as Kingston, was named Daniel, (other names in contention were Ben 10, Pluto, Ronaldo, Scooby Doo, Danny Dog and Sam). He came in ,marked his territory and attacked our other "guard dog" ( he is the big fluffy fella in the photos). He had a bit of a winge at bedtime, but he settled down after a few minutes, he was very happy to see us all this morning. Many thanks to all involved with Dogs in Distress and a big thanks to Liz ( The Wagging Tail, Dunboyne) for all the help

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