Jade-6 Week Old Lab Collie x Terrier

Jade-6 Week Old Lab Collie x Terrier

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    Well !!
    Last night we were lucky enough to foster three of the most adorable puppies I have ever come across. We now have Jade, Jet and Jasper as part of our family. :D

    A big thank you to Sarah who was kind enough to collect our new charges and bring them home for us.

    They are the most adorable ,tiny little creatures you can imagine and there only about six weeks old. The poor things had a long hard day with all of the travelling and the upheaval of moving . When they arrived at our house they were very hungry after their long day so Sarah helped to get them fed and settled.

    They were very quiet and timid at fist but that didn’t last long. When they had relaxed a little we introduced them to our two Yorkies Sophie and Bailey and in no time they were all getting along just fine. :)
    We gave them a bath and let them have a good play until they tired themselves out, then they all snuggled up in one bed and went fast asleep.
    They slept for the whole nigh and were full of life jumping around and wanting to explore at 7am this morning. Their personalities are starting to shine through so were looking forward to see what the future brings.

    Jade is a little lady, very quiet and reserved until something gets her excited then she is full of energy and enthusiasm and loves to play. She can handle her brothers and loves to sneak up on them and chase their tails.

    Hungry After A Long Day

    Thirsty Too

    Puppies First Bath

    Am I Finished Now

    Dont Tell The Others Im Awake

    Hi Im Jade


    A big thank you to the ‘Yorkie’ family for taking these gorgeous puppies in!


    Jade is such an elegant little lady, she has a lovely walk , very sophisticated indeed. She is full of fun and just loves adventure. She found her voice today and surprised everyone including herself.

    She loves the freedom of the back garden it has opened up a whole new world to explore.

    Catching Some Rays

    Teasing Jasper

    Playing Hard To Get

    What You Looking At


    Jade and Jet


    Jade is an absoultly beautiful puppy both in looks and in nature. You couldnt wish for a better companion than this little girl . :D
    She gets on well with all types of dog,young-old, big and small. She loves people and enjoys nothing more than snuggling in close and getting loads and loads of rubs and cuddles. :D
    She moves so elegantly its a pleasure to watch her.Dancer or Prancer would be very fitting names. :lol:




    Jade just loves to relax in the sun :lol:


    We have a computer genious on our hands :lol:


    love the photos!!


    Jade is absolutely beautiful! How is it going with her? Do you know how she is with babies? We’ve got a 10 month old boy, and are looking for a dog to join our little family.


    Jade is a beautiful dog, she gets on well with everybody and every animal we have introduced her to. We love her to bits.

    You have to remember though, she is still a puppy, full of life and with very sharp teeth. She will want to chew and mouth things as she grows and starts teething.

    You couldnt wish for a better puppy than this one, she is going to be such a beautiful companion when she grows up.


    Jade loves the garden :D


    Jade just loves her toys :D


    Jade is such a little cutie !!!! Love her white socks…. :)

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