Odie – White German Shepherd *HOMED*

Odie – White German Shepherd *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Odie – White German Shepherd *HOMED*

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    This is Odie! The Most beautiful German Shepard you will see!Hes approx 20 months old so still a kid. He will be wormed, microchipped, neutered and have at least his 1st vaccination before being rehomed. Hes great with other dogs and comes from a home with two young children so kids are not a problem,He is really affectionate and just follows me everywhere.He is very big and could probably do with a bit of basic training as he forgets his manners when hes excited!This Breed of dog sheds quite a bit so if your not willing to clean up a bit dont take him!!He has bags of energy and enthusiasm and should be out twice a day!Hes a dote of a dog and whoever ends up with him will be so lucky to have this fella!He Will be Neutered Vax’d and chipped before hes rehomed


    A few more pics!


    Odie could be D.I.D’s next top model dog……stunner!


    Obviously you mean as runner up to my Melody! :lol: Really though such a lovely dog, had my hands full with the two of them out walking coz they are so in love he kept licking her and crossing leads, would be easier if they were indifferent to each other! Hes a stunner and so good humoured, and after the snip on Friday he will probably slow down a bit, will post up the conehead photos god help him!


    Odi (real name Lynx) is 20 months old.

    Big Thanks to Julesm for fostering him! 8-)


    Bit of a quick update!
    This fella i just an amazing dog id keep him myself if i was allowed.you couldnt ask for a better temperment the other two bully him and he just walks away with his big happy head!we have only had one accident since we have him and he went into the bathroom for it!!!which indicates to me this is a clever dog!he responds well to authority but still gets a bit over excited and temporarily goes deaf!!! :lol: :lol: hes been off the lead and hes come back he just follows our dog everywhere.idolises her!cant say for sure wat hes like with other males but around the females he doesnt show any dominating signs!hes due to be neutered this week so that might take the wind out of his sails :o :o :o .


    Poor aul odie was neutered yesterday so hes been moping around feeling very sorry for himself!Sayin that the sight of his lead or a dog biscuit perks him right up!could only take him off the lead for a few mins because of the stitches so hes a bit frustrated and normally himself and mel play out the back for a few hours but she plays rough so i cant let him for a few days!on the plus the hills science plan has really cleared up his upset tummy.For a dog whos spent most of his time outside hes very good in the house considering his size and he deals with most commands well.hes shedding alot less than he was when he first arrived!!


    A few more


    Well our Odie is coming on leaps and bounds! So well behaved, great recall, pity it doesn’t rub off on my mad Melody, she leads him astray at every opportunity! Apart from the fact that he could benefit from some lead training he really is the funniest,clumsy dog! He bounds at you but skids across the wooden floors and today he landed on his face! :lol: Shouldn’t laugh but if you seen him hes gas! Nearly rolled off the bed getting his belly rubbed but Mel’s an expert at that so caught him before he fell! Boxed me in the head to let him out to the loo this morning, it was a gentle paw Odie style but he hasn’t a clue how big he is, I should wear body armour! Whoever gets his gorgeous guy will be very lucky! And Mel will be very sad :cry:


    we have a home over in the uk redy for this boy if still needed RON


    Ladies well done today in mini marathon, I dragged my sister n dave’s sis along n we were soaked through but then we got home n my four legged babies were all licks n cuddles n i realised they all aren’t so lucky! A girl said we did great work when she seen my tshirt, i felt i couldn’t take the credit as i’m a newbie but for all you hard workers behind the scenes we all know the value of what you are doin and I know my Mel and O-dog (as dave thinks its gas to call him) Odie are proof of that! Ps we found a diet that agrees with his ibs at last and we had a good result this am shall we say and we are happy campers, even if it was on my kitchen floor :o Roll on next year n get the child of prague out coz i aint bein that wet n cold and bleeding again! :lol:


    we have a home in wales uk for this boy if that helps have left mes on marys phon RON


    Poor aul Odie had a trip to the vet last week after he hurt his leg chasing melody around!after two days of feeling sorry for himself im delighted to say hes back to normal!Hes also taken on the job of guarding the house and has become a brilliant guard dog nearly over night although i think if someone tried to break in all the would have to do is give him a rub and they’d be free to roam!Hes a good dog off the lead wants to play all the time!not so good on the lead for that reason would benefit from some basic training!he really is the most affectionate dog!he just loves to lay down beside me!I hope he gets the home he deserves!


    Have a home forever in Limerick waiting for him if needed. Reading the posts on here, he seems perfect for what im after. Ive filled out the adoption forms already.

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