heather 7 weeks old( one of hopes babies) happy endings

heather 7 weeks old( one of hopes babies) happy endings

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings heather 7 weeks old( one of hopes babies) happy endings

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    heather arrived this evening she is beautiful, heather is very quiet and gentle and mostly black in colour i will post pictures tomorrow :D it was hard getting pic of heather this one does not show her beautiful face properly hope to get better ones soon :) heather with her sisters heather is the smallest of the three but is well able to keep up with them :lol:


    heather is very pretty and much smaller than her sisters, she is very cute and cuddly.
    heather is usually the one being jumped on but every so often she lets them know she can play rough as well :lol: go heather go :lol:
    heather loves sitting beside you on the sofa or behind you, or half on you, or more or less any where you are :lol: she is very gentle.
    washed heather yesterday she did not like it but eventually she will get used to it :) when dried she has a lovely shiny black coat and very soft anf fluffy especially her ears.


    heather is a complete sweetheart so gentle and she just plays then sleeps and this goes on and on :D i have noticed she is always wet after she drinks from the water bowl basically her ears are dipping into it and drowning her when she come back up :lol: poor baby


    heather met a lovely family today who are madly in love with her. heather will be moving to her new home next week her mammy and daddy are so happy and excited. i will miss heather as she is a little angel who lets the whole world roll around her :D but i am so happy she has found a lovely couple with children :D


    heather is a little darling her new family are so lucky, will hopefully have more pics up tonight having problems with photobucket :D


    Hiya, we are so excited, can’t wait to pick her up next weekend. We were down in equipet yesterday picked up a crate, food and loads of bits and pieces, I don’t know who’s more excited about it me and anthony or the kids! Cathy :D


    hi cathy that is great, wait until you and anthony see her she loves running around the back garden such a joy to have around.the kids must be delighted look forward to seeing :D



    well heather left us this morning :) cathy and anthony were prepared in every way for there new bundle of joy. sweet little heather i wish you and your family a fantastic life together. lots of fun ahead with heather kids and your kitten ;) love from your foster mammy :D


    Heather (now renamed Poppy) has settled in nicely. she has had a busy day, lots of playing around in the garden, loads of treats and belly rubs. the kids are mad about her, and she seems to really love them too. I tried putting her in the crate when the kids were going to bed just to get her used to it for tonight, but she cried for half an hour, a while after she settled down I took her back out for the last toilet run (she’s been very good, just one little mishap in the house, everything else has been outside), she’s curled up on the sofa here beside me now. I’m dreading putting her back in later incase she’s upset again, I was hoping that molly would be back and they’d keep each other company, but she hasn’t re-appeared yet.

    I’ll keep you posted on how she’s getting on.

    Take care,



    oh cathy so glad poppy is doing so well and we are hoping molly comes back soon fingers crossed here :)


    Hi Shirley,

    I hope your doing well. I wanted to upload a pic of poppy (heather) onto this post but I’ve no idea how to do it. Just wanted to let u know she’s doing very well, thriving and really coming out of her shell now. she’s great with the kids. She can sit on command, she’s doing well with stay also, we’re still working on it a bit and the lay down and roll over too. Her toilet training is going well, she has the occasional wee in the kitchen still, but no harm she’s getting there!

    I’m sure by now you have your hands full with the next lot of puppies, hope it’s going well for you.

    Take care :)



    hi cathy, i still have poppys sisters here, they also are doing well in training i will text you my email to send your picture and i will put up for you.
    delighted she is doing so well did molly come back home?
    all the best from shirley :D


    here is heather who is now poppy she is doing very well and poppys family love her very much :D


    Such a wonderful picture. We are getting quite emotional seeing all the updates of the babies but are so thrilled every one of them has found such a fantastic home xx

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