Casper – Samoyed x puppy

Casper – Samoyed x puppy

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Casper – Samoyed x puppy

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    This boy is a 5 month old samoyed x 8-)


    We picked up this little man from Ashton this afternoon and we are already in love! He is a beautiful pup, like a cuddly teddy bear. All he wants is to sit on a lap and be cuddled. He is not at all fazed by our mad trio and even Tigra is gradually being won over. He is extremely well behaved – when we gave him a bath, he just sat down and submitted to the rubbing and rinsing. He even enjoyed a blow dry – a real novelty as our own three HATE the hair dryer. He loves everyone and doesn’t appear neglected which makes you think he must have had a good home. But he hasn’t a clue about toilet training which is unexpected if he was with a family. All in all, a fabulous pup. Will try to post photos – although this has totally defeated me in the past.


    Will try to post photos – although this has totally defeated me in the past.[/quote:320hufm9]
    Can you try to get one of Casper with Tigra? ;)
    I just love Samoyeds – such a nice teddy bears :D I know he will get a lot of TLC where he is now. Maybe you will end up adopting another DID puppy? ;)


    Poor Casper is in the vets on a drip today after he became very ill yesterday. He started vomiting with diarrhoea and was really unwell. He couldn’t even keep water down! Brought him to Terenure vets first thing this morning and am sitting here at the phone waiting to hear how he is doing. Felt so sorry for him because he was a pure pet on Easter Sunday when we had a full house from a 2 year old up to grandparents and he was wonderful with everyone – he especially liked my sister’s very young children and followed them around to play. He is the easiest pup to have around – not jumpy or barky or nippy or fussy or demanding in ANY way!! We are crazy about him and I can’t wait to get him back when he is hopefully feeling a lot better. Keep fingers and toes crossed for him.


    hope he is ok he sounds fantastic, luckily he has you to worry about him :)


    Keeping everything crossed for Casper, try not to worry, he will be home before you know it ;)


    Please God he will be ok…the poor dog!


    Poor old Casper is still very sick in Terenure vets! But at least he is hanging in there although I am sure he feels utterly miserable. Mark in the vets has been absolutely wonderful both in his dealings with Casper and his compassion and patience for Casper’s heartbroken foster mammy. Keep everything crossed for him still.


    At last, after 4 days almost comatose, Casper is beginning to pick up today!! I can’t believe it and we are thrilled for the little guy. He is still in the vets being given the very best of care – thanks to all in Terenure vets, especially Mark and Adrienne – but we are so relieved that he is beginning to come around. A big thank you to all who kept their fingers crossed for him. Just keep them crossed a LITTLE longer so that he continues to improve!!!!


    :) I am joining the ‘get everything crossed’ gang for you Casper. Keep hanging on, little amounts of water, tons of love and your foster family firmly in your sights. You WILL get there.


    awww im so sorry to hear this guy is unwell but hopefully he will coem along with heaps and bounds now !!! everything crosses for you little man x


    Delighted to report that Casper is now safely home! He is in great form and was delighted to see his foster brother and sisters – the feeling was mutual!! He is still an absolute dote, just lies on the floor beside you when he is not involved in a game of tag or chasing or tug of war with the others. Thanks to all who kept him in their thoughts during the past week and we are thrilled there has been a "happy ending" for this little guy.


    i met this lovley puppy this morning such a dote he will be snaped up fast


    Imagine my foster mammy letting me slide to page 3 of Dogs in Fostercare!!! Poor old Casper was neutered today – third attempt cos he has been so sick with the gastrointestinal virus and then a bout of kennel cough. For all that, he bounced in to the vets this morning – I suppose its like a home from home for him at this stage! Picked him up an hour ago and he is doing fantastically, thank God. Managing the BIG collar quite well and SO patient with it all. He is the most lovable, affable pup in the world. He has a mad crush on Tigra and even she – stroppy madam that she is – has fallen in love with him too. So glad its all over for him, he really deserves a bit of peace and quiet in his life!! At least until he gets vaxed and microchipped . . . . . Thrilled to have him home!!!!


    :D Another little puppy dog being guided along the path towards his very own family by great people. Its heartwarming to get up-dates like this.

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