Flash – Lab x *HOMED*

Flash – Lab x *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Flash – Lab x *HOMED*

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    Name: Flash

    Reference Number: 299

    Sex: Female

    Located: Ashton Pound

    Found: Botanic Vets

    Date Out: 20th March 2010


    I saw this lovely dog out today, he is very handsome. He really did not want to go back inside the pound door, poor fella.


    Spotted Flash out today, he seemed to be a much more content and relaxed dog. Only a baby, not too bad on the lead, strong but would quickly learn. Really good with the other dogs big and small. Really handsome dog, beautiful markings, real little seal pup face!


    Brought this girl out for a walk this am, thought she was going to pull me around the field when the girl in the pound brought her out to me. But she actually walked well, sticking so close to you she nearly walks in front of you. She is strong and would enjoy plently of rough & tumble play. However, she did sit quietly under the tree (waiting for shower to pass) and just loved a good rub. So friendly, trys to wrap her paws around you.


    Flash is a lovely girlie, only a big baby really. She was delighted to get out for a walk today. She is very affectionate and does jump up a bit looking for cuddles so a house with very small children would probably not be suitable. She was whimpering a bit out in the field, she is desperatly lost and was anxious to see who was arriving in the cars. She has a beautiful face, very gentle girl.


    Saw Flash out today, What a lovely dog. Any potential dog owners looking for a beautiful dog, she will make you smile, laugh and probably wear you out a little with walks and activities, please check out the fabulous flash.


    I cant believe this lady is still in the pound! look at the face!
    We already have 2 big dogs (Pointer & GSD) and a small car, so I’m just wondering how big this girlie is? Is she typical Lab size or smaller?


    I arrived up to the pound today but it during one of torrential downpours of rain so I was unable to take this lovely girl out. I did go into her kennel and give her a cuddle. She couldn’t understand why she was not taken out for a walk, Poor girlie.


    Thats great news. Delighted Flash is getting out to foster. Best news all weekend. :D :D


    Flash is home!! :D WOW this girl is truly amazing! She has the most adorable face and the most loveable personality. Before putting her into the car this morning, I took her for a little stroll around the field. She didn’t pull on the lead and didnt rush to meet Hippy when he came to over to say hello. She was really mannerly which is brilliant. She was a little stressed in the car and kept licking the side of my face which was cute but err…not when Im trying to drive! She will get used to the car as we take the dogs everywhere with us so she will be fine after a few journeys.
    She was thrilled to meet our dogs and spent the first hour running like mad with them around the garden. I guess she just has alot of pent up energy but it is brilliant to see them getting along so well.
    We have been out in the garden most of the day and she is happy to potter about and get to know her new surroundings.
    She is very careful in the house and is aware of her size (unlike our GSD who thinks she is the same size as a JRT) she doesnt beg for food or anything like that.
    I just cant believe that this little lady ended up in the pound…its just baffeling! Anyway , Im so delighted I could take her home! She is safe and warm now and will be given the love and attention (and bath)she deserves!


    Well Flash is doing really well! She slept all through last night until about 6am this morning when she decided we had all had enough sleep and it was time to get up. She came in and proceeded to lick our faces until we gave in and got up! :lol: She is getting along really well with our two and they spent most of yesterday playing in the garden :D
    Flash hasnt had an accident in the house which is brilliant and she seems to be learning from our dogs as well.
    She is a very active dog so I think a really active family, who have experience owning big dogs would suit her the best. Ladles is right, a house with small kids will not work as she does jump up (we are working on this) and does enjoy her rough and tumble playing.
    She is a fabulous girl! She has massive potential and who ever is lucky enough to adopt her will have the best fun with her! :D :D



    Flash enjoying the garden


    Flash and Kula playing tug of war with the kong airball


    Having a little rest after lots of running around and playing!


    Ah Flash looks great. Well done Sharron!


    Thanks smellysocks! Yeah she is doing really well :D She came out of the pound a bit skinny but with good food she is slowly putting the weight back on and her coat is getting really shiny!
    Today we went to visit my Mum down in the Wickla Hills so we all pilled into my little Polo and headed off this morning. Flash was really hesitant getting into the car but was fine after a little while, she just sat and looked out the window. We going to start getting her used to getting into the car so she can see that its nothing to be scared of.
    Once we got to Mum’s Flash couldnt believe the space she had to run around! She had the time of her life jumping in and out of the ditches and smelling new and interesting smells! :lol: We then took all the dogs out for a little walk where Flash met some cows and a horse.
    Flash is truly zonked now after all of todays excitment! :lol:


    Every day is a voyage of discovery for Flash and today was no different! We all went up to Three Rock for a walk in this glorious sunshine and Flash had a great time running around and saying hello to all she met and has quite a fan club now! :lol:
    Flash is now brilliant in the car and sits quietly looking out the window. I think she knows that when she gets into the car, she always ends up some where really fun! She can now also sit on command and her recall is coming along nicely :D Im really proud of her!

    Below are some pictures from todays adventures :D




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