Fiona – Cocker Spaniel – HOMED

Fiona – Cocker Spaniel – HOMED

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    Name: Fiona (Real name Cody)

    Reference Number: 65a

    Sex: Female

    Located: Ashton Pound


    Date Out: NOW

    This poor girl is 13 years old.


    I am new to board. Pls explain what the "needs out now" really means. How long does she really have to be be rescued/fostered? I feel so sorry for such an old girl who looks heartbroken. I have three cats and a small house, but I wonder if I could help even with some contribution to save her. What are the procedures?


    Out Now means that the dog has been surrendered. It could be that Fiona belonged to some one that has sadly passed away. Legally the pound are only obliged to keep surrendered dogs for 24 hours. The danger now is that the pound is getting full and there will be no kennel spaces available, the Out Now dogs are in danger of been be pts if no offer of rescue or foster is available
    Are you in a position to foster Fiona, if your cats are dog tolerant than there is a good chance that they will get along ok. Only take on what what you are able for.


    Needs out means Fiona has been surrendered by her owners to the Pound, & doesn’t have the 5 days that strays are given in order for their owners to find them. :cry:


    Poor Fiona, can’t believe someone would put a dog of 13 into the pound, surely someone could have taken her in. I would be able to foster her for- one minor problem which Im sure we could sort out, pls could you contact me


    I met Fiona this morning. She is really lovely. She has problems with her sight but to what extent it is not clear. She looks very healthy otherwise. She has a white/red flecked coat which you can not see from the photo and really she is not that old looking except for her eyes. It is probably unlikely that a dog her age will get into foster so Fiona is probably looking for a forever or a retirement home


    Can take this little lady. Was initially looking to foster but at 13 she’s had enough turmoil. Will pm – this is my first time on board so hope its successful!


    Hi Allie, this poor ol dear is in the pound so is under their care and all adoption’s must be done at discretion of pound manager…. so if you call them on 01 8383236 or call in to fill out adoption form. It breaks my heart at this age this lil lady has to endure pound life… she needs a warm home to be loved in. GOOD LUCK and keep us posted ;) Jo


    Just phoned the pound. The lady says the owner requested she be put to sleep so she doesn’t know if Fiona’s up for adoption. I’m waiting for her to ring me back. Has anyone come across this before?


    Hi, how is she around other female dogs? Especially other cocker spaniels!


    Phoned pound again. The manager hasn’t decided yet whether Fiona can be adopted and was busy. When I rang just before five they’d all left for the evening. So frustrating! I live in Belfast and was going to take tomorrow off work to come down to get her. The pound is closed on Wednesday for St Patrick’s Day so if they decide she can be rehomed it’ll be Thur/Fri before I can get down. Is this common?


    Hi Allie, i havent come across this before but if she is not terminally ill or aggressive, and there is an offer of a home im sure the pound will have her adopted. If she has been surrendered after 24hrs the decision is legally out of the owners hands- which by the sounds of it is a good thing! :evil:
    Even if the poor ol dear is on her last legs she deserves the love of a home if the oppertunity is there for her. I really hope she is not PTS just because of the wish of her ‘owner’. Please keep me posted this is breaking my heart. :cry:


    I’m delighted and relieved to report that Fiona was REHOMED from the Pound this afternoon. Lots of love and luck in your new home. :D


    I’m delighted to report that my son and I were successful in our application to adopt the beautiful Fiona/Cody this afternoon! Many thanks to Julie for her help and advice. Cody stopped by Brayvet on her way home to Wicklow where she had all her vacs etc. Apart from being partially blind (she still has some vision), totally deaf, toothless :o and a little underweight with a nice dose of ear mites – she is in great shape!

    She really is an absolute sweetheart and her little tail is like a propellor as it never stops wagging. She has just been fed, been out for a sniff in the garden and has installed herself on the sofa. She seems to crave human touch and affection and as my son says "She just wants to be near us". No problems with our other two doggies and I don’t think she can see the cats so no problems there either :D

    Might take me a while to upload photos but I will as soon as she settles in and has a nice bath (and I figure out the photobucket maze).

    Many thanks to DID (especially Kathy) – without you we would never have known this little gem was in Ashton. We promise to ensure she has a wonderful "retirement"!

    Lorraine, Marcel, Luke, Angel & Johnny Hobo


    great news :D …I just adopted an old dear, Fairy, from the pound too. She has clouded eyes, wasted muscles on her back legs (though not stopping her keeping up with us), and a weak heart none of which matters to her or me….I only have her a week and already it’s like she was always here…she is great fun…she is no trouble at all..and is still full of beans despite her health won’t regret it….congratulations :D

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