Eoin – yorkie x puppy – RESERVED

Eoin – yorkie x puppy – RESERVED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Eoin – yorkie x puppy – RESERVED

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    This poor little angel is only 8wks old and has just been found dumped outside the pound in a box :evil: :evil: He is very underweight and covered in mange :o :o Thanks to Julie who is taking him into foster where he will get all the care he needs :)



    would gladly take him if he’s not been sorted ..


    Poor little fella.
    Some people :evil: :evil:
    Hope all goes well for him, please keep us posted.


    :cry: Not even in double figures of age, poor little soul. You do have to wonder what sort of trash treated (ill-treated) this little soul. I suppose they have to get a very grudging and microscopic bit of ‘praise’ for dumping the pup at the pound. At least Eoin now has a fraction of a chance of a decent life if he avoids all the infections that sweep through pounds and gains the strangth to fight of what he may already have. I will keep you and the little JRT pup in my thoughts. The only reason I didn’t fill in a blog for her was my attempt not to feel attached – too late! Wish I had the room and the time.


    Oh my God, the poor little guy. It’s so sad to see such a vulnerable little pup being neglected so. I have huge experience with Yorkies, so any help needed (or even a forever home!!) please keep me in mind. I’m still awaiting my home visit, but I can assure you this little guy would be spoiled rotten in my house!!!!

    Feel better soon Eoin…looking forward to hearing how you’re doing!!


    poor little mite :( he,s sooooooo cute. get well soon puppy xxx


    How could such a young dog be so badly treated. I’m would love to adopt him as he is and make sure he gets all the care he deserves and needs to bring him back to full health.(home visit completed). Paul


    well this little fella was at the vets yesterday and the poor fella has a list as long as my arm wrong with him,he has mange,skin infection,ear mights,very bad nails and full of worms.he was very good last night not a peep out of him,loves his food(is chewing on a pig ear at the moment and he isnt much bigger).he is a full yorkie and i think when he is better he will be snapped up.he has had his first treatment and will feel alot better in a few days.will update soon and put up photos



    :( I can’t wait to see this little puppy dog start to flourish into a ‘normal’ puppy, he must feel rubbish at the moment. He is ‘in the circle of care’ and I hope he will start to feel better soon, a long road in front of him but we are on that road with him. Get well, get well, get well.


    Oh what a sorry sight this poor lil boy is :cry: I just wana kiss him all over to make it better. Thankfully he is safe now and can start to learn that life aint that bad…. can wait to see him fill out and start playin like a wee pup should.



    :D 100% cute, he will be ‘drop dead gorgeous’ when he gets well. I bet there will be hundreds of people hoping to adopt him.


    well this little guy is getting on great,his hair is growing back the worms are sorted and the skin infection is nearly gone.he is a very cheeky little fella and lets you know when he wants attention.if he keeps going the way he is now it wont be long before he can be rehomed.will update again in a few days

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